

词条 孟跃中

教学科研情况 孟跃中教授从师英国皇家学会院士、世界著名高分子化学家、加拿大McGill大学Tomlison 教授A11an S.Hay博士,从事高分子化学及物理工作25年,曾全面具体主持两项国家“八五”重点科技攻关项目(85-508专题),并获得国家“八五” 科技攻关重大成果奖,国家教育部科技进步三等奖,以及辽宁省科技发明一等奖和二等奖。作为第二负责人具体主持完成了“军工配套”项目(093核驱动线圈浸渍材料的研制),并在中央电视台“神州风采”栏目播出。



性 别 男

学 历 博士

科研方向 材料物理与化学


承担课题 回国后作为首席科学家承担了中国科学院方向性重大课题;作为项目负责人承担有国家高技术研究与发展863计划重点项目、粤港关键领域重点突破技术招标项目、中山大学211重点学科“先进能源与光电功能材料”建设项目、国家科技部引导性重大攻关项目、广东省自然科学基金优秀团队项目、广州市纳米技术重大专项、广东省新型电池重大专项、中国科学院海外杰出人才基金、国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目、广东省自然科学基金重点和面上项目及与企业合作项目等一系列重大课题。最近在用二氧化碳合成可降解塑料方面取得的突破进展在中央电视1,2,和4台“科技博览” 节目播出。



1995 年获大连理工大学与加拿大McGill大学联合培养博士学位;

1986 年获大连理工大学高分子材料系硕士学位;

1983 年获大连理工大学高分子材料系学士。




2010.04—2010.04,新加坡国立大学化学系Visting Professor;

2007.03—2007.04,新加坡国立大学化学系Visting Professor;



2000.06—2003.06,香港城市大学物理与材料科学系Research Fellow;




2003.11—2004.2,新加坡南洋理工大学Visiting Professor(TCT交流学者奖);

1998.04-2000.07,加拿大McGill大学Postdoctoral Fellow;

1996.01-1998.04,香港城市大学物理与材料科学系Senior Research Associate;




2.Res. J. Chem. Environ 副主编。

3.中国动力与储能电池及材料委员会 副主任。

4.31个国际学术刊物特邀审稿人:1). Macromolecules;2). Mcromolecular Rapid Communication; 3). J. Polym. Sci. Part A; 4). Polymer; 5). Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics; 6). Composite Sci. Tech.; 7). J. Membrane Sci.; 8). J. Polym. Sci. Part B; 9). .J. Power Sources; 10) European Polymer Journal。



2)“发明创业奖”特等奖及“当代发明家”荣誉称号 2008年 中国发明协会

3)广东省环境保护科学技术一等奖 2007年 广东省环保局

4)国家环境保护科学技术三等奖 2007年 国家环保局

5) 科技进步二等奖 2007年 国家教育部

6)辽宁省科技发明一等奖 1993年 辽宁省科技厅

7)辽宁省科技发明二等奖 1994年 辽宁省科技厅

8)国家85科技攻关重大成果奖 1997年 国家科技部,国家计划委员会,国家财政部

9)百人计划 1999年 中国科学院

10)海外杰出人才 2000年 中国科学院及国家财政部

11)科技进步三等奖 1999年 国家教育部


孟跃中教授在最近五年时间里,出版英文书籍两章(分别为Nova 和 Woodhead 出版社)、中山大学学报1期和国际研讨会论文集2册;在国外英文期刊发表了144篇高水平的研究论文,112篇被SCI 收录.同行引用次数超过400次。另有 20项中国发明专利和 3 项美国发明专利。多次参加国际学术会议并被邀作大会或分会报告。是 Res. J. Chem. Environ. 的副主编(Associate Editor);Macromolecules; Mcromolecular Rapid Communication; Polymer; Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics; Composite Sci. Tech.; J. Polym. Sci. Part B; J. Appl. Polym. Sci.; European Polymer Journal; Materials Chem & Phy; Polym Eng & Sci. 和 J. Mater. Sci. 的审稿人和第一届和第二届“能源与环境材料(广州)国际研讨会”大会主席)。


1. Editor: Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, Suppl. V42, 2003.

2. Book Chapter: Chapter 11 “Synthesis, Ring-opening Polymerization and Applications of Aromatic Macrocyclic Disulfide Oligomers”. p 323-369. By Y. Z. Meng, in Leading Edge Polymer Research, by Robert K. Bragg, 2005, Navo Science Publishers, Inc. (ISBN 1-59454-435-2). New York, USA.

3. Book Chapter: Chapter 19 “Polymer-Graphite Nanocomposites”. p 500-539. By Y. Z. Meng, in Polymer Nanocomposites, Woodhead Publishing Limited (Abington, Cambridge, England) and CRC Press LLC (Boca Raton, USA), 2006.

4. Conference Proceeding “International Conference on Energy and Environmental Materials (ICEEM 2002 Guangzhou)”. Chairman of the Conference: Y. Z. Meng. 27th – 29th December 2002, Baiyun Hotel, Guangzhou, China

5. Conference Proceeding “International Conference on Energy and Environmental Materials (ICEEM-2 Guangzhou)”. Chairman of the Conference: Y. Z. Meng. 27th – 29th December 2004, Baiyun Hotel, Guangzhou, China


1. Novel Preparation and Properties of Polypropylene-Vermiculite Nanocomposites, S. C. Tjong, Y. Z. Meng, and A. S. Hay, Chemistry of Materials, 14, 44-51(2002). Impact factor: 4.374; Ranking 5/168 (Filtered by Materials Science).

2. Poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) ionomers synthesized via N-C coupling reaction for fuel cell applications. Y. L. Chen, Y. Z. Meng, X. H. Li, A. S. Hay. Macromolecules 38(24), 10007-10013 (2005). Impact factor: 3.873; Ranking 3/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

3. Novel synthesis of sulfonated poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) used as a proton exchange membrane via N-C coupling reaction. Y. L. Chen, Y. Z. Meng, A. S. Hay. Macromolecules, 38(9), 3564-3566 (2005). Impact factor: 3.733; Ranking 3/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

4. Novel synthesis of macrocyclic aromatic disulfide oligomers by cyclo-depolymerization of aromatic disulfide polymers. Z. A. Liang, Y. Z. Meng, L. Lin, X. S. Du, A. S. Hay. Macromolecules, 37(16), 5837-5840 (2004). Impact factor: 3.733; Ranking 3/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

5. Synthesis and Sulfonation of Poly(aryl ether)s Containing Triphenyl Methane and Tetraphenyl Methane Moieties from Isocynate Masked Bisphenols. L. Wang, Y. Z. Meng, S. J. Wang, A. S. Hay. Macromolecules, 37, 3151-3158 (2004). Impact factor: 3.733; Ranking 3/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

6. Synthesis and characterization of phthalazinone containing poly(arylene ether)s, poly(arylene thioether)s, and poly(arylene sulfone)s via a novel N-C coupling reaction S. J. Wang, Y. Z. Meng, A. R. Hlil, A. S. Hay. Macromolecules, 37(1), 60-65 (2004). Impact factor: 3.733; Ranking 3/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

7. Colored poly(arylene ether)s containing benzoylenebenzimidazole, phthaloperinone, and phthalocyanine moieties. Y. Z. Meng, Imad A. Abu-Yousef, A. R. Hlil and A. S. Hay, Macromolecules, 33, 9185-9191, (2000). Impact factor: 3.733; Ranking 3/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

8. Direct synthesis of poly(arylene disulfide)/graphite nanosheet composites via the oxidation with graphite oxide. X. S. Du, M. Xiao, Y. Z. Meng, A. S. Hay. Carbon, 43, 195-213, 2005. Impact factor: 3.120.

9. New materials and procedures to protect metallic PEM fuel cell bipolar plates. Y. Z. Meng and A. S. Hay, J. of Electrochemical Society, 149, A905-11 (2002). Impact factor: 2.361; Ranking 1/14 (Filtered by Electrochemistry).

10. Synthesis and characterization of poly(arylene ether)s containing 6-(4-hydrophenyl)pyridazin-3(2H)-one or 6-(4-hydroxyphenyl)pyridazine moieties. J. Xu, Y. Z. Meng, S. J. Wang, A. S. Hay. J. Polym. Sci. Part A. 44(10), 3328-3335 (2006). Impact factor: 2.733; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

11. Synthesis and Properties of Sulfonated Poly(aryl ether) Containing Tetraphenyl Methane Moieties for Proton Exchange Membrane. L. Wang, Y. Z. Meng, S. J. Wang, X. H. Li, M. Xiao, A. S. Hay. J. Polym. Sci. Part A. 43(24), 6411-6418 (2005). Impact factor: 2.733; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

12. Synthesis and sulfonation of poly(arylene ether)s containing tetraphenyl methane moieties. L. Wang, Y. Z. Meng, S. J. Wang, A. S. Hay. J. Polym. Sci. Part A, Polym. Chem., 42(7), 1779-1788 (2004). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

13. Synthesis and characterization of phthalazinone containing poly(arylene ether)s via a novel N-C coupling reaction. S. J. Wang, Y. Z. Meng, S. C. Tjong, A. R. Hlil, A. S. Hay. J. Polym. Sci., Part A. Polym. Chem. 41, 2481-2490 (2003). Impact factor: 2.733; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

14. Effects of catalyst morphologies and structure of zinc glutarate on the fixation of carbon dioxide into polymer. Y. Z. Meng, L. C. Du, S. C. Tjong, Q. Zhu. J. Polym. Sci. Part A, Polym. Chem., 40(21), 3579-3591 (2002). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

15. Facial synthesis of high molecular weight polyformals containing phthalazinone moiety. Meng, Y. Z., Tjong S. C., Wang S. J., Hay, A. S., J. of Polym. Sci., Part A. Polym. Chem., 40(10), 1441-1448 (2002). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

16. Synthesis and proton conductivities of phosphoric acid containing poly(arylene ether)s. Meng, Y. Z., Tjong, S. C., Hay, A. S., Wang, S. J., J. of Polym. Sci., Part A. Polym. Chem., 39, 3218-3226, (2001). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

17. Poly(arylene ether)s from new biphenol monomers containing imidoarylene and dicyano arylene groups. Antisar R. Hlil, Yuezhong Meng, Allan S. Hay, Imad A. Abu-Yousef, J. Polym. Sci., Part A. Polym. Chem.. 38, 1318 (2000). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

18. Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel AlQ3-Containing Polymer. Lu, J. P., Meng, Y. Z., Hlil, A. R., Hay, A. S., Tao, Y., D’iorio, M., Maidron, T., Dodelet, J. P., J. of Polym. Sci., Part A. Polym. Chem., 38, 2887 (2000). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

19. Synthesis and thermal properties of copoly(aryl ether ketone)s containing phthalazinone moiety. Y. Z. Meng, A. R. Hlil and A. S. Hay, J. of Polym. Sci., Part A. Polym. Chem., 37, 1781-1788 (1999). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

20. Free radical copolymerization in the presence of Lewis acids. 1-alternating copolymeerization of vinyl acetate with acrylic acid in the presence of GeCl4 and BCl3. G. J. Xu and Y. Z. Meng, J. of Polym. Sci., Part A. Polym. Chem.. 27, 1817-1829 (1989). Impact factor: 2.226; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

21. Synthesis of metallophthalocyanine end-capped polymers and their catalytic activity for the copolymerization of CO2 and propylene oxide. Y. Z. Meng, W. Wan, M. Xiao, A. S. Hay. Green Chemistry. 6(6), 249-253, (2004). Impact factor: 2.82.

22. Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether ketone)s via Direct Copolymerization. Y. L. Chen, Y. Z. Meng, A. S. Hay. Polymer. 46(24), 11125-11132 ( 2005). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

23. Aromatic disulfide polymers back to macrocyclic disulfide oligomers via cyclo-depolymerization reaction. Y. Z. Meng, Z. A. Liang, Y. X. Lu, A. S. Hay. Polymer, 46(24), 11117-11124, (2005). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 5/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

24. Synthesis and characterization of poly(4,4’-oxybis(benzene) disulfide) / graphite nanosheet composites via in-situ ring-opening polymerization of macrocyclic oligomers. X. S. Du, M. Xiao, Y. Z. Meng, A. S. Hay. Polymer. 45(19), 6713-6718, (2004). Impact factor: 2.433; Ranking 9/73 (Filtered by Materials Science).

25. Synthesis of cocyclic(arylene disulfide) oligomers and Their Adhesion Properties as Heating-melt Adhesive. Y. Z. Meng, S. C. Tjong and A. S. Hay, Polymer, 42/12, 5215-5224 (2001). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 9/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

26. Ring opening polymerization of macrocyclic(aromatic disulfide) oligomers derived from 4, 4’-oxybis(benzenethiol. K. Chen, Z. A. Liang, Y. Z. Meng, A. S. Hay. Polymer, 45(6), 1787-1795, (2004). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 9/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

27. Synthesis of a series of metallophthalocyanine end-capped poly (aryl ether sulfone)s from a dicyanoarylene group containing biphenol. W. Wan, Y. Z. Meng Q. Zhu, S. C. Tjong, Allan S. Hay, Polymer, 44, 575-582 (2003). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 9/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

28. Preparation and properties of injection-moulded blends of poly(vinyl chloride) and liquid crystal copolyester. Y. Z. Meng and S. C. Tjong, Polymer, 40, 2711-2718 (1999). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 9/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

29. Morphology and mechanical characteristics of compatibilized polyamide 6/liquid crystalline polymer composite. S. C. Tjong and Y. Z. Meng, Polymer, 38, 4609-4615 (1997). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 10/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

30. Properties and morphology of polyamide 6 hybrid composites containing potassium titanate whisker and liquid crystalline copolyester. S. C. Tjong and Y. Z. Meng, Polymer, 40, 1109 (1999). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 10/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

31. Rheology and morphology of compatibilized polyamide 6 blends containing liquid crystalline copolyesters. Y. Z. Meng and S. C. Tjong, Polymer, 39, 99-107 (1998). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 10/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

32. Morphology, rheological and thermal properties of the melt blends of poly(phthalazinone ether ketone sulfone) with liquid crystalline copolyester. Y. Z. Meng, S. C. Tjong and A. S. Hay, Polymer, 39, 1845-1850 (1998). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 10/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

33. Performance of potassium titanate whisker reinforced polyamide 6 composites. S. C. Tjong and Y. Z. Meng, Polymer, 39, 5461-5469 (1998). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 10/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).

34. Compatibility and degradation of blends of poly(caprolactone)-poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymer and polypropylene. S. C. Tjong, Y. Xu and Y. Z. Meng, Polymer, 40, 3703-3710 (1999). Impact factor: 2.34; Ranking 10/73 (Filtered by Polymer Science).





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