

词条 皮特彭斯

(生于1959年8月5日) [1]是一个英国 歌手,词曲作者谁创立了乐队死或生在1980年,为他作曲并担任主唱,并上升到1985年的主流成功,他们的单曲“ 你旋转我圆(像A记录) “。 He later rose to further celebrity status in the British media following his appearance on Celebrity Big Brother 2006 and his own television show, Pete's PA in 2007.后来他进一步上升到名人在英国媒体状态下他的外表名人老大哥2006年和他自己的电视节目, 皮特的PA于2007年。


Early life 早年生活

Born as Peter Burns in Port Sunlight , Bebington , Wirral , to an English father and a German mother.伯恩斯出生彼得在港阳光 , 贝宾顿 , 威勒尔 , 到英国的父亲和母亲是德国人。 His mother, Eva, was Jewish , and had been born in Heidelberg , Germany, but fled to Austria when the Nazi regime took over and instituted anti-Semitic laws.他的母亲,伊娃,是犹太人 ,出生并已在海德堡 ,德国,但逃到奥地利时, 纳粹政权接管和提起反犹太人的法律。 It was in Vienna , Austria, that she met Burns' father, a British soldier, at a soldiers' tea dance. [ 2 ]在维也纳 ,奥地利,一个士兵舞会上,她遇到了伯恩斯的父亲,他是一名英国士兵。 [2]

When talking about his late mother in an interview for the television programme, Psychic Therapy , he said "as far as parental skills go in the conventional, normal world, she certainly wasn't a mother, but she's the best human being that I've ever had the privilege of being in the company of, and I know that she had a special plan for me. She called me Star Baby and she knew that there was something special in me. Just an incredible German woman; tiny, five-foot-one, but she could move a fucking wardrobe, she could lift a wardrobe."当谈到治疗心理他已故的母亲在接受记者采访节目的电视,他说:“至于为人父母的技巧,在传统的世界去,正常的,她当然不是一个母亲,但她的最好的人是我曾经的特权,对被公司和我知道她有一个特殊的我。计划已经打电话给我,她星宝贝 ,她知道我有什么特殊的。只是一个微小的令人难以置信的德国女子,五手足之一,但她可以移动他妈的衣柜,她可以举起一个衣柜。“ Burns also told that for the first five years of his life, he and his mother spoke to one another in German.伯恩斯还告诉记者,在他生命中第一个五年里,他和他的母亲以一个德国另一回事。 "I grew up until I was five speaking German and a bit of French. There was no English spoken in my house. My father spoke to my mother in French, she spoke to me in German." “我长大了,直到我说德语和一五。位法国人。我的房子有没有讲英语。我的父亲母亲在我说话的法国,她说话我在德国的

Dead or Alive 死或生

Burns first became famous with the success of Dead or Alive's number one dance hit " You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) ", along with his strikingly individual, androgynous image.伯恩斯首次成为一个著名的舞蹈成功死或生的人数均创下“ 你旋转我参观(像A记录) “,连同他的惊人的个人,雌雄同体的形象。 Originally labeled as gay, due to his gender atypical appearance and sexual relations with men, Burns is reportedly bisexual and was married to Lynne Corlett.原本标记为同性恋,由于他的性别非典型外观与人发生性关系,据报道,伯恩斯是双性恋者 ,并与Lynne科利特结婚。 While building his career, Burns worked at a Liverpool record shop, Probe Records , which became a meeting-place for local musicians.同时建立职业生涯中,伯恩斯曾在利物浦的唱片店, 探头记录 ,从而成为一个会议上,音乐家们为当地的地方。 Burns first performed as a member of the short-lived Mystery Girls, and then Nightmares in Wax , a proto- Goth group that formed in Liverpool in 1979.伯恩斯首先进行的是女子成员短命的神秘,然后在蜡的恶梦 ,一个原哥德组建制利物浦于1979年。 Nightmares in Wax released a 12" single, "Black Leather", and a 7" single, "Birth of a Nation", each containing the same three songs, but never produced an album.在蜡梦魇发布了12个“单,”黑色皮革“,以及7”单,“一个国家的诞生”,每个都包含三个相同的歌曲,但从未生产过一张专辑。 In 1980, after replacing several members, Burns changed their name to Dead or Alive . 1980年,在更换的几名成员,伯恩斯更名为死或生 。 Burns has accused fellow pop star Boy George of appropriating his unique image, although of course they didn't look or dress alike. [ 2 ]伯恩斯指责同胞歌星乔治男孩盗用他的独特形象,虽然他们当然不看或穿着一样的。 [2]

Expressing an overtly sexual and flamboyant style, Burns shocked audiences in the late 1970s with his androgynous clothing and hair styles, make-up, high heels, long fingernails and trademark black eyepatch .表达一种公然性和华丽的风格,伯恩斯20世纪70年代的观众感到震惊,他在后期雌雄同体的服装,发型,化妆,高跟鞋,长指甲和标志性的黑色眼罩 。 Almost as much as his career with Dead or Alive , Burns is known for his ever-changing appearance, which he freely admits has been greatly modified by cosmetic surgery . 几乎同样多的职业生涯与他的死或生 ,伯恩斯称,他是不断变化的出现,他坦承有了很大的改进整容手术 。 Celebrity Big Brotherand aftermath 名人老大哥和后果 In December 2003, the BBC apologised [ 3 ] to its viewers after Burns swore repeatedly on its pre- 9pm watershed Liquid News show when asked about his views on the Michael Jackson trial . 2003年12月,在英国广播公司道歉[3]它的观众烧伤后发誓,多次在其前晚上9点流域 液体新闻表明,当问他的意见迈克尔杰克逊的审判 。

In January 2006, Burns appeared on Channel 4 's Celebrity Big Brother 2006 , eventually reaching fifth on the show's final episode. 2006年1月,烧伤出现第4频道的名人老大哥2006年 ,最终达到十五集节目的决赛。 The show featured Burns' scathing verbal attacks on other housemates, most notably former page three girl Jodie Marsh and former Baywatch star Traci Bingham . [ 4 ] [ 5 ] It was also on this show that he declared that one of his coats was made out of gorilla fur – this caused outrage amongst animal rights ' activists [ 6 ] because gorilla fur without a licence is illegal in the United Kingdom.其他室友的'严厉的口头攻击,展出精选烧伤,尤其是前三个页面姑娘朱迪马什和前贝沃奇明星和Traci Bingham的 。 [4] [5]也有人出这个节目,他宣布了他的外套,一个写了对大猩猩的毛皮-这一暴行当中引起动物权利 '活动[6] ,因为大猩猩的皮毛是非法的,无牌在英国。 Police subsequently confiscated the coat and tests were performed on it that revealed that it was not in fact gorilla, but was made out of the fur of colobus monkeys .警方随后没收了外套和它进行测试,在此发现,这是大猩猩,其实不是,而是出于毛皮制成的疣猴 。 Colobus monkeys are also an endangered species, and so their fur required a licence, although experts believed that the fur had in fact been imported in the 1930s or 40s, before it became illegal to import colobus fur in 1975. [ 7 ]疣猴也是一个濒危物种,因此他们的皮毛需要一个许可证,但专家认为,毛实际上已进口了20世纪30年代或40年代,才成为非法进口在1975年疣猴的皮毛。 [7]

Burns has had extensive polyacrylamide injections into his lips, cheek implants, several rhinoplasties and many tattoos.伯恩斯已经进行了广泛的聚丙烯酰胺注射到他的嘴唇,脸颊植入,数rhinoplasties和许多纹身。 In early 2006 he revealed in an interview that he had spent most of his life savings on eighteen months of reconstructive surgery after a procedure on his lips went horribly wrong. 2006年初,他的嘴唇在采访中透露,他有他的程序后,就花了毕生积蓄最使他对十八个月的修复手术了严重错误。

Burns' autobiography, Freak Unique , was released in May 2006.伯恩斯的自传, 畸形独特 ,2006年5月被释放。 In it he writes about his life and reveals that he was raped at a young age by a man who was never prosecuted.他在文中写到了他的生活和透露,他是在一个由检控人从来没有谁是从小被强奸。 He also writes about chronic depression and several suicide attempts.他在书中还谈到一些慢性抑郁症和自杀企图。

After his stint on Celebrity Big Brother he appeared as a guest presenter for the Big Brother spin off show, Big Brother's Big Mouth , on four shows, in August 2007.进站后,他的弟弟 ,他似乎对名人大作为嘉宾主持了一大口的大哥剥离表明,大哥的 ,四显示,在2007年8月。

Burns was involved in Pete's PA , a UK Reality TV series on Living TV in which contestants competed to become his personal assistant (PA).伯恩斯参与了皮特的PA ,英国真实电视的系列电视生活在其中参赛者竞争,成为他的私人助理 (PA)的。 The series takes place over ten weeks as potential PAs were pitted against each other in a series of challenges. Pete's PA began airing on 8 October 2007.该系列十多个地方需要几个星期的潜在功率放大器是其他每一个对立的一系列挑战。 皮特的PA始于2007年10月8日播出。 Burns was assisted by Donna Coulling (described as a "celebrity personal assistant"), and business psychologist Dr. Rob Yeung .伯恩斯协助唐娜Coulling(“描述为”名人个人助理),博士和商业心理学家罗布杨 。 The winner of the contest was former criminal psychologist Nicky.比赛的获胜者是前犯罪心理学家尼克。

In 2010, Burns appeared in the special Davina's Big Send Off before the end of Ultimate Big Brother , where he performed "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)". 2010年,伯恩斯在特别戴维纳出现的大欢送在2002年底终极大哥 ,他演唱的“我的回合你旋转(像A记录)”。[ edit] Solo career [ 编辑] 单飞   After much delay, Burns' solo single "Never Marry an Icon" was released to the iTunes Store on September 7, 2010.经过多番拖延,伯恩斯个人单曲“不要嫁给一个图标”被释放到iTunes音乐商店在2010年9月7日。 The single was produced and co-written by The Dirty Disco.单是生产和协办单位书面肮脏的迪斯科。 The single was released by fellow Dead or Alive member Steve Coy's label, Bristar Records [ 8 ] .单发布了同死或生成员史蒂夫大队的标签,Bristar记录[8] 。

On September 13, 2010, Steve Coy of Bristar Records posted a statement on the Dead or Alive Official Network, announcing the cancellation of all future digital releases by Pete Burns due to postings of Burns's single "Never Marry an Icon" on YouTube . 9月13日,2010年,史蒂夫记录科伊网络的Bristar发表声明就死或生破产,宣布取消由于发布的所有未来数字由Pete烧伤张贴对伯恩斯的单曲“不要嫁给一个图标”的YouTube上 。 Days later, he reconsidered his decision.几天后,他重新考虑他的决定。[ edit] Personal life [ 编辑] 个人生活   Burns in 1978 married a woman, Lynne Corlett, with whom he remained married for 28 years, until 2006. [ 9 ] That year, on 9 February, he announced his engagement to his partner, Michael Simpson, on Channel 4 's daytime television show Richard & Judy , where he displayed their matching engagement rings designed by Vivienne Westwood .伯恩斯在1978年结婚的妇女林恩科利特,与他结婚28年仍然是,直到2006年。 [9]这一年2月9日,他宣布订婚,他的合作伙伴,迈克尔辛普森,他的第4频道的日间电视节目显示理查德和朱迪 ,在那里他展示了他们设计的匹配订婚戒指由Vivienne Westwood的 。 The following day, Simpson called off the engagement citing that he was finding it difficult to deal with the newfound fame, although their engagement was soon back on and their civil partnership took place on 6 July. Burns appeared on Celebrity Wife Swap , which aired on 30 September 2007, where he lived with Neil Ruddock for five days.第二天,辛普森取消了订婚为由,他发现自己很难对付的善举虽然他们订婚后不久就和他们的配偶七月举行了6。 伯恩斯出现名人妻交换 ,与9月30日播出的2007年,这里住着他尼尔拉多克五天。 Simpson also took part in the program.辛普森也参加了该计划的一部分。 The couple separated in May 2008. Burns made a statement saying that gay marriage does not work and that it is better to be married to a woman. 这对夫妻分居2008年5月。 伯恩斯发表声明说,同志婚姻不工作,而且最好是嫁给一个女人。

In November 2006, Burns recounted his and others' experiences with complications of cosmetic surgery in a TV special entitled Pete Burns' Cosmetic Surgery Nightmares for the UK ITV network. Paparazzi followed Burns around following his arrest, and his attempts to revive his career, in the documentary Pete Burns Unspun on Living TV . 2006年11月,伯恩斯在讲述他的美容手术和并发症的体会他人的电视特别节目题为皮特彭斯的整形外科手术的恶梦为英国ITV的网络。 狗仔队围绕以下伯恩斯随后逮捕他的,他试图恢复他的职业生涯,在伯恩斯Unspun纪录片皮特在客厅电视 。 In January 2007 Burns announced that he was planning to sue the cosmetic surgeon who performed his lip surgery, for £1 million. [ 10 ]伯恩斯2007年1月宣布,他打算起诉他的嘴唇进行手术,为100万英镑的美容外科医生是谁。 [10]

In March 2009, Burns was admitted to a London hospital after collapsing, due to kidney failure. 2009年3月,烧伤被送往伦敦一家医院倒塌后,因肾功能衰竭。 He was diagnosed with seven large kidney stones, which were removed with laser surgery. [ 11 ]他被诊断为肾结石七个大,这是用激光手术切除。 [11][ edit] Discography [ 编辑] 作品集   Main article: Dead or Alive discography主要文章: 死或生作品集[ edit] Singles [ 编辑] 单曲   2004 "Jack and Jill Party" [ 12 ] (UK75) 2004年“杰克和吉尔党” [12] (UK75) 2010 "Never Marry an Icon" 2010“永远不会结婚的图标”





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