词条 | 纽约色彩 |
释义 | 品牌简介纽约色彩NYC(New York Color)是来自美国的彩妆品牌。与Sally Hansen、Miss Kiss同属于美国大型连锁企业DEL集团旗下的旗舰品牌。也是美国化妆品企业中最成功的品牌之一。它于1999年打入美国市场,短短的几年中以“高品质,低价位”的诉求赢得了无数的时尚人士的青睐。在美国强手如云的化妆品市场抢占了一席之地。它的彩妆时尚、健康、环保,深受当地少女们的喜爱。 品牌故事下面是其官方介绍(原文): Our Mission The N.Y.C. New York Color Mission is to build a leading lifestyle brand that excites, engages and inspires women with prestige quality cosmetics at a value price. 我们的使命 纽约色彩N.Y.C.的使命是建立一个生活方式品牌领先,公司以信誉激发女性优质价值的化妆品。 To create innovative cosmetics that satisfy every woman's desire for the latest fashion and beauty trends while maintaining a timeless, classic elegance in every lifestyle setting. 创造创新的化妆品,每个女人的欲望满足最新的流行趋势,保持和美丽是永久的,古典的优雅在每一个生活方式的设置。 To challenge women to compare the quality and value of N.Y.C. New York Color products to prestige brand cosmetics that sell in department stores at much higher prices. 挑战女人比较高质量和高价值的N.Y.C.纽约色彩的产品销售优质品牌的化妆品,在百货商场在更高的价格。 To offer women the opportunity to buy more cosmetics more frequently, to try new looks with minimal risk, to get more value for their money and to feel good about treating themselves to cosmetics purchases. 提供机会买更多的女性化妆品更加频繁,尝试新的面貌与最小风险,因为他们的钱获得更多的价值和对待自己感觉良好化妆品消费。 Our Vision At N.Y.C. New York Color, we believe that our consumers are beautiful and smart. Our goal is to build a brand you can TRUST. We use the highest quality ingredients, the most efficacious formulas, the most fashion-forward colors and styles, and the most exciting package designs possible to create products you will LOVE... all at prices that fit virtually every budget! 我们的愿景 在纽约色彩N.Y.C.,我们相信我们的消费者是聪明漂亮。我们的目标是建立一个品牌你能信赖的人。我们用高质量的原料,最有效的公式,最潮的颜色和样式,最令人激动的产品包装设计可以创造你会爱…适合所有的价格,实际上在每一个预算! Our Values N.Y.C. New York Color is committed to consumer safety, product quality and concern for animals. 我们的价值观 N.Y.C.纽约色彩致力于消费者安全、产品质量和对动物的关心。 彩妆产品面部N.Y.C自然粉饼; N.Y.C遮瑕膏; N.Y.C阳光2色修容粉; 矿物带刷修容粉; 慕丝散粉; N.Y.C顺滑修容粉; N.Y.C顺滑粉饼; N.Y.C腮红棒; 马赛克腮红; 眼部N.Y.C眼影粉; 2色眼影; 4色眼影;2色眉粉; INDIVIDUALEYES彩妆盘(四色眼影+粉饼); 唇部N.Y.C吻痕唇彩; 持久恒彩子弹唇膏; EXTREME LIP GLIDER LIP GLOSS唇蜜; 甲部珐琅指甲油; 快干指甲油; |
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