词条 | 青羽设计事务所 |
释义 | 简介 青羽空间设计是新锐室内设计事务所和专业的室内设计公司提供全方位室内设计包括:别墅设计、商业设计、会所设计、办公场所设计、店面设计、如安装设计。 我们为高品质的空间提供有效的室内空间设计服务。 青羽空间设计成立于2008年,定位为“室内设计师事务所”,成为优秀室内设计师共同工作的设计平台,通过信息互动带动设计观念的不断进步,使团队保持先进的、国际化的视野与设计活力。 我们是一个集室内装修设计、环境艺术设计、灯光设计、软装配饰设计等为一体的综合性专业设计公司。从前期洽谈到设计定位,从空间设计理念到空间划分利用。从色彩搭配到后期配饰等方面强调创新,力求打造完美空间。 青羽空间设计注重设计作品的内涵,风格是多元的,但都是“品味”的;形式是多样的,但都是“品质”的。我们追求这样的成熟。 我们是设计师,我们设计生活,也被生活设计! Founded in 2008, qy sets its position as an Interior Design Agency, turn out to be the cooperation platform of excellent interior designers. We keep up the pace with international design trend by keep updating the latest concept and frontier horizon.QY is a professional design company, which integrates interior design, environmental art design, lighting design, soft adornment design etc. From learning customers’ taste to settle on final candidate as well as from collocation of colors to accessories, we are making your space a perfect environment. QY puts emphasis on inside of its works, various on styles while holding value of taste; different in formats while ensuring of its quality. This is the maturity we pursuit of. We are designers, designing life and being designed by absorbing new elements from life. |
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