

词条 Soleil

《Soleil》来自巴黎的橘儿(Clementine),1987年,橘儿与酷派爵士名匠Ben Sidran结缘合作,两人日后更成为长期合作伙伴。2002-04年间,橘儿陆续发行选唱60/70年代流行经典歌曲的专辑《30C》以及揉合了bossa nova与咖啡馆音乐风格的《Cle》、《Soleil》等专辑。









soleil音乐专辑《Soleil》来自巴黎的橘儿(Clementine),1987年,橘儿与酷派爵士名匠Ben Sidran结缘合作,两人日后更成为长期合作伙伴。88年,橘儿与新力音乐签下一纸合约,88-90年间,橘儿在老爸所开设的独立厂牌Orange Blue Label发表爵士专辑。92年开始,橘儿陆续与前Pizzicato Five 灵魂人物小西康阳、融合爵士/放克队伍Incognito的Bluey灌录一系列传统爵士与新潮爵士乐风的专辑。2002-04年间,橘儿陆续发行选唱60/70年代流行经典歌曲的专辑《30C》以及揉合了bossa nova与咖啡馆音乐风格的《Cle》、《Soleil》等专辑。

来自巴黎的橘儿(Clementine),有个很爵士的童年,有着相当随性的性格,唱起歌来,弥漫着忘我一般的即兴风雅,在她那散发着微温的热情歌声里,蕴藏着来自生活中的无限浪漫情怀,这样的歌声,徜徉于爵士、森巴与bossa nova的音乐天地之间,是多么的优闲的一幅画面。

1997年起,橘儿一方面持续发表传统爵士演唱专辑,一方面也开始接触bossa nova乐风、巴西音乐,随后更将自己的爵士歌唱风格与bossa nova乐风融合在一起,营造出一种颇适合在咖啡馆聆听的歌唱风格。橘儿形容为度假音乐大全的“Heure D'ete”(97)、流露咖啡馆听觉气氛的“Couleur Cafe”(99)、洋溢巴西热带风情的“Les Voyages”(2000)、bossa nova乐风大作“Cafe Apres-Midi”(2001)都是橘儿奠定bossa nova/休闲音乐歌唱风格的代表作。2002-04年间,橘儿陆续发行选唱60/70年代流行经典歌曲的专辑《30C》以及揉合了bossa nova与咖啡馆音乐风格的《Cle》、《Soleil》等专辑。


sun1 [san] noun

the round body in the sky that gives light and heat to the earth

Example: The Sun is nearly 150 million kilometres away from the Earth. Arabic: شَمْس

Chinese (Simplified): 太阳

Chinese (Traditional): 太阳

Czech: Slunce

Danish: sol

Dutch: zon

Estonian: päike

Finnish: aurinko

French: soleil

German: die Sonne

Greek: ήλιος

Hungarian: nap

Icelandic: sól

Indonesian: matahari

Italian: sole

Japanese: 太阳

Korean: 해, 태양

Latvian: Saule

Lithuanian: saulė

Norwegian: sol

Polish: słońce

Portuguese (Brazil): sol

Portuguese (Portugal): sol

Romanian: soare

Russian: солнце

Slovak: Slnko

Slovenian: sonce

Spanish: sol

Swedish: sol

Turkish: güneş

sun2 [san] noun

any of the fixed stars

Example: Do other suns have planets revolving round them? Arabic: أحد النُّجوم الثابِتَه

Chinese (Simplified): 恒星

Czech: slunce

Danish: sol

Dutch: zon

Estonian: päike

Finnish: aurinko

French: soleil

German: die Sonne

Greek: οποιοδήποτε αστέρι που λειτουργεί ως ήλιος

Hungarian: nap

Icelandic: sól

Indonesian: matahari

Italian: sole

Korean: 항성

Latvian: saule

Lithuanian: saulė

Norwegian: sol

Polish: słońce

Portuguese (Brazil): sol

Portuguese (Portugal): sol

Romanian: soare

Russian: звезда неподвижная

Slovak: slnko

Slovenian: sonce

Spanish: sol

Swedish: sol

Turkish: güneş

sun3 [san] noun

light and heat from the sun; sunshine

Example: We sat in the sun; In Britain they don't get enough sun; The sun has faded the curtains. Arabic: نور الشَّمْس

Chinese (Simplified): 日光

Czech: slunce

Danish: sol; solskin

Dutch: zon

Estonian: päikesepaiste, päikesevalgus

Finnish: auringonvalo

French: soleil

German: die Sonne

Greek: ήλιος, ηλιακό φως

Hungarian: napfény

Icelandic: sól, sólskin

Indonesian: sinar matahari

Italian: sole

Korean: 햇빛; 태양의 빛과 열

Latvian: saule; saulesgaisma

Lithuanian: saulė

Norwegian: solskinn, lys

Polish: słońce

Portuguese (Brazil): sol

Portuguese (Portugal): sol

Romanian: soare

Russian: солнце

Slovak: slnko

Slovenian: sonce

Spanish: sol

Swedish: sol, solsken

Turkish: güneş ışığı

三、Soleil @ 维基百科

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Soleil may refer to:

Soleil (name), which may be either a surname or given name

The European title for the Sega Mega Drive game Crusader of Centy

Soleil (synchrotron), a synchrotron in France

French for the Sun

Cirque du Soleil, an international circus organization based in Montreal, Canada

Soleil Productions, a French comic book publisher





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