

词条 诺盖汗国



诺盖汗国The NOGAI(又译那海汗国)



该nogai nogai的人都涉及到著名nogai种群的13和14世纪,虽然含有大量的掺合料库曼血。该诺盖汗国采取了它的名字从诺盖 (死于1299年)一位伟大的指挥官早金帐汗国( 1223年至1502年)和他汗国成立后,崩溃的金帐汗国。该汗国包括地区延伸,从伏尔加河到irtish河流从里海走向咸海。其资本是萨拉伊哲克,位于口yayik河。其大部分的人,突厥部落连接钦察(评审) ,类似喀山,克里米亚,伊万诺夫和西伯利亚汗国。其中部落,曼吉特人视为蒙古族已成为turkified举行的一个特权地位。提交后喀山和伊万诺夫汗国俄罗斯( 1552年至1557年) , nogai汗国分裂成几个septs 。那些在北高加索地区被称为"兹尔奥尔达" (小种群) ,以及那些在周围凯洛格湖被称为" altiul奥尔达" 。那些仍然主导下伊斯梅尔汗被美国下集体名义更大诺盖种群,而他们认可的支配伊凡四( 1555年至1557年) 。直到今年上半年17世纪若干nogai部落游牧于草原之间的多瑙河和里海。如上所述,最初蒙古人,语言诺盖现突厥语的库曼集团。入侵的喀拉巴斯迫使几所诺盖部落离开草原,并撤回到山脚下的北高加索。在莫斯科编年史,从16,17世纪,有几个参考,其中包括两个诺盖散户,大与小。前者漫游之外的伏尔加河,后者有点到西方。双方进行了多次军事遇到与俄罗斯。在17世纪一些最诺盖酋长签订了同盟莫斯科和战斗时,连同俄罗斯反对喀拉巴斯 , 喀拉巴斯和人民的达吉斯坦。自19世纪初,大多数的诺盖落户在北高加索。


这是一个蒙古人的附庸境界组成部分的金帐汗国存在西喀尔巴阡山( dest -一语,即cumanian草原) 。伟大诺盖种群没有技术上的独立实体,虽然诺盖汗被视为实权背后金帐汗国去世后,巴图和他统治他自己的土地上,或多或少分开1279 。

诺盖汗Nogai Khan. 1266-1299

查克Chaka 1298—early 1300's

布瑞Buri early 1300's—c. 1325

卡尔·库楚克Qara Quchuq c. 1325-1350


During the 1300's and 1400's the Nogai Horde lost cohesion and became wanderers in the Pontic steppe region. They were looked down upon by their neighbors; indeed, the word Nogai means "dog" in Tatar, and it was used disparagingly by other Mongol and Turkic peoples. They had a reputation as vagabonds and drifters, and tended to accept renegades and exiles from other clans. One writer described them as the "Gypsies of the Steppe".


也迪该Yadigai ibn Qutlug Qaba 1369-1419

伊萨·贝格'Isa Beg ibn Qutlug Qaba 1410-1412

曼苏尔Mansur ibn Isa Beg 1412-1418

凯·库巴德Kai Qubad Gazi Beg ibn Isa Beg 1418-1426

努尔丁Nur ad-Din ibn Isa Beg 1426-1440

勃克卡斯Bokkas Beg ibn Nur ad-Din 1440-1453

帖木儿·伊本·努尔丁Timur ibn Nur ad-Din 1440-1470

穆斯塔法Mustafa 1446-1460

奥斯曼Osman 1460- ?

阿里 ?—1487

雅姆古尔赤·伊本·帖木儿Yamgurchi ibn Timur c.1470-1500

穆萨·米尔咱Musa Mirza ibn Bokkas fl. 1470 (or 1510)

施盖·伊本·穆萨Shigai ibn Musa c. 1520

赛义德·雅克Seydyak c. 1520-c. 1530

什格·马迈Shig-Mamai c. 1530-1536

伊舍也Ishey (in Kadom) fl. 1500's

玉素甫Yusuf 1536-1554

伊勒·米尔咱Il Murza fl. 1550

伊斯马仪Isma'il 1554-1555 d. 1563

玉努斯Yunus 1555-1556


大诺盖汗国The Greater Nogai Horde

伊斯马仪Isma'il (复位) 1556-1563

提·阿赫马德·伊本·伊斯马仪Tin-Ahmad ibn Isma'il 1564-1578

米尔咱·乌鲁斯·伊本·伊斯马仪Mirza Urus ibn Isma'il 1578-1581

也尼Yeni Bey fl. 1580's

伊斯特尔克·伊本Ishterek ibn Tin-Ahmad c. 1590-1613

颜·阿尔斯兰·米尔咱Yan Arslan Murza 1613-1634

with ?

阿勒巴·米尔咱Alba Murza 1613-1634


卡纳·米尔咱Kana Bey Mirza fl. 1630's

彻班Cheban (a usurper) mid 1600's

By the early 1700's, the Nogai had settled primarily in the North Caucasus, mostly Chechnya, Dagestan and Circassia.

(此人不详)? ?


Djan Mambet Bey (in Kuban region only) 1772-1774

小诺盖汗国KÜÇÜK ORDA (The Lesser Nogai Horde) Russian influence over the Küçük Orda began in the second half of the 18th century. These people were forced to migrate to the west by the Kazakhs. They were divided into septs such as "Bucak Horde", "Yedisan Horde", "Canbuyluk Horde", "Yedikul", "Azak", "Kuban", etc. and they were vassals to the Tatar Khans of Krym (Crimea), even as they themselves were vassals of the Ottomans. After Krym was annexed entirely by Russia and that Khanate dissolved, most of the Lesser Nogai migrated to Turkey and settled in Anatolia. Those who stayed in Russia live in various regions of the Northern Caucasus.

卡兹姆·米尔咱Kazim (Koshum) Mirza 1556-1590

巴尔·盖兹·阿尔斯兰Baran Gazi Arslan Beg 1590- ?

穆瑞恩Murin Beg ?

卡尔·米尔咱Qara Mirza ?

穆萨Musa ?


Islam Beg ?

秃干Tugan ?

哈斯·布拉特Hasbulat ?

阿尔斯兰Arslan Beg 1760-1771

比·阿尔斯兰Bi Arslan 1771-1783


ALTIUL ORDASI (Altiul Horde)Southern portion of Great Nogai near Central Asian Region.

什格马迈Shig-Mamai 1556- ?

阿曼里齐Amanliq ?

穆罕默德沙Shayh Muhammad (Shaim) ?

According to some authorities, this people formed from the mid 17th century the core of the Qarakalpak nation, south of the Aral Sea(咸海).





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