

词条 Smokey Robinson


If you're looking for the all-time number-one purveyor of mainstream romantic soul, Smokey Robinson may well be the man, in the face of some towering competition. With the Miracles in the 1960s, he paced dozens of tuneful Motown hits with his beautiful high tenor. As a solo performer from the 1970s onward, he was one of the staples of urban contemporary music. But his singing gifts, as notable as they are, comprise only one of his hats: he's also one of pop's best and most prolific songwriters. As a songwriter and producer, he was the most important musical component to Motown's early success, not only on the hits by the Miracles, but for numerous other acts as well (especially Mary Wells and the Temptations).

Robinson first crossed paths with Motown founder Berry Gordy, Jr. in the late '50s in Detroit. In retrospect, this may have been the most important meeting in both men's lives. Robinson needed a mentor and an outlet for his budding talents as a singer and songwriter; the ambitious Gordy needed someone with multi-faceted musical vision. Gordy encouraged and polished Robinson's songwriting in particular in the early days, in which the Miracles were one of many acts bridging the doo-wop and early soul eras.

Before solidifying their relationship with the embryonic Motown operation, the Miracles issued a few singles on the End and Chess labels, the most successful of which was "Got a Job." There was no national action for the Miracles until "Shop Around" in late 1960. Gordy withdrew the original single in favor of a faster, more fully produced version of the song; it made number two, doing much not only to establish the Miracles, but to establish the Motown label itself. The song also heralded many of the important elements of the Motown sound, with its gospel-ish interplay between lead and backup vocals, its rhythmic groove, and its blend of R&B and pop.

While Robinson is most often thought of as a romantic balladeer, the Miracles were also capable of grinding out some excellent up-tempo party tunes, particularly in their early days. "Mickey's Monkey" (which the group gave an athletically electrifying performance of in the 1964 T.A.M.I. Show movie), a 1963 Top Ten hit, is the most famous of these; there was also "Going to a Go-Go" and smaller hits like "I Gotta Dance to Keep From Crying." The 1962 Top Ten hit "You've Really Got a Hold on Me," however, was the key cut in forming Robinson's romantic persona, with its pleading, soaring vocals, exquisite melody, and carefully crafted lyrics. Bob Dylan was impressed enough by Robinson's facility for imaginative wordplay to dub him "America's greatest living poet" (a phrase which has possibly become the most quoted example of one rock giant praising another).

Surveying Robinson's achievements during the 1960s, one wonders if the man ever slept. While the Miracles were never Motown's biggest act at any given time, they were one of its very most consistent, entering the Top 40 25 times over the course of the decade. "I Second That Emotion," "The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Mirage," "The Tracks of My Tears," "Ooo Baby Baby," and "Baby, Baby Don't Cry" were some of their biggest singles, and usually represented Motown at its most sophisticated and urbane. Robinson also was extremely active at Motown as a songwriter and producer for other acts. The number one singles "My Guy" (Mary Wells) and "My Girl" (Temptations) were each Robinson songs and productions (the latter with fellow Miracle Ronnie White), and Robinson also did some excellent work with the Marvelettes and Marvin Gaye. He also toured with the Miracles, and started a family with the Miracles' female singer, Claudette Rogers, whom he married in 1964. Rogers stopped touring with the group in the mid-'60s, although she continued to sing on their records.

Starting in 1967, the billing on Miracles releases was changed to Smokey Robinson & the Miracles, presaging Robinson's solo career. The group continued to spin out hits until the early '70s, however, getting their only number one in 1970 with the upbeat "The Tears of a Clown" (which had actually been recorded back in 1966). Robinson left the group to go on his own in 1972; the Miracles continued without him with limited success, although they had a number one hit in 1976 with "Love Machine, Pt. 1."

Robinson had been made a vice president at Motown near the beginning of his career in 1961. He recorded frequently as a solo artist for Motown in the '70s and '80s, in a considerably mellower vein than his Miracles work, in keeping with the general shift of Motown and soul toward urban contemporary. Robinson, in fact, provided that genre with one of its catch phrases with the title of his 1975 album, A Quiet Storm. "Cruisin'" (1979) and "Being With You" (1981) were his biggest solo hits, although artistically and commercially his solo era wasn't nearly as successful as his music with the Miracles.





虽然罗宾逊是最经常认为是一种浪漫的民谣歌手,是奇迹也是磨出来,特别是在其早期一些优秀的快节奏党的曲调,有能力的。 “米奇的猴子”(该小组发表了有运动激动人心的表现在1964年机器公会显示电影的),1963年十大击中,是其中最有名的,也有“去一去,去”和小点击喜欢“我得把舞蹈从哭。” 1962年十大单曲“你真的对我得到了保持,”然而,在形成罗宾逊的浪漫人物关键的下调,加上它的恳求,飞涨声,旋律优美,精心制作的歌词。鲍勃迪伦留下了深刻印象罗宾逊的富有想象力的文字游戏设施,足以配音他为“美国最伟大的诗人”(一个可能已成为一个巨大的岩石大部分引用一句赞美另一个例子)。

罗宾逊在20世纪60年代测绘的成果,人们不禁要问,如果一个人是睡。虽然奇迹从未汽车城最大的行为在任何时候,他们是其最稳定的一极,进入了十年的过程中,顶部40 25倍。 “我重复那种感情”,“爱我看见你只是一个幻影”,“我的眼泪的曲目”,“噢噢噢宝贝”和“宝贝,宝贝,不要哭泣”是他们最大的一些单打,通常在其最先进的代表和文雅摩城。罗宾逊在摩城也被作为一个非常活跃的作曲家和制作人的其他行为。排名第一的单曲“我的男人”(玛丽威尔斯)和“我的女孩”(诱惑),各罗宾逊歌曲,制作(与同胞奇迹龙白后者),和罗宾逊也做了一些与Marvelettes和马文盖伊的出色工作。他还参观了与奇迹,并开始与奇迹女歌手,克劳罗杰斯,其中他在1964年嫁给了一个家庭。罗杰斯停止与中期60年代一群巡回演出,但她继续唱他们的记录。


罗宾逊在汽车城已经取得了他职业生涯接近1961年开始的副总裁。他经常被记录在70年代和80年代的汽车城独奏艺术家,比他的工作相当圆滑静脉奇迹,在与现代汽车城,向城市转移的灵魂一般维持。罗宾逊,事实上,只要与体裁与他1975年专辑,阿夸风暴标题渔获短语之一。 “Cruisin'”(1979年)和“正在与你”(1981年),是他最大的个人访问,但他的独奏艺术和商业的年代,没有像他的音乐成功的奇迹。


Smokey Robinson & The Miracles

Smokey Robinson和他领军的组合The Miracles是6、70年代重要的黑人灵歌,他们的作品都已收录在这套《环球大师珍藏系列》里。

忘了是哪一年,伟大的民谣歌手Bob Dylan曾经这样评价Smokey Robinson:美国活着的最伟大的诗人。的确,作为美国当代最有影响力的诗人,Robinson为整个流行音乐创作了一系列相当精制的歌词和旋律。同时,他也是这些作品最有表现力的歌手之一,并且他还是一位非常出色的制作人。作为一名60年代最有影响力的灵歌音乐家之一,Smokey Robinson将40年代和50年代黑人演唱组特有的甜美假声唱法进行了精练,同The Miracles(奇迹)演唱组一道,他将这一演唱风格演变为流行音乐一个特有的派别,比如他与奇迹演唱组的代表歌曲之一“I Don't Blame You At All(不全怪你)”。

Smokey Robinson 1940年2月出生于底特律,15岁的时候和几个伙伴儿组成了The Miracles演唱组,演唱组的第一首重要的热门歌曲就是下面我们听到的这首“Shop Around(四处购物)”,这是一首快节奏的作品,同时也体现出Robinson越来越出色的驾驭文字的技巧。这首歌曲1960年在美国排行榜上获得了第2名,随后他们便迎来了黄金时代,推出了一系列的热门歌曲。

下面这首歌曲“Tracks Of My Tears(泪痕)”被看作是Smokey Robinson & The Miracles最伟大的一首单曲,是Robinson缓慢华丽和柔和的爱情歌曲的代表作品,其中吉他手Marvin Tarplin舒缓流畅的演奏和Robinson忧郁忏悔的演唱以及深思熟虑的措词完美的结合在一起。其实作为吉他手,Marvin Tarplin对The Miracles的贡献一直被忽视了,除了他令人难以忘怀的吉他间奏和节奏演奏之外,他还为The Miracles创作了很多出色的歌曲,在Robinson清新热情的制作处理下,The Miracles在60年代中期获得了事业上的一次飞跃,而此时Smokey Robinson的演唱风格也完全成熟了。

到了1967年,也许是年龄上的缘故,Smokey Robinson的作品丧失了青春的朝气,但具有了一种新的深度,在纯真的格调消逝后,Smokey Robinson & The Miracles并未从此一蹶不振。他们1967年录制的这首歌曲“The Tears Of A Clown(小丑的眼泪)”1970年在英国获得了成功,这一成功促使他们在美国发行了这首歌,并最终成为The Miracles第一首排行榜的冠军歌曲。仔细聆听这首歌,Robinson大部分歌词的风格也展现在你眼前,由于专注于微笑背后的忧伤,他大部分动人的歌曲都着眼于内心的痛苦。

1972年,经过一系列的告别演出,Smokey Robinson离开了The Miracles开始个人的发展,他独特的演唱风格被70年代那些“蓝眼睛的白人灵歌歌手”广泛模仿,当他成为一位个人音乐家之初,Robinson继续发展着这一风格,树立起了亲切热情的男子汉形象。作为一位具有影响力的作曲家和表演者,Smokey Robinson完善了黑人灵歌的流行风格,尤其是他的歌词,充满了令人信服的比喻以及精制的双关语,一直被评论家们广为称赞。在他的制作技巧方面,Robinson培养起了自己浪漫的印象主义风格,也为自己的歌曲大大增色。


外形英俊的Smokey Robinson拥有一双蓝绿色漂亮的眼睛,他一席GIORGIO ARMANI,面带微笑,稳健地走上舞台正中央,皮鞋触及木质地板发出“嗒嗒嗒”的声响,舞台下面半数的人已经起立鼓掌。只见他举起双手把台下的掌声缓和下去,而后从容地抓起麦克风杆,像呵护一位老情人一样,用情很深地把麦克风轻巧地从上面取下来,示意伴奏准备,并开始开口演唱——露出两排洁白得有些在Bling-Bling的牙齿。 “我想要去爱,原因很简单,因为你在我身旁⋯⋯你的眼中就是天堂,就像头顶的星星一样⋯⋯我俩的心结合一起,我不再害怕,请不要去思忖,这美梦何时消散⋯⋯”

他并没有用那首广为人知的《泪痕》(Tracks Of My Tears)开场,而是选择了这首稍显平静的《爱的心情》(I'm In The Mood For Love)。Robinson准确地击中每一个音符,他努力把每个英文单词发至最清晰,努力把歌词所传达的爱意递送到舞台下的人群中间,他精神矍铄地同时用身体和灵魂两部分表达着音乐中的浪漫氛围,表情十分投入。没有人有能力准确地猜测到,当时的他已经66岁。这是2006年在波士顿“灵魂跳跃”夜总会(Soul Jumping)举行的一场小型Smokey Robinson演唱会,所有收入将捐献给迈阿密儿童医院基金会,与其说这是Smokey基于理智和回馈社会的反思行为,不如说是基于他直觉感知的爱心奉献。

我在10年前买到过一张唱片,是Motown的Tamla厂牌下推出的The Miracles的《Ooo Baby Baby》。虽然这张1965年的唱片录音质量并不算很好,但我却断断续续地认真听过几遍,一直到后来手中握有这张唱片的MP3,即便如此,我都没有去注意,Smokey Robinson作为1965年到1972年The Miracles的主唱,到底是怎么样的一个好所在。直到后来阅读《滚石》杂志,发现《Ooo Baby Baby》被评为人类历史上500首最佳金曲中的第262首,同时也被称之为The Miracles的代表作,我才又重拾这张已经被灰尘覆盖盘面的经典单曲唱片,专注地聆听Smokey Robinson在歌里如何扮演一名欺骗了老婆的男人,等到悔意满怀,又转过来祈求老婆的原谅的浪子角色。这首歌感情充沛,仰仗着The Miracles背景合音小天团的和谐演唱功力,整个配合可谓天衣无缝,得以使Smokey Robinson变身活脱脱一个“该死却懂得悔过的混蛋”。在某一个瞬间,我很庆幸自己听到的不是一支配器复杂的大乐队,在温暖的现场多乐器同声录音的声场下,我感受到的是完完全全室内Live音乐的高贵、清新和真实。

Robinson于1940年2月19日出生在密歇根州底特律的North End区,他和家人所居住的是一个混乱而贫瘠的地方,典型的“黑人社区”。当他还小的时候,一个喜欢看西部牛仔电影的叔叔捏着他的脸叫他“冒烟乔嘟嘟”(Smokey Joe Doo Doo),这个叔叔常常去听小Robinson当时所在的小天使合唱团在教堂的演唱,因为当时可以得到他的糖果吃,小Robinson硬着头皮接受了这个名字。当时他们常常在教堂外面的草坪上练习演唱,练习不是问题,就是有时候日头很毒,这些小家伙一个个被烤得蔫蔫的,连跟着手风琴节奏左右交错摇摆的力气都随着汗水流走了,其中的Smokey Joe Doo Doo真是有些被晒得快冒烟的感觉,也正是在这种恶劣的环境中,Robinson开始了自己最初同音乐的触碰,而他当时的梦想就是组建一队属于自己的演唱团,到处去为大家表演。

到Robinson长大一点之后,干脆把自己简称为“Smokey”,他跟自己从11岁就认识的Diana Ross一起到处唱歌,他们喜欢音乐,喜欢唱歌。在离主街教堂只有百米之遥的旅馆区、旅客观光区表演,在理发店门口表演,在富人家郁郁葱葱、鲜花盛开的错落庭院里表演⋯⋯有时候在葡萄架下的餐桌散坐着正在喝啤酒或咖啡的客人,这些会唱歌的小朋友过去表演,座上所有人都会朝他们热情地欢呼,拍手叫好,好像他们早已经知道Smokey Robinson、Diana Ross、Ronald White、Pete Moore⋯⋯这些人迟早有一天会加入流行音乐圈的行列,会声名显赫。





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