词条 | windows live |
释义 | Windows Live是一种web服务平台,由微软的服务器通过互联网向用户的电脑等终端提供各种应用服务。提供内容包括个人网站设置、电子邮件、VoIP、即时消息、检索等与互联网有关的多种应用服务。Microsoft Office Live是面向中小企业的服务群,主要提供商务应用。所有服务均通过在服务中加载广告,向用户免费提供。微软可通过其运营的在线广告网站“MSN adCenter”,获得广告收入。同时还准备了收费的会员制服务。 Microsoft Live介绍(Find and Discover Information Enhance and Deepen Relationship Explore and Find New Interest Protection and Performance Microsoft Office Live Xbox Live) Windows Live是什么?对于下一代web服务,Google和雅虎等以检索引擎为中心,现已着手扩充服务内容。微软准备将上述在线服务定位于抗衡Google等竞争对手的核心地位。在此次发布会上,微软董事长兼首席软件设计师比尔·盖茨和2005年4月就任微软首席技术官的雷·奥兹(Ray Ozzie)都登台发表了讲话,这是较长一段时间以来微软一次比较重大的记者发布会。 微软将Windows Live和Microsoft Office Live统称为Microsoft Live Platform。作为Microsoft Live Platform,将综合运用AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML),P2P技术和客户端软件,由微软运营的服务器通过互联网向用户的电脑和手机提供服务。在发布会上,该公司表示可利用即日起开始提供测试版的“Live.com”网站,由用户根据自己的爱好进行网站设置。在网站中,即可保存微软新型检索引擎“Windows Live Search”的检索结果,也可设置浏览RSS提供的信息和写真集的位置。其他服务还包括基于P2P功能的可共享照片和其他文件的“Windows Live Messenger”即时消息服务,提供电脑状态的远程监视及文件备份等服务的“Windows OneCare Live”。微软没有公布Live Platform各种服务由测试版过渡至标准版的时间。这种经营手法类似Google公司在它的在线服务产品化中所采用的方式。 Microsoft Live介绍种种迹象表明微软正在用他们的智慧创造一个新的时代,构建新的帝国. MicrosoftS Live的服务: Find and Discover Information(个人信息获取) - Windows Live(个性化信息门户) - Windows Live Search(个性化搜索) Enhance and Deepen Relationship(个人信息管理) - Windows Live Mail(邮件) - Windows Live Messenger(即时通讯) - Windows Live Favorites(在线书签) - Windows Live for mobile devices(Live服务的移动设备支持) Explore and Find New Interest(社会化网络) - Social Networking(社交网络) - Windows Live Spaces(Blog) Protection and Performance(安全与维护) - Windows Live Safety Center(在线安全中心) - Windows OneCare Live(在线系统维护) - Integrated protection(Live服务的安全防护) Microsoft Office Live(中小企业在线发布及管理系统) - Microsoft Office Live Basics(类似于企业Blog) - Microsoft Office Live Essentials(增加企业邮局以及文档、客户、项目管理等功能) - Microsoft Office Live Collaboration(增加公司内部网功能) Xbox Live(Xbox游戏在线服务) - Xbox Live Marketplace(交易中心) - Ubiquitous voice chat(语音聊天) - Gamer Profile(玩家档案) - Xbox Live Arcade on Xbox 360(游戏的在线下载及购买服务) 以上公布的大部分的服务要过些日子才能真正溶进我们的生活。 此外,Windows Live 上的帐号密码与Xbox Live是相通的,故拥有Windows Live帐号也可以登入至Xbox Live。 Windows Live应用整合Windows Live在Wave 3 时代就已可以将Facebook、Twitter的更新添加至Windows Live,该功能被称为网络活动。我们估计 Windows Live 也将支持整合 LinkedIn 联系人(自动合并重复联系人)、查看/同步状态更新,就像 Windows Live Wave 4 与 Facebook 那样。 Windows Live在Wave 3 时代就已可以将Facebook、Twitter的更新添加至Windows Live,该功能被称为网络活动。到了Wave 4,网络活动功能也升级为了“连接服务”,同时其中的Facebook等服务也有较大的改变: Facebook 恐怕是 Windows Live 支持最为完整的连接服务了,具体功能如下: -- Facebook 联系人将会被导入 Windows Live 联系人列表,并且会自动合并重复联系人 -- 将 Windows Live 状态更新、照片、链接同步至 Facebook -- 查看 Facebook 好友的状态更新、照片、视频和链接 -- 直接评论 Facebook 好友的状态更新、照片、视频和链接 -- Windows Live 整合与你分享的 Facebook 人物标签照片 -- Windows Live 照片库的人物标签支持标记来自 Facebook 的好友 -- 通过 Windows Live 照片库和影音制作发布照片、视频至 Facebook 注意:WindowsLiveMessenger今年末才会支持FacebookChat,Beta 版中还没有整合 Facebook Chat 聊天功能。 微软已把Twitter从其“连接服务”页面中删除,自 2010 年 6 月 30 日起,Twitter 更新已不再自动导入至 Windows Live。 我们猜测,如果微软再次在连接服务中引入 Twitter,则可能增加直接从 Windows Live 发布 Twitter 消息的功能。 LinkedIn(即将推出)微软曾在官方博客中提到“Windows Live 连接服务中很快将有 LinkedIn”。 我们估计 Windows Live 也将支持整合 LinkedIn 联系人(自动合并重复联系人)、查看/同步状态更新,就像 Windows Live Wave 4 与 Facebook 那样。 值得注意的是,待 Hotmail升级到Wave4 之后,你就可以在 Windows Live 联系人服务中体验到统一的联系人列表功能(将会在服务器端整合 Facebook 好友,自动合并与 Windows Live 重复的联系人), 而现在,你添加 Facebook 为连接服务后,也可以在 Windows Live Messenger Wave 4 中看到新的 Facebook 分类和你的 Facebook 好友。 ===补充内容===(2006年8月27日前) 完整的Windows Live服务列表和介绍 01. Windows Live Drive (codename: Storage) Offering online storage to users http://drive.live.com 02. Windows Live Contacts Part of a bigger picture, link goes to Live Mail but will integrate your contacts in Mail and Spaces together. http://contacts.live.com 03. Windows Live.com (originally: Start.com) The new web portal for Windows Live - the homepage if you will. www.live.com 04. Windows Live Web Search The new MSN Search, with added features for searching for news, images, academia and feeds. http://search.live.com - http://www.live.com/?stickyHide=on 05. Windows Live Messenger The rebranded MSN Messenger with integration with Live Spaces, interoperability with Yahoo! as well as free VoIP and video calls. http://messenger.live.com 06. Windows Live Ideas The central site reporting on what’s new, what’s coming and what’s already out - just had a facelift on the site as well. http://ideas.live.com 07. Windows Live Mail (codename: Kahuna) The rebranded MSN Hotmail - better interface, easier to browse contacts, and no page refreshing as well as advanced spam protection. http://mail.live.com 08. Windows Live Favourites (codename: Roaming Favourites) Enabling you to access your favourites from anywhere in the world using this simple web interface - gadget for Live Spaces too. (US) http://favorites.live.com - (UK) http://favourites.live.com 09. Windows Live Expo (codename: Fremont) New competitor with eBay - buy, swap and sell products and without any costs to the users at all. http://expo.live.com 10. Windows Live Labs The brainy guys workying on new products and advanced technologies to make Live products better. http://labs.live.com 11. Windows Live OneCare (previously: OneCare Live) The one stop place for computer protection, anti-virus and advanced firewall. Subscription service - 90 day trial available for free http://onecare.live.com - www.windowsonecare.com 12. Windows Live Local (previously: Virtual Earth) An advanced mapping system with satellite coverage, road maps, soon to have driving directions and route planner, with Birds Eye™ imagery http://local.live.com 13. Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner (codename: Safety Center) Online scanning facility for checking your computer for viruses and cleaning up unnecessary files. http://safety.live.com 14. Windows Live Custom Domains Allowing you to have your own domain name to use with Windows Live, Mail and Messenger. http://domains.live.com 15. Windows Live Call Allowing you to call overseas and landlines for very cheap rates Feature embedded in Windows Live Messenger http://messenger.live.com 16. Windows Live Call for Free (codenamed: FreeCall) Enables you to call businesses for free after searching for them in Live Local. Feature embedded in Windows Live Local http://local.live.com 17. Windows Live Search The free desktop application allowing you to search files on your computer, the web, Messenger sharing folders and your Live Drive. No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas 18. Windows Live Search Desktop (codename OneView) Part of Windows Live Search (there’s a lot of desktop/search/toolbars, we’re all a bit confused but they’re all set in stone) No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas 19. Windows Live Search Translation Allowing you to search using Live Web Search but translate pages and/or text http://search.live.com 20. Windows Live Local Preview Imagery of San Francisco and Seattle, allowing you to navigate the map with a variety of views at street level. http://preview.local.live.com 21. Windows Live Toolbar A toolbar which adds itself to Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer, allowing access to your Space, Live Mail, and Live Favourites and search everywhere you go. http://toolbar.live.com 22. Windows Desktop Search Part of Windows Live Search (there’s a lot of desktop/search/toolbars, we’re all a bit confused but they’re all set in stone) No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas 23. Windows Live Mail Center (previously: Mail Desktop/Outlook Express Live) Enabling you to see your Live Mail, other POP3 and IMAP folders as well as RSS feeds and other email addresses and contacts on your desktop. No website yet, download only http://g.msn.com/1csbeta/OELive 24. Windows Live ID The new and improved MSN Passport - working seamlessly with Live services and allowing multiple sign-ins with different accounts. http://login.live.com - http://account.live.com 25. Windows Live Essentials (previously Windows Live Now) The Google Pack equivilant - allowing you to customise and install all the available Live services straight away No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas 26. Windows Live Account The central point to change, modify and create new Live ID’s and settings. http://account.live.com 27. Windows Live Clipboard Enabling you to cut, copy and paste information from one website server to another ideal for moving calendar or contact entries between accounts. No URL yet, but check out the non-Microsoft site www.liveclipboard.org 28. Windows Live Marketplace (codename: Agora) The new Marketplace enabling you to buy and download software straight to your Vista machine. www.windowsmarketplace.com 29. Windows Live Shopping Competitor to Amazon.com - lets you browse and buy software at your own time, pace and leisure http://shopping.live.com 30. Windows Live QnA (codename: Answers) Ask questions, get answers, vote on answers and earn kudos points which earn you special rewards. http://qna.live.com 31. Windows Live Spaces (codename: Spaces 10.5) The world’s biggest social networking site, letting you blog, add photo’s, customise content and add gadgets. http://spaces.live.com 32. Windows Live Academic Search Allows you to search the web for academia - books and journals from different author and relevance. Academic tab on http://search.live.com 33. Windows Live Image Search Enables you to search the web for specific images, of different sizes and preview panes. Image tab on http://search.live.com 34. Windows Live Product Search Enables you to search the web for products to buy using Windows Live Search. http://products.live.com 35. Windows Live Voicemail A new feature for Live Mail and Messenger for leaving voice messages for other people for when they are unavailable. No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas 36. Windows Live Sign-In Assistant The easier way to signin and out of Windows Live using a simpler interface and advanced security. http://login.live.com - http://account.live.com 37. Windows Live Wifi Suite Downloadable software for easy access to wireless networks on your laptop or mobile device. http://wifi.live.com 38. Windows Live Hotspot Locator Web interface allowing you to search hundreds of thousands of free or paid wireless hotspot locations in over 90 countries. http://hotspot.live.com 39. Windows Live Dev The development center and supplier of software developmnet kits for Windows Live developers. http://dev.live.com 40. Windows Live Gallery (codename: Customise) The central place to browse, submit or apply gadgets to Live.com or to Windows Live Spaces. http://gallery.live.com 41. Windows Live Mobile Live for mobile devices - accessible on a mobile device and able to see your customisable Windows Live.com Mobile devices only http://mobile.live-int.com/portal/default.aspx 42. Windows Live Mobile Mail The revamped MSN Hotmail for Mobile but brought to a mobile device. Mobile devices only http://mobile.live.com 43. Windows Live Mobile Search The revamped MSN Search for Mobile but brought to a mobile device - mobile compatibility integrated. Mobile devices only http://mobile.live.com 44. Windows Live Publishing Portal The new way to buy books - searching millions of books and able to buy them online using an online preview pane. http://publisher.live.com 45. Windows Live Feeds A dedicated team to help aggregate information around the Internet - just how RSS is part of Mail Center. No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas 46. Windows Live Dashboard Part of Essentials but lets you see what you have installed, what’s on offer and other links for support. No URL yet - keep an eye out on Windows Live Ideas windows live 中文官方网站:http://get.live.cn/ 微软将弃用Windows Live品牌微软通过博客Building Windows8对外宣布,Win8将弃用Windows Live品牌,相关应用转而采用统一的微软账户(Microsoft account)登入,置于应用商店中继续使用。 据了解,微软2005年推出了Windows Live品牌,用于Hotmail、Sky Drive、Messenger以及Windows Live Essentials软件。 微软Windows Live集团副总裁克里斯·琼斯在博客中表示,虽然目前Windows live服务以庞大的规模在运行,每月使用的用户超过5亿,但并没有达到体验预期。Win8将采用统一的微软账户,微软产品账户混乱的局面将被终结。 |
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