词条 | 妈妈说 |
释义 | 关于妈妈说 BabySpace Corp. 妈妈说(BabySpace Corp.)是一家设立于英属维京群岛的互联网高科技企业。 妈妈说致力于为中国乃至全球华人的母亲提供一个永久记录儿童成长历程、分享育儿经验、以及感悟身为人母的无限快乐的网络社区。与传统的Web1.0的母婴社区不同,妈妈说主张“让育儿成为快乐的体验”。通过Web2.0的商业模式和网络技术,妈妈说鼓励用户主动创造和分享内容,支持用户把自己亲身体会的育儿经验、自家宝贝的成长历程、以及成长的烦恼与快乐通过网络与家人、朋友、和同龄母亲进行分享。妈妈说坚信,最有价值的育儿信息来自于用户自己,而非权威机构或学术专家。 公司愿景 妈妈说的愿景是成为中国乃至全球华人的首选母婴网络社区。 公司理念 妈妈说让育儿成为快乐的体验!Be Mommy, Be Happy! 管理团队 妈妈说的创始团队具有多年互联网及通信领域成功经验,曾创办中国最大的社会化网络(Social Network),成功从硅谷、香港及台湾融资,并最终带领公司成功与境外上市公司合并。 妈妈说的主要管理团队成员毕业于清华大学、北京大学等著名高校。 投资背景 妈妈说从创立之初即以杰出的管理团队、精准的市场定位、以及广阔的发展前景获得著名风险投资机构和知名天使投资人的青睐。他们主要包括: DT Capital 德同资本 DT Capital Partners (DT) is a China based venture capital firm focused on early to expansion stage investments. DT invests in dynamic companies in China that have high growth potential, strong management teams, and demonstrated models in both technology based and traditional businesses. DT’s partners have been early investors or entrepreneurs behind leading companies like SunTech Power (NYSE: STP), Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU), MeMeStar (acquired by Sina), Billpoint (acquired by eBay), and ChinaPay (acquired by China Union Pay). Yasumitsu Shigeta Mr. Shigeta is the founder and chairman of Hikari Tsushin Inc., which is the listed company of the TSE. Hikari Tsushin is the distributor of mobile phones, office equipments, insurance policies and so on, whose sales are about USD 3 billion and net profits are about USD 200 million in the fiscal year 2007 (Est). Hkari Tsushin's market cap as of today is about USD 2.2 billion. Mr. Shigeta was the youngest CEO of a public company in Japan when Hikari Tsushin registered its shares in JASDAQ and also on the TSE. According to Forbes in 1999, Mr. Shigeta became the fifith wealthiest man in the world because the shares of Hikari Tsushin were skyrocketed at that time. Mr. Shigeta is also one of the famous and very successful angel investors in Japan. David Ho 何庆源 何庆源先生目前担任诺基亚西门子通信公司中国董事长。诺基亚西门子通信公司是全球最大的网络通信公司之一----拥有 6 万名员工,在世界各个主要市场领域都占据领先地位。 此前,何先生担任诺基亚(中国)投资有限公司总裁兼诺基亚网络全球高级副总裁,负责诺基亚中国的投资和企业战略制定以及负责诺基亚网络在中国地区的业务。 Chinese Founders Fund Chinese Founders Fund is one of the reputable venture capital companies in the Asia Pacific region, serving as a startup's first outside source of seed and early stage financing. Chinese Founders Fund specializes in digital content industry and supports the initiation of cross-pacific projects in Asia. Headquartered in Beijing, the firm has proven expertise in identifying and helping extraordinary entrepreneurs who want to make their dreams come true. |
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