

词条 秦永超

秦永超(1952.12—)理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,湖北省化学化工学会分析专业委员会秘书长,《分析试验室》杂志编委,美国Seton Holl大学访问学者。









学科专业: 化学、分析化学

研究方向: ①等离子体光谱/质谱分析及联用技术②环境和生物体系中元素形态分析



① 本科生基础课《无机及分析化学》

② 本科生《应用化学》


④ 本科生《仪器分析实验》


1 高效液相色谱与光谱联用技术,国家教委留学回国人员基金,1998.3-1999.3,主持;

2 中草药中有效成份的提取分离和鉴定,湖北省自然科学基金,1999.1-2000.12,主持;

3. 湖北省自然科学基金:固体材料的辉光放电等离子体光谱表面分析新技术研究,1994.06—1996.05,主要参加者;

4 国家自然科学基金:卤化电热蒸发—等离子体原子光谱分析新技术研究, 1994.01—1996.12,主要参加者;

5 国家教委博士点基金:电热蒸发等离子体光谱直接分析生物固体试样研究,1994.01—1996.12,主要参加者;

6. 湖北省自然科学基金:流动注射微柱富集--等离子体光谱及在环境分析应用研究,1995.07—1997.06, 主要参加者;

7. 国家教委博士点基金:电热蒸发等离子体光谱直接分析高纯和难熔材料研究,1997.01—1999.12,主要参加者;

8. 国家自然科学基金:高纯和难熔材料电热蒸发等离子体光谱分析新技术研究,1999.01—2001.12,主要参加者;

9. 武汉市科委国际合作项目:汽车尾气中环境污染物的新型监测技术应用与开发研究,2000.07—2002.06,主要参加者;

10. 湖北省科委重点项目:高纯纳米Al2O3的软化学合成,2000.01—2002.12,主要参加者;

11. 国家自然科学基金:微量、超高灵敏电热蒸发等离子体质谱联用新技术研究,2002.01—2004.12,主要参加者;

12. 微滴萃取高效液相色谱等离子体质谱联用及人体液中硒,教育部, 2003-2004, ,主要参加者;

13 无机及分析化学教学改革项目,武汉大学, 2002, 主要参加者;

14 国家自然科学基金,微滴萃取与毛细管电泳等离子体质谱联用技术检测人体液中元素形态及疾病早期诊断, 2004.1-2006.12, 主要参加者;

近几年发表的代表性学术论文 :

1 Yiping Hang, Yongchao Qin * , Zucheng Jiang and Bin Hu. Direct analysis of trace rare earth elements by fluorination assisted ETV- ICP - AES with slurry sampling through nano-sized TiO 2 separation/preconc- entration. Analiticeal Sciences 2002, 18(7), 843-846.

2 Pei Liang, Yongchao Qin , Bin Hu, Tianyou Peng, Zucheng Jiang.Nanometer-size titanium dioxide microcolumn on-line preconcentration of trace metals and their determination by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry in water. Analytica chimica acta, 2001, 400, 207-213.

3 Pei Liang, Bin Hu, Zucheng, Jiang, Yongchao Qin and Tianyou Peng Nanometer-sized titanium dioxide micro-column on-line preconcentration of La, Y, Yb, Eu, Dy and their determination by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2001, 16, 863-866.

4 Shuai Qin, Zucheng Jiang, Bin Hu, Yongchao Qin * , Shenghong Hu HPLC combined with ICP-MS for determination of trace amounts of rare earth impurities in high purity La 2 O 3 by using 2-ethylhexy1 hydrogen-2- ethylhexylphosphonate resin as stationary phase. Fresenius" J. Anal. Chem., 2000, 367,250-253.

5 Shuai Qin, Yongchao Qin , Hongchun Xiong, Bin Hu, Zucheng Jiang. Determination of rare earth impurities in high purity La 2 O 3 using electrothermal vaporization/ICP-AES after HPLC separation. Anal. Sci., 2000, 16(9), 957-961.

6 Shuai Qin, Bin Hu, Yongchao Qin , Wanjau Ruth, Zucheng Jiang. Determination of trace rare earth impurities in high purity cerium oxide by using electrothermal vaporization ICP-AES after HPLC separation with 2-ethylhexy1 hydrogen-2-ethylhexyl- phosphonate resin as stationary phase. J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2000, 15, 1413-1416.

7 Liang Pei, Yongchao Qin , Bin Hu, Chunxiang Li, Tianyou Peng, Zucheng Jiang.Study of the adsorption behavior of heavy metal ions on nanometer-size titanium dioxide with ICP-AES. Fresenius" J. Anal. Chem., 2000, 368(6), 638-640.

8、Bin Hu, Zucheng Jiang, Tianyou Peng, Yongchao Qin . The application of chemical modification in ETV-ICP-AES. Talanta, 1999, 49,357.

9 Tianyou Peng, Zucheng Jiang, Yongchao Qin .Slurry sampling of silicon nitride powder combined with fluorination assisted electrothermal vaporization for direct determination of titanium by ICP-AES. J. Anal. At Spectrom, 1999, 14, 1049.

10 帅琴, 秦永超 ,江祖成,李凤,廖振环. Application to the determination of ecdysterone by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with flow injection micro-column preseparation. 高等学校化学学报,1999,20(5),55.

11、杭义萍, 秦永超 * ,胡斌,江祖成 Sci.纳米TiO 2 材料分离富集悬浮体进样ETV-ICP-AES直接分析痕量稀土元素, 高等学校化学学报,2003,24(11),1980.

12 Qin Yong Chao * , Yi Ping Hang,Bin hu, zucheng Jiang Adsorption Behavior of noble metal Ions (Au, Ag, Pd) on nanometer-size Titanium Dioxide with ICP-AES. Analytical Sciences, 2003, 19, 1353.

13 Yi Ping Hang, Qin Yong Chao * Shen jin Separation and microcolumn preconcentration of traces of rare earth elements on nanoscale TiO 2 and their determination in geological samples by ICP-AES , Journal of separation science, 2003,26(9), 957.

14李春香、 秦永超 * 、梁沛、胡斌、江祖成用等离子体原子发射光谱法研究纳米二氧化钛对钨酸根离子的吸附行为,分析化学, 2001,29(12),1419-1422.

15李春香、 秦永超 、梁沛、胡斌、彭天右、江祖成纳米TiO 2 分离富集和ICP-AES测定地质样品中的钼和钨,分析科学学报,2002,18(3),186-189.

16 Wanjau Ruth Jiang Zu-Cheng HuBin Qin Yongchao . Simultaneous determination of trace rare earth elements and other elements in high purity Terbium Oxide (Tb 4 O 7 )by ICP-AES after HPIC separation using P507 resin, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 2002, 7(2),212-216

17 Ruth Wanjau, Jiang Zu-Cheng ,Hu Bin, Qin Yongchao .Determination of non-rare earth impurities in high purity lanthanum oxide by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry after HPLC separation using P507 resin. Journal of rare earths, 2001, 19(4), 329-303

18 彭天右,江祖成,胡斌, 秦永超 ,廖振环.等离子体原子发射光谱/质谱在新型陶瓷材料分析中的应用. 分析科学学报,2000,16(1),69-75.

19 梁沛,李春香, 秦永超 ,胡斌,江祖成.纳米二氧化钛分离富集和ICP-AES测定水样中的Cr(VI)和Cr(III). 分析科学学报,2000,16(4),300-303.

20 李凤,谬振环,丁健华, 秦永超 ,帅琴,江祖成.中草药中多种微量元素的ICP-AES同时测定研究. 光谱学与光谱分析,2000,20(1),58

21 Shai Qin, Yongchao Qin * , Jiang Zucheng, Feng Li, Zhenhuan Liao. Study on the flow iniection micro-column be-seharation system coupled with HPLC for the determination of ecdysterone in traditional Chinese medicine. Wuhan university J. of natural sciences. 2000, 5(1), 83-88.

22梁沛, 秦永超 * ,江祖成,熊朝梅 . 反相高效液相色谱法同时测定四种氟喹喏酮类药物. 分析实验室,2000,19(3). 23、高效液相色谱法测定中成药金水清β-蜕皮甾酮研究. 分析科学学报,1999,15(4),293

24廖振环,李凤,陈世忠, 秦永超 ,帅琴,江祖成.FI-ICP-AES标准加入法的研究及其应用. 武汉大学学报(自然科学版),1999,45(6),825

25 梁沛、江祖成、胡斌、 秦永超 。、纳米二氧化钛材料对稀土络合物吸附性能的研究,中国稀土学报,2002,20(4),311-314

26 杭义萍, 秦永超 * ,金芸,罗其荣 硼氢化钾还原原子荧光光谱法研究纳米二氧化钛对汞的吸附行为,分析实验室, 2003, 22(6),72





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