

词条 sSSE3



upplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3)是 Intel 命名的 SSE3 指令集的扩充,不使用新的号码是因为 SSSE3 只是加强版的 SSE3,以至于推出 SSSE3 之前,SSE4 的定义容易被混淆。在公开 Intel 的 Core 微架构的时候,SSSE3 于2006年7月首次装载在 Xeon 5100 与 Intel Core 2 行动版与桌面型处理器上。



SSSE3 包含了 16 个新的不同于 SSE3 的指令。每一个都能够运作于 64 位元的 MMX 暂存器或是 128 位元 XMM 暂存器之中。因此,有些 Intel 的文件表示有 32 个新指令。之前的 SIMD 指令由旧排到新依序是 MMX、3DNow!(AMD 开发的)、SSE、3DNow! Professional、SSE2与SSE3。





Xeon 5100 系列

Xeon 5300 系列

Xeon 3000 系列

Core 2 Duo

Core 2 Extreme

Core 2 Quad

Core i7

Core i5

Pentium Dual-Core

Celeron 4xx 的 Conroe-L

Celeron Dual Core 系列

Celeron M 500 系列





In the table below, satsw(X) (read as 'saturate to signed word')takes a signed integer X, and converts it to -32768 if it's less than-32768, to +32767 if it's greater than 32767, and leaves it unchangedotherwise. As normal for the Intel architecture, bytes are 8 bits,words 16 bits, and dwords 32 bits; 'register' refers to an MMX or XMMvector register.

PSIGNB, PSIGNW, PSIGND Packed Sign Negate the elements of a register of bytes, words or dwords if thesign of the corresponding elements of another register is negative.

PABSB, PABSW, PABSD Packed Absolute Value Fill the elements of a register of bytes, words or dwords with the absolute values of the elements of another register

PALIGNR Packed Align Right take two registers, concatenate their values, and pull out aregister-length section from an offset given by an immediate valueencoded in the instruction.

PSHUFB Packed Shuffle Bytes takes registers of bytes A = [a0 a1 a2 ...] and B = [b0 b1 b2 ...] and replaces A with [ab0 ab1 ab2 ...]; except that it replaces the ith entry with 0 if the top bit of bi is set.

PMULHRSW Packed Multiply High with Round and Scale treat the sixteen-bit words in registers A and B as signed 15-bitfixed-point numbers between -1 and 1 (eg 0x4000 is treated as 0.5 and0xa000 as -0.75), and multiply them together with correct rounding.

PMADDUBSW Multiply and Add Packed Signed and Unsigned Bytes Take the bytes in registers A and B, multiply them together, addpairs, signed-saturate and store. IE [a0 a1 a2 ...] pmaddubsw [b0 b1 b2...] = [satsw(a0b0+a1b1) satsw(a2b2+a3b3) ...]

PHSUBW, PHSUBD Packed Horizontal Subtract (Words or Doublewords) takes registers A = [a0 a1 a2 ...] and B = [b0 b1 b2 ...] and outputs [a0-a1 a2-a3 ... b0-b1 b2-b3 ...]

PHSUBSW Packed Horizontal Subtract and Saturate Words like PHSUBW, but outputs [satsw(a0-a1) satsw(a2-a3) ... satsw(b0-b1) satsw(b2-b3) ...]

PHADDW, PHADDD Packed Horizontal Add (Words or Doublewords) takes registers A = [a0 a1 a2 ...] and B = [b0 b1 b2 ...] and outputs [a0+a1 a2+a3 ... b0+b1 b2+b3 ...]

PHADDSW Packed Horizontal Add and Saturate Words like PHADDW, but outputs [satsw(a0+a1) satsw(a2+a3) ... satsw(b0+b1) satsw(b2+b3) ...]





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