


X Factor (电视节目)

X Factor 是一个发源自英国的电视选秀节目,,原本是设计为Pop Idol这个节目的替代品。它是一个唱歌比赛 , 目前在多个国家举办,把选手们分组彼此对抗。 这些选手是由公开海选选出的渴望成名的流行歌手。这个节目由监制Simon Cowell与他的公司Syco Tv 制作。"X Factor" 这个标题指的是无法定义的构成明星气质的“东西”。除开宣传时的(应该是指冠军的)之外,作为奖品的唱片合约都在节目最后阶段自动产生,不仅冠军能够获得且其他高排位选手也能获得。


该比赛不仅注重外表,个性,舞台表现和舞蹈动作也是衡量现场秀的重要因素。该节目最主要的是挖掘选手的演唱天赋,有些情况下选手可以运用自己的乐器,由于现场基本是由观众投票决定选手去留,所以次日的结果秀往往都让人大感意外。所以最重要的一个事情就是评委们挑选的选手必须是能够吸引众多歌迷的为其投票为其疯狂大众市场。比赛组别通常分为三类:独唱歌手16-28岁,28岁及以上组。X Factor 《未知元素》有四个阶段的比赛:第一阶段:海选 第二阶段:训练营(成功晋级的要经过进一步的选拔程序)第三阶段:评委之家(进入决赛的选择)第四阶段:现场秀/结果秀(决赛)


04年冠军 Steve Brookstein

05年冠军 Shayne Ward

Shayne Ward可谓是流行音乐的一个奇迹,在决赛当天以超过1000万张的投票数赢得了2005年“X Factor”的冠军。ITV电视台趁热打铁,第一时间推出了他的冠军单曲CD《That’s My Goal》,仅仅上架4天就登上了单曲冠军宝座,并进入了吉尼斯世界纪录,成为有史以来一天之内最多下载次数的歌曲。

06年冠军 Leona Lewis

Leona Lewis是目前选秀出来发展最好的歌手,在2006年“X Factor”比赛中,她一路过五关斩六将进入决赛,最终夺得冠军,同时赢得一百万镑的录音合约。06年底她的冠军单曲《A Moment Like This》以网络下载的形式发行,立刻在30分钟内被下载超过50,000次!这个数字打破了当时的世界纪录。现在的她已经是一位拥有多白金销量,身价过亿的歌手,获得过3个格莱美奖提名,1个金球奖提名。

07年冠军Leon Jackson

与大多数流行歌手相比,Leon Jackson的优势就在他的嗓音和唱功上面,这也是他在大赛中能够脱颖而出最重要的一点。首支单曲翻唱两大天后Mariah Carey和Whitney Houston 的经典曲目《When You Believe》,该单曲一上榜便获得本周UK单曲榜的冠军宝座。

08年冠军Alexandra Burke

早在2005年Alexandra就参加了“X Factor”的选秀,但当时由于年龄小未进入决赛。在2008年她再次参赛,并一举夺得冠军!她是继Leona Lewis后,第二名女性冠军,比赛后她收到Beyonce英国巡演的邀请。随后,她的首单《Hallelujah》在UK Singles Chart上打败了Leona Lewis登上榜首,并且打破了《A Moment Like This》的单日82,000次的记录,短短一日就卖到105,000张。《Hallelujah》第一周销量超过47万,创下当时英国女歌手历史最高!

09年冠军Joe McElderry

来自北英格兰的Joe McElderry以其清纯的嗓音和腼腆温和的性格赢得数以百万计英国电视观众的青睐,在决赛前,已经成为最被看好的赢家。在决赛中,他与Olly Murs分别演唱《The Climb》,竞争最后的选秀桂冠和百万英镑的唱片合同,最终,18岁的Joe赢得了将近三分之二的票数,成为第6届“X Factor”冠军。今年上映的《纳尼亚传奇3:黎明踏浪号》主题曲《Someone Wake Me Up》就是由他演唱。

10年冠军Matt Cardle

最新一届的冠军是来自英国28岁的粉刷匠Matt Cardle,直到参赛前,他还和父母住在一起,单调乏味的生活迫使Matt放弃了的自己的工作,去为自己寻找更大的舞台。在2010年秋天他登上“X Factor”舞台,以纯净的嗓音征服了在场的观众和评委,虽然台风有些拘谨,身体蜷缩,眼睛总是闭着,不停的在一个地方打转,但是这些都不影响观众和评委对他的才华的赞赏,最终获得了第七季冠军。

11年冠军Melanie Amaro

来自佛罗里达的天才女歌手梅拉尼·阿莫洛(melanie amaro),美国版《TheXFactor》总冠军。演唱了beyonce的名曲《Listen》,技惊四座。全场观众纷纷喝彩,现场四位评委最后都起立鼓掌。Melanie参与了2011年的第一届《美版 X音素》,由Simon Cowell,Paula Abdul,Nicole Scherzinger和L.A. Reid担任评委。海选上,她演唱了Beyoncé Knowles原唱的歌曲“Listen”,进而成为了32强。在评委Simon Cowell之家,她演唱了Michael Jackson原唱的歌曲“Will You Be There"。起初,Melanie没有成为16强,因为她被淘汰出了女生组。然而,Simon竟然去到她在佛罗里达的家里,邀请她重返比赛。

Variations in the format

There are two special pan-regional versions of The X Factor. These follow the normal The X Factor format with the exception that contestants come from different countries in the region where it airs:

Arabia: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria and Tunisia.

United Kingdom: Ireland and United Kingdom

In the fourth UK series the age limit was lowered from 16 to 14, creating a 14–24 age group. This was split into separate male and female sections, making four categories in all: 14–24 males ("boys"), 14–24 females ("girls"), 25-and-overs, and groups.

The X Factor:Battle of the Stars is a celebrity special edition of The X Factor in the UK and Colombia.

The X Factor serie

Region/country Local title Network Series and winners Judges Main presenters

Arabia The X Factor, XSeer Al Najah

Rotana Tv Series 1, 2006


Micheal Alfteriades


Australia The X Factor Network Ten Series 1, 2005: Random

Mark Holden

Kate Ceberano

John Reid

Daniel MacPherson

Belgium X Factor

VTM Series 1, 2005: Udo Mechels

Jean Blaute

Kris Wauters

Liliane Saint-Pierre

Koen Wauters

Colombia El Factor X

RCN TV Series 1, 2005: Julio César Meza

Series 2, 2006: Francisco Villareal


Juan Carlos Coronel

José Gaviria

Andrea Serna

The X Factor: Battle of the Stars

Series 1, 2006:Luz Amparo Alvarez

The XS Factor

Series 1, 2006:Andres

Series 2, 2007:Camilo


José Gaviria

Juan Carlos Coronel (Series 1)

Wilfrido Vargas (Series 2)

Czech Republic X Factor TV Nova Series 1, 2008: Upcoming series

Gábina Osvaldová

Ond?ej Soukup

Petr Janda Leo? Mare?

Denmark X-Factor DR 1 Series 1, 2008:


Lina Rafn

Thomas Blachman

Lise Rønne

Finland X Factor Series 1, 2008: Upcoming series

Iceland The X Factor

Series 1, 2006: Jógvan Hansen

Einar Bárðarson

Elínborg Halldórsdóttir

Páll Óskar Hjálmtýsson

Halla Vilhjálmsdóttir

Italy X Factor


Rai Due

Series 1, 2008

Mara Maionchi

Morgan (Marco Castoldi)

Simona Ventura

Francesco Facchinetti

Kazakhstan The X Factor

Series 1, 2006

Morocco Le Facteur X


Series 1, 2006

Studio 2M

Series 1, 2007

Netherlands X Factor


Series 1, 2006: Sharon Kips

Marianne van Wijnkoop

Henk Temming

Henkjan Smits

Wendy van Dijk

Portugal Series 1, 2008: Upcoming series

Russia Секрет Успеха

Russia TV Channel

Series 1, 2005: Vladimir Sapovskiy

Valeriy Meladze

Katerina Von Gechmen-Valdek

Aleksandr Revzin

Aleksey Chumakov

Elena Vorobey

Spain Factor X


Seires 1, 2007: María Villalón

Miqui Puig

Eva Perales

Jorge Flo

Nuria Roca

United Kingdom The X Factor




TV3 (Ireland)

Series 1, 2004: Steve Brookstein

Series 2, 2005: Shayne Ward

Series 3, 2006: Leona Lewis

Series 4, 2007: Leon Jackson

Simon Cowell

(Series 1 – present)

Sharon Osbourne

(Series 1 – present)

Louis Walsh

(Series 1 – present)

Dannii Minogue

(Series 4 – present)

Paula Abdul

(Series 3 at audition stages)

Brian Friedman

(Series 4 at audition stages)

Kate Thornton

(Series 1 – 3)

Dermot O'Leary

(Series 4 – present)

The X Factor: Battle of the Stars

Series 1, 2006: Lucy Benjamin

Simon Cowell

Sharon Osbourne

Louis Walsh

Kate Thornton

In 2011, a United States version of The X Factor is produced by Simon Cowell. and the winner's prize is up to 5 million.

Dispute over rights to format

Simon Fuller, the creator of Pop Idol, claimed that the format of The X Factor was copied from his own show, and, through his company 19 TV, filed a lawsuit against The X Factor producers FremantleMedia, Simon Cowell and Cowell's companies Simco and Syco.[2] A High Court hearing began in London, England in November 2005, and the outcome was awaited with interest by media lawyers for its potential effect on the legal situation regarding the copyrighting of formats. However, in the event the hearing was quickly adjourned and an out-of-court settlement was reached at the end of the month.

Euro X Factor

It was revealed by the Daily Mirror newspaper on 9 December 2006 that Simon Cowell has intentions of launching a "Euro X Factor" within two years.[4] The show, if launched, would feature European countries staging their own X Factor contests, with a winner announced for each. The individual winners would then take part in the "Euro X Factor". The concept is similar to that of World Idol and the Eurovision Song Contest; however, unlike these shows "Euro X Factor" would progress over a number of weeks, with one act eliminated each week, until an eventual international winner is found. It is anticipated that such a show could attract over 100 million viewers per episode, which would make it the world's biggest talent competition.


The Danish version of The X Factor has been criticized by Danish music-contract expert and consultant for The Danish Musicians' Association (Dansk Musiker Forbund) Mikael Højris.

According to Højris, the contracts for participation in the show are unfair towards the participants and equate almost to serfdom to DR1 (the channel airing the show), citing amongst other things that clauses in the contracts forbid the participants - whether they pass the first round or not - from performing or participating in any musical event for three months. He also criticises that participants are obligated to travel, for their own money, to any location that programme requires them to be present at, and that participants are not paid during their participation with the show, even if participating prevents them from attending a regular day job.


1. ^ "Dannii Minogue 2007 interview", YouTube RELEVANT SECTION FROM 3:08, 16 August 2007. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.

2. ^ "X Factor copyright case adjourned", BBC News, retrieved 15 May 2007

3. ^ "X Factor copyright case settled", BBC News, retrieved 15 May 2007

4. ^ "EURO FACTOR EXCLUSIVE", The Mirror, 9 December 2006.

5. ^ , 'Berlingske Tidende', 18th of December 2007

External link

The X Factor at

The X Factor Official MySpace page

X Factor Official site of X Factor Denmark at DR

The X Factor at

The X Factor - Show News & Gossip at thexf

The X Factor at Unreality TV

The X Factor Gifts Official Gift Shop

The Official site of The X Factor - Italy Official site of X Factor Italy





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