

词条 罗思义

1. 开国将士

罗思义 男,汉族,1927年4月出生,湖南省衡东县人。1946年8月参加革命工作,1948年2月加入中国共产党,曾任湖南省委办公厅副主任等职,其事迹被收入2007年8月中国工人出版社出版发行的《开国将士风云录》一书中。

2. 青岛理工大学教授




1. 固体废弃物资源化

2. 生物质能开发利用


2000.9~2004.6 武汉科技学院,学士

2005.9~2007.6 华中科技大学,环境科学与工程学院,研究生/硕士肖波






1. Siyi Luo, Bo Xiao, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu, Xianjun Guo, Maoyun He. Hydrogen-rich gas from catalytic steam gasification of biomass in a fixed bed reactor: Influence of temperature and steam on gasification performance International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Issue 5, March 2009, Pages 2191-2194 IF=3.45

2. Siyi Luo, Bo Xiao, Xianjun Guo, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu, Maoyun He Hydrogen-rich gas from catalytic steam gasification of biomass in a fixed bed reactor: Influence of particle size on gasification performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Issue 3, February 2009, Pages 1260-1264 IF=3.45

3. Siyi Luo, Bo Xiao, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu, Xianjun Guo. An experimental study on a novel shredder for municipal solid waste (MSW) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Issue 3, February 2009, Pages 1270-1274 IF=3.45

4. Siyi Luo, Bo Xiao, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu. Effect of particle size on pyrolysis of single-component municipal solid waste in fixed bed reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, In Press. IF=3.45

5. S.Y. Luo, B. Xiao, Z.Q. Hu, S.M. Liu, Y.W. Guan. Experimental study on oxygen-enriched combustion of biomass micro fuel. Energy, Volume 34, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 1880-1884. IF=1.71

6. Siyi Luo, Bo Xiao, Xianjun Guo, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu. A novel shredder for MSW: influence of feed moisture. Bioresource technology. 2010,101:6256-6258. IF=4.45

7. Siyi Luo, Bo Xiao, Zhiquan Hu, Shiming Liu. Influence of particle size on pyrolysis and gasification performance of municipal solid waste in fixed bed reactor. Available online 3 April 2010. IF=4.45

8. Siyi Luo, Bo Xiao, Xianjun Guo. Study on the cyclone combustion of biomass micron fuel. Energy conversion and management. Available online 3 April 2010. IF=1.18.

9. Yanwen Guan, Siyi Luo, Shiming Liu, Bo Xiao, Lei Cai Steam catalytic gasification of municipal solid waste for producing tar-free fuel gas International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 34, Issue 23, December 2009, Pages 9341-9346. IF=3.45

10. Siyi Luo, Chang Liu, Bo Xiao. A novel biomass pulverization technology, Renewable energy 2011,36:578-582. IF=2.226

11. Siyi Luo, Cuijie Yi, Yangmin Zhou. Direct reduction of biomass-Fe2O3 briquettes using biomass-generated syngas. Renewable Energy 36 (2011) 3332-3336, IF=2.226.

12. 罗思义 等。《生物质微米燃料催化气化的实验研究——粒径的影响》华中科技大学学报2009,37: 122-126。

13. 罗思义 等。《压缩式生活垃圾剪切破碎机设计》矿山机械2008,36:86-89。

14. 罗思义 等。《城市生活垃圾水蒸气催化气化的实验研究》环境科学与技术2009,32:43-48 。

15. 罗思义 等。《生物质微米燃料旋风燃烧的实验研究》锅炉技术2010,41: 69-73。

16. 罗思义 等。《生物质微米燃料富氧燃烧特性的实验研究》东北林业大学学报2009,37:86-88。





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