




STAT(Signal transducers and activators of transcription)(信号传导及转录激活因子),含有SH2和SH3结构域,可与特定的含磷酸化酪氨酸的肽段结合。当STAT被磷酸化后,发生聚合成为同源或异源二聚体形式的活化的转录激活因子,进入胞核内与靶基因启动子序列的特定位点结合,促进其转录。现在已克隆成功4种JAK(JAK1~3和Tyk2)与7种STAT(STAT1,STAT2,STAT3,STAT4,STAT5a,STAT5b,STAT6)。

STAT1同源二聚体参与Ⅱ型干扰素(Interferon-gamma)引发的信号通路,进入细胞核后会结合到启动子上的干扰素γ激活序列(Interferon-gamma activated sequence,GAS),激活IFN诱导的早期基因表达。在Ⅰ型干扰素(interferon alpha / beta)激活的信号通路,STAT1-STAT2异源二聚体与IRF9(interferon response factor 9)结合形成ISGF3(interferon stimulated gene factor 3)复合物,并结合到启动子的ISRE结合区,诱导下游基因表达。



函数名: stat()

功 能: 得到文件的信息,将其保存在buf结构中,buf的地址以参数形式传递给stat。

用 法: int _stat(const char *path,struct _stat *buffer)


// crt_stat.c

// This program uses the _stat function to

// report information about the file named crt_stat.c.

#include <time.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <errno.h>

int main( void )


struct _stat buf;

int result;

char timebuf[26];

char* filename = "crt_stat.c";

errno_t err;

// Get data associated with "crt_stat.c":

result = _stat( filename, &buf );

// Check if statistics are valid:

if( result != 0 )


perror( "Problem getting information" );

switch (errno)


case ENOENT:

printf("File %s not found.\", filename);


case EINVAL:

printf("Invalid parameter to _stat.\");



/* Should never be reached. */

printf("Unexpected error in _stat.\");





// Output some of the statistics:

printf( "File size : %ld\", buf. st_size );

printf( "Drive : %c:\", buf. st_dev + 'A' );

err = ctime_s(timebuf, 26, &buf. st_mtime);

if (err)


printf("Invalid arguments to ctime_s.");



printf( "Time modified : %s", timebuf );




File size : 732

Drive : C:

Time modified : Thu Feb 07 14:39:36 2002


stat 结构定义于:/usr/include/sys/stat.h 文件中

struct stat finfo;

stat( sFileName, &finfo );

int size = finfo. st_size;

struct stat {

mode_t st_mode; //文件对应的模式,文件,目录等

ino_t st_ino; //i-node节点号

dev_t st_dev; //设备号码

dev_t st_rdev; //特殊设备号码

nlink_t st_nlink; //文件的连接数

uid_t st_uid; //文件所有者

gid_t st_gid; //文件所有者对应的组

off_t st_size; //普通文件,对应的文件字节数

time_t st_atime; //文件最后被访问的时间

time_t st_mtime; //文件内容最后被修改的时间

time_t st_ctime; //文件状态(属性)改变时间

blksize_t st_blksize; //文件内容对应的块大小

blkcnt_t st_blocks; //文件内容对应的块数量




stat - display file or file system status

stat [OPTION]... FILE...


Display file or file system status.

-L, --dereference

follow links

-f, --file-system

display file system status instead of file status

-c --format=FORMAT

use the specified FORMAT instead of the default; output a new‐

line after each use of FORMAT


like --format, but interpret backslash escapes, and do not out‐

put a mandatory trailing newline. If you want a newline,

include \ in FORMAT

-t, --terse

print the information in terse form

--help display this help and exit


output version information and exit

The valid format sequences for files (without --file-system):

%a Access rights in octal

%A Access rights in human readable form

%b Number of blocks allocated (see %B)

%B The size in bytes of each block reported by %b

%C SELinux security context string

%d Device number in decimal

%D Device number in hex

%f Raw mode in hex

%F File type

%g Group ID of owner

%G Group name of owner

%h Number of hard links

%i Inode number

%n File name

%N Quoted file name with dereference if symbolic link

%o I/O block size

%s Total size, in bytes

%t Major device type in hex

%T Minor device type in hex

%u User ID of owner

%U User name of owner

%x Time of last access

%X Time of last access as seconds since Epoch

%y Time of last modification

%Y Time of last modification as seconds since Epoch

%z Time of last change

%Z Time of last change as seconds since Epoch

Valid format sequences for file systems:

%a Free blocks available to non-superuser

%b Total data blocks in file system

%c Total file nodes in file system

%d Free file nodes in file system

%f Free blocks in file system






array stat( string filename)

获取由 filename指定的文件的统计信息。如果 filename是符号连接,则统计信息是关于被连接文件本身的,而不是符号连接。lstat()stat()相同,只除了它会返回符号连接的状态。

如果出错,stat()返回 FALSE,并且发出一条警告。

返回一个数组包含有文件的统计信息,该数组具有以下列出的单元,数组下标从零开始。除了数字索引之外自 PHP 4.0.6 起还可以通过关联索引来访问。


数字下标 关联键名(自 PHP 4.0.6) 说明

0 dev device number - 设备名

1 ino inode number - inode 号码

2 mode inode protection mode - inode 保护模式

3 nlink number of links - 被连接数目

4 uid userid of owner - 所有者的用户 id

5 gid groupid of owner- 所有者的组 id

6 rdev device type, if inode device * - 设备类型,如果是 inode 设备的话

7 size size in bytes - 文件大小的字节数

8 atime time of last access (unix timestamp) - 上次访问时间(Unix 时间戳)

9 mtime time of last modification (unix timestamp) - 上次修改时间(Unix 时间戳)

10 ctime time of last change (unix timestamp) - 上次改变时间(Unix 时间戳)

11 blksize blocksize of filesystem IO * - 文件系统 IO 的块大小

12 blocks number of blocks allocated - 所占据块的数目* - 仅在支持 st_blksize 类型的系统下有效。其它系统(如 Windows)返回 -1。





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