词条 | 绵阳外国语学校 |
释义 | 创办于新世纪之初的绵阳外国语学校,是一所集小学、初中、高中于一体的全寄宿制的现代化、国际化学校,坐落于绵阳国家级技术开发区,占地230亩,投资近2亿元,现有教学班132个,学生6100人,专任教师400余人。 学校概况创办于新世纪之初的绵阳外国语学校,是一所集小学、初中、高中于一体的全寄宿制的现代化、国际化学校,坐落于绵阳国家级高新技术开发区,占地230亩,投资近12亿元,现有教学班132个,学生7000人,专任教师430余人。 办学理念沐西蜀灵气,浴涪江潮汐,高扬着猎猎作响的教育大旗,绵阳外国语学校以“学贯中西 彰显个性”为办学宗旨,以“培养以民族复兴为己任,具有全球意识的现代人”为育人目标,以“外语教育、艺术教育、精品教育”为办学特色,为学生提供了优质的学习环境和高品质的教育平台。一支信奉教育服务的专家型教育团队,正凭着他们先进的教育理念、深厚的教学功底、高超的教学艺术,演绎着绵外一个又一个经典故事。 成就荣誉高起点、高标准、高追求,三年多的精心打造,绵外教育教学捷报频传,成果丰硕,令社会瞩目。教学质量连年位于全市前列,首届高考、中考一鸣惊人,外语教学、艺术教育、精品教育三大特色日渐凸显,中西融合的教育体系全面完善并走向成熟。 目前又实行了二对一教学,真正达到升学率99%,并竭力达到中国领先水平,目前是绵阳市升学率最高的一所半私立学校。学校规模巨大,最近又实行了美国AP教育,真正达到与国外接轨,去年招生仅三个小时便全部招满,年年中高考状元几乎都出自本校。 办学规模高标准的寄宿环境、完善的生活设施、优质的管理服务,为学生提供了一个舒适的生活空间。学生餐厅,窗明几净,营养师精心配餐,美味可口;周末接送,教师跟车,安全便利;留校学生,活动丰富,温馨如家;医疗卫生,全天候服务,家长放心。 “莫道君行早,风景这边独好。”和科技城一起成长的绵阳外国语学校就在这样的风景中阔步前进。 校歌西蜀地,普明山,青翠抱校园,民族复兴当己任,中西学问我承传, 民族复兴当己任,中西学问我承传,啦啦啦,啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦啦, 啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦,甘霖滋心田,甘霖滋心田 涪江水,源流远,心海纳百川,全球意识阅世界,自强不息个性显, 全球意识阅世界,自强不息个性显,风光别有天,风光别有天 别有天,别有天 英文介绍Located in a quiet and comfortable environment in the Mianyang Hi-techDevelopment Zone of the Mianyang City is a grand magnificent school, Mianyang Foreign Languages School, founded at the beginning of the 21st century, in 2001, with an investment of nearly 200 million yuan. The school covers an area of 230 mu. Under its administration, there are three branches: Primary Branch, Junior Branch and Senior Branch, with a total of 4960 students in 116 classes. There are 360 teachers. Inside the campus, there are tall grand teaching buildings, brand-new students' dormitories, students' dining halls and sports facilities of national standard, such as a football field, some basketball playgrounds and a swimming pool. Walking along the path inside the school, the visitor can see colorful flowers and green grass everywhere, with rhythmic voice of reading aloud reaching the visitor's ears. Mianyang Foreign Languages School is a young school with modern facilities and advanced management ideologies, with operation aim of Learning the East and West, Exhibiting the Best; the teaching goal of Helping Students Become Talents with a Sense of the Globalization and a Responsibility to the Nation, and the characteristic of Foreign Languages, Arts and Small-sized Fine Education. Therefore, both in hardware and software, the school provides ideal studying environment and platform for students from all over the province of Sichuan and even from the whole China. More importantly, the school boasts a strong team of excellent teachers who, with their expertise, profound knowledge, and a loving heart for the children, have made wonders one after another. During its five years' of development, Mianyang Foreign Languages School has become strong, topping other middle schools in Mianyang both in municipal and national examinations and various competitions, which has attracted the attention of the whole society. Mianyang Foreign Languages School is a boarding school, with over 95% students living inside the campus. Every branch has its own well-equipped and comfortable dormitory and dining halls for its students. For the safety of the students, the school has a large team of safeguards, health doctors and consultants and life-care teachers, even the students are sent to and taken back from homes with school designated buses with the teachers' accompany. Mianyang Foreign Languages School is a new star, but shines with splendid bright glory. 绵外凭借先进的办学理念,科学的管理体系,现代化的教育教学设施,高素质的教师队伍,完善的后勤服务网络取得了令人瞩目的成绩。连续五年高考重点大学上线率分别达62%、76%、59%、50%和50%,均列绵阳市第一,并摘取了2004年绵阳市高考文科状元和2005年绵阳市高考理科状元(均为四川省第二名);中考连续四年一类国重指令性计划上线率分别达50%和74%、50%、52%和58%,列全市首位;小学、初中、高中连年均获全市综合评价最高奖。 绵外在优异的教学质量支撑下,发展学生特长,张扬学生个性,外语教学、艺术和科技教育也走在全市各校前列,“一体两翼”的办学特色日渐鲜明,外语教育、艺术教育、科技教育,已经成为享誉省内外的三大特色品牌。 学校建校第三年即获得省级校风示范学校称号,感恩教育、体验教育、礼仪教育、学生自治、理财教育等德育活动为学生健康成长奠定了坚实基础。一所高起点、高标准、高追求的名校在绵阳科技城激烈的教育竞争中脱颖而出,逐渐成为了巴蜀大地上最著名的外国语学校之一 学校地址绵阳外国语学校 地址:绵阳市 |
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