

词条 裴宜理

裴宜理(Elizabeth J. Perry),女,1948年出生于上海。现任哈佛大学政治系讲座教授、哈佛燕京学社社长。


裴宜理(Elizabeth J. Perry),女,1948年出生于上海。现任哈佛大学政治系讲座教授、哈佛燕京学社社长。


1951年,随父母从中国上海迁居日本东京,在日本度过童年; 1969年,毕业于纽约威廉·史密斯学院(WilliamSmithCollege),获政治学学士学位;



1972年起,先后执教于密歇根大学、阿里佐那大学(University ofArizona)、亚利桑那大学、华盛顿大学、加州大学伯克利分校、哈佛大学。





《华北的叛乱者与革命者,1845-1945》(Rebels and revolutionariesin NorthChina),1980年斯坦福大学出版社出版;

主编论文集《中国人对捻军起义的看法》(Chinese Perspectives on theNienrebellion),1981出版于纽约;

主编论文集(合作)《毛以后中国改革的政治经济学》(The Political Economyof Reform inpost-MaoChina),1985年哈佛大学出版社出版;

主编论文集(合作)《近代中国的抵抗运动和政治文化》(Popular Protestand Political Culturein ModernChina),1994年西方观察出版社出版;

主编论文集(合作)《当代中国的城市空间,后毛时代的潜在自治和社区》(Urban Spaces inContemporary China,The Potential for Autonomy and Community in post-MaoChina),1995年剑桥大学出版社出版;

主编论文集(合作)《单位——历史和比较视角中中国变迁之所在》(Danwei:Thechanging Chinese workplace in historical and comparativeperspective),1997年出版于纽约;

著作(合作)《无产者的力量:“文革”中的上海》(Proletarianpower:Shanghai in theCulturalRevolution),1997年西方观察出版社出版;

主编论文集《回归本义:东亚劳动者的身份》(Putting classin its place:worker identities in EastAsia),1996年伯克利加里福尼亚大学东亚研究所、中国研究中心出版;

专著《上海罢工—中国工人政治研究》(Shanghai onstrike:the politics of Chinese labor),斯坦福大学出版社1993年出版。该书获美国历史学会东亚史研究最佳著作奖“费正清奖”,这是西方世界中国近代史研究的最高奖项。


Elizabeth J. Perry is Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government.She is a comparativist with special expertise in the politics of China.A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the recipientof a Guggenheim fellowship, she sits on the editorial boards of nearlya dozen major scholarly journals and is the current President of theAssociation for Asian Studies. Professor Perry's research focuses onpopular protest and grassroots politics in modern and contemporaryChina. Her books include Rebels and Revolutionaries in North China,1845-1945 (1980); Chinese Perspectives on the Nien Rebellion (1981);The Political Economy of Reform in Post-Mao China (1985); PopularProtest and Political Culture in Modern China (1992); Urban Spaces inContemporary China: The Potential for Autonomy and Community in ChineseCities (1995); Putting Class in Its Place: Worker Identities in EastAsia (1996); Proletarian Power: Shanghai in the Cultural Revolution(1997); Danwei: The Changing Chinese Workplace in Historical andComparative Perspective (1997); Chinese Society: Change, Conflict, andResistance (2000); Challenging the Mandate of Heaven: Social Protestand State Power in China (2002); Changing Meanings of Citizenship inModern China (2002); Patrolling the Revolution: Worker Militias,Citizenship and the Modern Chinese State (2006); and GrassrootsPolitical Reform in Contemporary China (2007). Her book, Shanghai onStrike: the Politics of Chinese Labor (1993) won the John King Fairbankprize from the American Historical Association.





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