

词条 阮秀禄

美国疼痛学专家 阮秀禄(Xiulu Ruan)医生简介: 生于济南,1982 年就读于山东医科大学医学系(英语班),88 年毕业. 1989年赴美深造,接受了临床医生正规的训练,包括实习医生(internship),住院医生(residency),研究生专科培训(Fellowship),先后考试通过了七项专业特考文凭考试,是美国医学界持有最多特考文凭的医生。

学无止境,是阮秀禄医生的座右铭. 基于对病人的高度责任感及对技术精益求精的工作作风, 阮医生刻苦学习,努力钻研, 以惊人的毅力,通过了艰辛的考试,共拿下了7项专业/亚专业特考文凭(Board/Subspecialty Board Certifications),创造了迄今为止美国医学界医生专科特考文凭之最,激励着海外医学学子为实现自己的梦想而奋斗。




1. 美国痛症医学专业特考文凭(Diplomate, American Board of Pain Medicine);

2. 美国康复医学专业特考文凭(Diplomate, American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) ;

3.美国电生理诊断医学专业特考文凭(Diplomate, American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine);

4. 美国疼痛介入治疗专业特考文凭(Diplomate, American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians);

5. 美国成瘾医学专业特考文凭 (Diplomate, American Board of Addiction Medicine);

6. 美国康复医学及麻醉科联合认可的痛症亚专业特考文凭(Diplomate, Subspecialty Board Certification of

Pain Medicine, American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation And American Board of Anesthesiology);

7. 美国康复医学和神经科及精神科联合认可的神经肌肉亚专业特考文凭 (Diplomate, Subspecialty Board Certification of Neuromuscular Medicine, American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation And American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology )。

2006年, 阮医生参加了由世界镇痛学院 (World Institute of Pain)举办的由来自世界个地的著名镇痛医生参考的综合资格考试(笔试和操作).阮医生以优异成绩考过此试, 从而获得世界镇痛学院授予的介入镇痛院士称号(Fellow, Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP), World Institute of Pain).

2007年, 阮医生被聘为美国医学杂志中颇有份量的《疼痛医生》的编委(Pain Physician, 影响系数(Impact Factor): 7.79).

2010年, 阮医生创办了非赢利性“国际疼痛与康复学院”(International Institute of Pain & Rehabilitation),不仅为专科医生提供一个相互学习共同提高的平台,还为广大患者及家属进行科普宣传教育,排忧解难,同时向社会各界募捐,支持与促进戒毒与成瘾学方面的科研工作。

2011年, 阮医生被当选为美国介入治疗医生学会(American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians)的主任委员(Director at large),该学会注册医生会员近五千人,阮秀禄医生是该职位首位华裔医生。

2012年初,阮医生被美国《疼痛与缓解》(Journal of Pain & Relief ) 杂志聘为首席主任总编(Editor-in-Chief,被美国戒毒医学会任命为阿拉巴马州戒毒医学会副会长。


阮医生善于全面分析病情,经必要的特殊检查,做出准确诊断,为病人量身制定治疗方案,特别是利用先进介入治疗的手段,诊治各种复杂,顽固疼痛病症,例如颈,胸,腰椎间盘性疼痛,椎管狭窄,颈腰手术失败症,关节痛,神经炎痛,中晚期肿瘤痛,肢体痛,脏器痛,肌肉痛,等等. 美国阿拉巴马州疼痛医学专家中心有新型开放式核磁共振(open MRI),3台C-形臂萤光机(C-arm Fluoroscope)配备治疗室,化验室、电生理肌电图测试仪,西药房,以方便病人。


阮秀禄出生于医学世家,外祖父赵登春1928年毕业于山东齐鲁医科大学,父亲阮景纯是我国著名心血管病专家,母亲赵爱珍是山东护理界有名望的护理专家。受家庭的熏陶,自幼立志成为一名优秀医生。在山东实验中学毕业后,于1982年考入山东医科大学医疗系英语班(学制六年),1988年毕业后,在山东省医科院从事科研工作。于1989年至1993年就读于美国路易斯安那州立大学获自然科学硕士学位。1998年至99年,在美国麻省伍斯特医学中心任实习医生,1999年至2002年在美国威斯康星医学院理疗与康复科任住院医生。2002年至2003年,在美国密执根大学 (Ann Arbor)麻醉科介入治疗疼痛中心主修最先进的介入镇痛医学.


Anti-inflammatory Properties of Cytochrome P450 Epoxygenase-Derived Eicosanoids

K. Node, Y.Huo, X. Ruan, B. Yang, M. Spiecker, K. Ley, D.C. Zeldin, J.K. Liao;

Science; Vol. 285, Aug. 20, 1999 pp.1276-1279

Drug-related Side Effects of Long-Term Intrathecal Morphine Therapy: A Focused Review

X. Ruan, MD

Pain Physician; Vol. 10, No. 2, March 2007; pp. 357-366

Priapism----A Rare Complication Following Continuous Epidural Morphine and Bupivacaine Infusion

X. Ruan, MD, J.P. Couch, MD, R. Shah, MD, H. Liu, MS, F. Wang, MD, S. Chiravuri, MD

Pain Physician; Vol. 10, Nov. 5, September 2007; pp. 707-711

Acute Pain Management in Patient on Intrathecal Opioid Infusion for Chronic Pain

X. Ruan, MD

Pain Physician; Vol. 10, No. 6, November 2007; pp.780-781

Case Report: Persistent Hiccup Associated With Intrathecal Morphine Infusion Pump Therapy

X. Ruan, MD, J.P. Couch, MD, R. Shah, MD, F. Wang, MD and H.Liu, MS

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; December 2007,86(12):1019-1022

Severe Peripheral Edema During Continuous Epidural Morphine Infusion Trial in a Opioid Tolerant Patient with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Xiulu Ruan, MD, Riaz Tadia, MD, J. Patrick Couch, MD, & Srinivas Chiravuri, MD

Pain Physician; Vol. 11, No. 3, May/June 2008 pp 363-67

Edema Caused by Continuous Epidural Hydromorphone Infusion: A Case Report And the Review of the Literature

X. Ruan, MD, R.Tadia, MD, H. Liu, MS, J.P.Couch, MD and J.K. Lee, MD, PhD

Journal of Opioid Management; Vol. 4, No. 4, July/August 2008 pp 255-59

A Paradoxical, Novel Approach: Combining Minute Naloxone with Morphine

Intrathecal Infusion

X. Ruan, MD

Journal of Opioid Management;Vol. 4, No. 5, September/October 2008 pp 267

Recurrent Cellulitis Associated with long-term Intrathecal opioid Infusion Therapy—Case Report

X. Ruan, MD, H. Liu, MS, J.P. Couch, MD, F. Wang, MD and S. Chiravuri, MD

Pain Medicine 2010 Jun;11(6):972-76

Respiratory Failure-----Following Delayed Intrathecal Morphine Pump Refill, A Valuable, but Costly Lesson

X. Ruan, MD, J.P. Couch, MD, R. Shah, MD, H. Liu, MS, F. Wang, MD and S. Chiravuri, MD

Pain Physician2010 Jul;13(4):337-41

Acute Opioid Withdrawal Following Consumption of Crushed Embeda (Morphine Extended-Release with Sequestered Naltrexone )--Case report and the focused Review of the literature.

X. Ruan, T. Chen, MD, Ph.D, J.P. Couch, MD, and S. Chiravuri, MD

Journal of Opioid Management 2010 Jul-Aug;6(4):300-303

Truly a critical review: root cause analysis of paraplegia following transforaminal Epidural steroid injections: "unsafe" triangle

X. Ruan & S. Chiravuri

Pain Physician2011 Jan.;14(1):E82-3

Methylnaltrexone: Treatment for opioid-induced constipation: not convinced yet.

H. Liu & X. Ruan

American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care2011 March 30


Urine drug testing in chronic pain.

PJ. Christo, L. Manchikanti, X. Ruan, M. Bottros, H. Hansen, DR. Solanki, AE. Jordan, J. Colson

Pain Physician. 2011 Mar-Apr:14(2):123-43

Editorial: Sustained-release morphine sulfate with sequestered naltrexone for moderate to severe pain: a novel opioid analgesic formulation & beyond

X. Ruan

Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2011 May;12(7):999-1001Epub 2011Apr 7

Current concepts in the management of opioid-induced constipation: A perfect

review with an imperfect concept.

X. Ruan

Journal of Opioid Management 2011 May/June Vol. 7, No. 3 pp 167

Unique low-dose intrathecal opioid trial, still in need of a feasibility check.

X. Ruan & J.P. Couch,

Pain Physician. 2001 Sept-Oct.;14(5):E462-3


1.美国疼痛介入治疗医生协会 The American Society of Interventional Pain Physician (ASIPP)

2.美国疼痛医学会 American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM)

3.美国疼痛协会 American Pain Society (APS)

4. 美国康复医学会 American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (AAPMR)

5.美国神经肌电诊断医学会 American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM)

6.美国成瘾医学会 American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

7.阿拉巴马州医学会 Medical Association of the State of Alabama (MASA)

8.莫比尔医学会 Medical Society of Mobile County (MSMC)

9.国际疼痛与康复协会 International Institute of Pain & Rehabilitation





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