词条 | 三足乌鸦 |
释义 | 上古时期,天上有十个太阳。当他们同时出现在天空时,大地就遭到炙烤。人们实在无法生存下去了,就请来一位叫后羿的神射手,用神箭射下来九个。霎时间,黑色的羽毛满天飞舞,从天上掉下来九只乌鸦。不同的是,九只乌鸦都长着三条腿脚。原来,光芒四射的太阳只是三足乌鸦的化身。 三足乌鸦又名金乌,据说吸收了太阳的光芒,因此有着巨大的能量,当时天神争权,火神打算借助金乌毁灭太阳神,但最终失败。 In ancient time,there were ten suns in the sky. When they rised at the same time,the land would be roasted. People could not endure them any more. So people invited a archery whose name is Houyi to shoot nine of them with super natural arrowes. Immediately, a lot of black feathers fell down all over and nine crows fell down from sky. But it was different that every of the nine crows had three legs.Origina lly,the radiant sun is the embodiment of three -legged crow. 传说,上古洪荒时期,盘古开天陨落,左眼化为太阳,几个元会后,太阳孕育出了三只三足金乌,分别是帝俊,羲和和东皇太一。他们在不周山之上建立了妖族的领地------天庭。天帝帝俊和羲和结合生了十只金乌,后由于十只学艺不精的小金乌飞向人间玩耍,自身携带的太阳精火没有收敛而造成人间灾难,被巫族大巫后羿射死九只,传说,剩下的那只金乌一直呆在太阳上,兢兢业业的驾驶这太阳东升西落。 |
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