

词条 年海


?年海,男,1962年生,博士、教授、博士生导师。国家大豆改良中心广东分中心主任,农业部产业技术体系岗位科学家,中国农科协大豆协会副理事长,中国作物学会大豆专业委员会副秘书长,2004年被列为广东省高校教师千百十计划省级培养对象。 ?




1. Nian Hai, ZM Yang, SJ Ahn, ZJ Cheng, H Matsumoto, A comparative study on the aluminum-and cooper-induced organic acid exudation from wheat roots, Physiol. Plant. 2002.116(3),328-335.

2. Nian Hai, SJ Ahn, ZM Yang,H Matsumoto. Effect of P deficiency on Al-induced citrate exudation in soybean. Physiol. Plant. 2003,117(2),229-236. 9. Nian Hai, ZM Yang, H huang, X Yan,H Mastrumoto.

3. Citrate secretion induced by aluminum stress may not be the key mechanism responsible for the differential aluminum tolerance of some soybean genotypes, Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2004. 27(11), 2047-2066.

4.Nian Hai,ZM Yang, H huang, X Yan,H Mastrumoto. Combined effect of short-term water deficit stress and aluminum toxicity on citrate secretion from soybean roots,Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2004,27(7)17, 1281-1293.

5. Baogui Du, Hai Nian, Zhisheng Zhang,Cunyi Yang. Effects of aluminum on superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities, and lipid peroxidation in the roots and calluses of soybeans differing in aluminum tolerance. Acta Physiol Plant (2010) 32:883–890





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