词条 | vurtne |
释义 | Vurtne,魔兽世界游戏 LOGO,曾经是欧洲Sylvanas服务器的一个男亡灵法师,瑞典人。Vurtne是魔兽世界这款风靡全球的网络游戏中的最著名的法师之一,以平民化的装备,出色的意识,神奇的工程、饰品运用,高超的魔兽视频制作水平而出名。 简介曾经出过五部广为流传的视频作品,并且他的视频在曾创造过1,136,591的下载量,成为了被下载次数最多的视频之一。给广大魔兽的玩家们提供了无数茶余饭后的话题。其视频里的歌曲更是让大家争相引用。作为一名奇特的“虚拟游戏明星 ”而名震四方。大家亲切称之为“V大”。 V大在前4部视频的装备一直不好...是处于以小杀大的地位...往往对手的装备比自己好一大截。属于小米加步枪打坦克加大炮的类型。V5预告里面抛弃了V4.5中的冰天赋而用了奥火,并且装备有了巨大提升,为S2套。 但是根据据他自己说他的电脑不是很好,已经无法将视频做下去了。不断的做视频不断的档机不断的重新存素材让他的身心疲惫。对V5的期盼也是要放下了.. 他现在在欧洲服务器的Xavius奋斗与战场,网友说他经常跳场.感兴趣的朋友可以去欧服的英雄榜上搜索他的角色WARBARBIE。09年2月他改回角色名Vurtne。不久宣布因工作原因彻底离开wow。 人物资料性别:男 Gender: Male 种族:亡灵 Race: Undead 等级:80 Level: 80 职业:法师 Character class:Mage 地区:瑞典 Location: Sweden 中文ID:初吻给了胸 状态:活跃 Status: Active 英文简介Vurtne Vurtne is a well known Swedish player in World of Warcraft particularly within the PvP and Mage communities where he became famous for releasing videos often showing him killing many opponents who both out numbered him and wore gear vastly superior to his own. He currently resides on the Swedish server Mal'Ganis in the Blutdurst battlegroup. His videos have gone on to become some of the most downloaded in World of Warcraft with a combined total of 1,136,591 downloads which currently places him 11th in the Hall of Fame on the popular movie website Brief history Vurtne released his first PvP video in 2006 to wide acclaim and continued to release another four videos before quitting the game in mid 2007 largly due to dissatisfaction with the state of the Mage class in the newly released Burning Crusade expansion. He has since returned in 2008 with the release of a teaser for his new video, Vurtne 5 however his return to the game has not been without controversy with critics quick to point to his dismal arena performance and low quality PvP despite PvP gear being substantially easier to acquire since the release of the Expansion. Play style In his early videos Vurtne used an "Elemental" talent spec that was popular for lvl60 Mages who wanted to focus on PvP as it offered high burst damage through Shatter as well as survivability with Ice Block this was achieved largely at the cost of mana efficiency. Vurtne was also very liberal with his use of engineering trinkets and grenades when killing his opponents. With the release of the Burning Crusade expansion Vurtne has adopted a cookie cutter 17/0/44 Frost talent spec that allows for high survivability whilst utilising Shatter combos for damage combined with improved Counterspell to prevent spell casting and healing. 视频作品【Vurtne PVP 系列作品】 Vurtne Ⅰ- Frost Mage V1让所有人(国F)关注到这么一个初露头角的人物,其风骚的跑位,淫荡的意识和搞笑的性格让人叹为观止。 这部开山之作唯一的诟病是,其对手大多为近战(DZ和ZS),让Vurtne的反对者找到借口讽刺一番。 长度:20分钟16秒 配乐:Michael Jackson - Beat It Flipsyde - Someday In Flames -The Quiet Place In Flames - Cloud Connected Sum41 - Still Waiting Village People - YMCA Michiru Yamane - Anti-Soul Mysteries Papa Roach - Not Listening In Flames - Vacuum Vurtne Ⅱ- Frost Mage V大在这部对其反对者进行了反击。 视频开头的暗M对决,视频中段与众多素有“BUG职业”之称的SS的对决,视频后段众多1V2法系镜头。 这是V大对上部视频近战对手过多的最好的解释。 长度:23分钟51秒 配乐:Muse - Bliss Theme - Pulp Fiction POD - Alive In Flames - Leeches Electric six - Dance Commander Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country Foo Fighters - Everlong In Flames - Clay Man Jefferson Starship - We Built This City God Module - Levitation Muse - Stockholm Megaherz - Herzblut Vurtne Ⅲ - Elemental PvP 开头和矮子SQ的对决堪称经典。长达1分钟的战斗V大只让对方砍到2次,而对手只能在大红,萝卜,无敌,圣疗后黯然死去。 视频中段的捣乱和SM小号恶搞无比。视频后段的高质量1VN让人佩服不已。超级恶搞,高PK技术,高制作水平,高质量选材。 这部视频无疑已经达到了V系视频的颠峰。而V大在这部视频后人气也达到了颠峰。万众瞩目。 有明星,就有绯闻。在这部视频以后就有了V大的绯闻。他和中国MM Cesia的绯闻也广为传开。 长度:32分钟42秒 配乐:Pain - Not Afraid To Die Fireball Ministry - Daughter of the damned Atreyu - Ex's And Oh's Atreyu - Untitled Finale Village People - Go West Haddaway - What Is Love Village People - Macho Man Kovenant - Mirrors Paradise Jimmy Eat World - Pain Goldfinger - Superman Papa Roach - Take Me Soilwork - Stabbing the Drama Atreyu - Creature Atreyu - The Theft Vurtne Ⅳ - Elemental PvP 仅为上部一半时长的第4部,开场剧情部分出场的就是CESIA,Vurtne的绯闻女友。 这部视频已经不需要任何讲解了,同样的颠峰之作。 2分50秒和3分30秒的镜头都足以窥视V大高超的视频制作水平。 长度:16分钟06秒 配乐:Hero - Love In Distance国产大片英雄配乐:爱在咫尺 Soilwork - Light the Torch Three Days Grace - Riot Escape the Fate - There's No Sympathy For the Dead Three Days Grace - On My Own Vurtne 60-66 PvP 这时候V大终于有了督军一套。风暴前夕荣誉装满地都是。V大再不弄一套说不过去吧。 开头的1V4让人感叹冰法还可以这样玩!(那个版本火法横行) 1V3DLY 更让人感觉诧异无比。1V2DZ+QS+ZS更让人感觉到底是V大是神? 临近片尾那幕被高自己4级的贼砍死的镜头让人生出一种不祥的预感。 果然在片尾V大的删号,让人不是那么的惊讶。总感觉这才是最完美的结局。 金盆洗手,谁言为错? 长度:22分钟18秒 配乐:Soilwork - Rejection Role Hoobastank - Pieces Muse - Map Of The Problematique Village People - In the Navy Hi Fi Latin Dance - Mambo Mucho Manbo Celldweller - The Last Firstborn Ill Niño - What You Deserve Zebrahead - Falling Apart Andrea Bocelli - Domine Deus PS:(此视频还有个有趣的地方,13分29秒有句中文:看他往哪里跑~-~)有兴趣的可以竖起耳朵去听听哦。 Vurtne Ⅴ- Teaser 而就在大家认为Vurtne已经离去的时候, Vurtne的个人论坛开通了, 伴随着Vurtne的论坛的开通,令人期待已久的预告片,瞬间就粉碎了Vurtne离去的谣言,期待他全新的奥火天赋也给我们带来法神神话的新的一篇! 长度:2分钟33秒 配乐:Turok2 - Port of Adia 【Vurtne 其他作品】 Vurtne Steam Tonk Abuse Vurtne改名Warbarbie,一身奥火 BUG开旗 连珠火球。 镜头里的V像一条火龙,尽情的宣泄着对这个版本FS地位的不满。 长度:5分钟33秒 配乐:Michael Jackson - Billie Jean Disarmonia Mundi - Swallow the Flames Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtle忍者神龟主题曲 法神Vurtne5最新预告片random clips 大小: 4.34MB 更新时间: 2008年11月09日 15:15:22 人气数: 98065 Vurtne从来没有离开我们的视野,他一直都在,他在论坛里教导大家做视频,他在游戏里畅快的娱乐,可是苦了广大的V大迷,预告片出了一个接一个,可是就是不见正片。虽然没有正片,不过预告片也让人看得非常精彩,法神不愧是法神! 永远的VURTNE,永远的法神,永远的神话。 |
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