

词条 vshadow


vshadow是一个简单的指令行工具,它允许任何人创建卷影拷贝。用户可以在最新版本的VSS SDK中找到这个工具。


c:\\share\\stsvds test\\stsvds test>vshadow.exe /?

VSHADOW.EXE 2.2 - Volume Shadow Copy sample client

Copyright (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


VSHADOW [optional flags] [commands]

List of optional flags:

-? - Displays the usage screen

-p - Manages persistent shadow copies

-nw - Manages no-writer shadow copies

-ad - Creates differential HW shadow copies

-ap - Creates plex HW shadow copies

-scsf - Creates Shadow Copies for Shared Folders (Client Accessible)

-t={file.xml} - Transportable shadow set. Generates also the backup components doc.

-bc={file.xml} - Generates the backup components doc for non-transportable shadow set.

-wi={Writer Name} - Verify that a writer/component is included

-wx={Writer Name} - Exclude a writer/component from set creation or restore

-script={file.cmd} - SETVAR script creation

-exec={command} - Custom command executed after shadow creation, import or between break and make-it-write

-wait - Wait before program termination or between shadow set break and make-it-write

-tracing - Runs VSHADOW.EXE with enhanced diagnostics

List of commands:

{volume list} - Creates a shadow set on these volumes

-ws - List writer status

-wm - List writer summary metadata

-wm2 - List writer detailed metadata

-q - List all shadow copies in the system

-qx={SnapSetID} - List all shadow copies in this set

-s={SnapID} - List the shadow copy with the given ID

-da - Deletes all shadow copies in the system

-do={volume} - Deletes the oldest shadow of the specified volume

-dx={SnapSetID} - Deletes all shadow copies in this set

-ds={SnapID} - Deletes this shadow copy

-i={file.xml} - Transportable shadow copy import

-b={SnapSetID} - Break the given shadow set into read-only volumes

-bw={SnapSetID} - Break the shadow set into writable volumes

-el={SnapID},dir - Expose the shadow copy as a mount point

-el={SnapID},drive - Expose the shadow copy as a drive letter

-er={SnapID},share - Expose the shadow copy as a network share

-er={SnapID},share,path - Expose a child directory from the shadow copy as a share

-r={file.xml} - Restore based on a previously-generated Backup Components document

-rs={file.xml} - Simulated restore based on a previously-generated Backup Components doc

-revert={SnapID} - Revert a volume to the specified shadow copy


- Non-persistent shadow copy creation on C: and D:


- Persistent shadow copy creation on C: (with no writers)

VSHADOW -p -nw C:

- Transportable shadow copy creation on X:

VSHADOW -t=file1.xml X:

- Transportable shadow copy import

VSHADOW -i=file1.xml

- List all shadow copies in the system:


Please see the README.DOC file for more details.





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更新时间:2025/3/19 16:58:54