词条 | 罗勒沙拉面 |
释义 | 原料主料(1)罗勒叶50克(50g basil leaves) 、松子30克(30g pine nuts) 、大蒜4瓣(4 cloves garlic) 、帕梅善乳酪粉4大匙(超市有售)(4T parmesan cheese powder) 、特级精致橄榄油4大匙(4T extra virgin olive oil) . (2)意大利细面100克(100g Italian fine spaghetti noodles) 、红辣椒1个(1 red chili pepper) 、蘑菇数个(mushrooms as needed). 辅料(1) 糖1/2茶匙(1/2t sugar) 、黑胡椒粉1/2茶匙(1/2t black peppercorns) 、盐少许(a pinch of salt) . (2) 盐少许(a pinch of salt) 、橄榄油1大匙(1T olive oil). 做法1.首先制作罗勒酱:将松子放入烤箱,用100℃先烤至金黄色;大蒜去皮,洗净、拭干;罗勒叶洗净,沥干备用。 2.将处理好的松子、大蒜、罗勒叶放入食物搅拌器打成泥状,再慢慢分次加入橄榄油搅拌均匀(图1)。 3.最后加入乳酪粉(图2)、调味料(1)拌匀即成罗勒酱。 4.准备半锅沸水,加入少许盐及橄榄油1/2大匙,放入细面煮熟后立即捞出,浸入冰水,再捞出沥干水分后拌入1/2大匙橄榄油备用。 5.红辣椒去籽,洗净切丝;蘑菇洗净,切片,烫熟备用。 6.将细面及烫好的蘑菇拌入半杯罗勒酱,盛盘,再放上红辣椒丝即可。 英文对照 1.To make basil sauce:Roast pine nuts in oven at 100℃ until golden.Remove skin from garlic,rinse well and dry.Rinse basil leaves well and drain. 2.Place pine nuts,garlic and basil in food processor.Grind until wellmashed,then add olive oil,little at a time until evenly-combined(fig.1). 3.Add cheese powder(fig.2) and seasoning(1) at last.Mix well to make basil sauce. 4.Prepare half pot of boiling water with a little salt and 1/2T olive oil added . Cook noodles in water until done and remove immediately to soak in ice water for a minute. Then remove to drain first,and add 1/2T of olive oil to mix. 5.Remove and discard seeds from chili pepper. Rinse well and shred.Rinse mushrooms well and cut into slices,then blanch in boiling water until done. 6.Stir 1/2C of basil sauce to noodles and mushrooms. Mix well and remove to serving plate.Sprinkle with shredded chili pepper.Serve. 注意事项制作罗勒酱的大蒜、罗勒叶务必拭干水分。 罗勒酱的保存方法:用干净玻璃瓶盛装,再倒入1~2大匙橄榄油存放于冰箱,使用时取出,搅拌一下。 英文对照 Dry garlic and basil leaves completely when making the basil sauce. To preserve basil sauce: Pour into a clean glass gar and add 1~2T of olive oil to it,then remove to chill in refrigerator.Stirwell before using. |
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