词条 | 罗伯特·富兰克林·杨 |
释义 | 20世纪美国科幻短篇小说家,主要作品有《The Last Yggdrasill》和《The Dandelion Girl》(蒲公英女孩)。 人物生平以及作品概述罗伯特·富兰克林·杨(Robert Franklin Young,1915-1985),是一位美国科幻小说作家。他几乎一生都生活在美国的纽约州,除了第二次世界大战中在太平洋战场的三年半服役外。他和妻子在伊利湖(Erie, Lake)一代也有房产。 罗伯特·F·杨的小说创作生涯长达三十多年,直到死神到来那一刻,他都没有放下手中的笔,从1953年开始,他陆续在种类繁多的杂志上发表了约一百篇短篇故事,起初在《Startling Stories》,然后是《PlayBoy》(花花公子),《The Saturday Evening Post》,但他最著名的是作为一位长期的投稿人,在杂志《Magazing of Fiction》和《Science Fiction》上发表了当时最受读者欢迎的一系列有关女巨人和她们不走运的男性迷恋者(giantesses and their hapless male devotees)的故事。杨的小说类型主要是以诗意而浪漫的短篇小说为主,但足以雷·布莱伯利以及 Theodore Sturgeon 相提并论。其中许多作品由法国的《Galaxie》,《Fiction》以及《livre de Poche》的科幻选集发行了法文版。在意大利,他的多数作品由 Urania 杂志发行。 但无论是在美国,还是其他地区,杨还只能算小有名气——几乎在他逝世之前,科幻小说界才了解到他在水牛城(布法罗城 Buffalo system)的一所高中当了几十年的看门人。 罗伯特·F·杨最著名的作品应该算是《The Last Yggdrasill》和《The Dandelion Girl》(蒲公英女孩)。前者于八十年代初发表在《Ballantine》,迪斯尼花了大钱买下了这部小说的改编权,但并没有推出它的电影。而后者发表于《The Saturday Evening Post》1961年的四月,它深深地影响了日本动画导演出渊裕的《翼神世音》、key社的《CLANNAD》以及杨后来的作品《Little Dog Gone》,不仅如此《The Dandelion Girl》还被提名为雨果奖最佳故事。 在《CLANNAD》中关于一之濑琴美的故事中,《The Dandelion Girl》的女主人公朱莉(Julie)的一句话被多次强调: Day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you. (前天我看见了一只兔子,昨天看见了一只鹿,而今天是你。) 作品列表Novels(小说) 发表时间 The Last Yggdrasill 1982 Eridahn 1983 The Vizier's Second Daughter 1985 Starfinder 1980 La Quete de la Sainte Grille (published in France only 仅在法国发表) 1975 Collections(作品集) 出版时间 The Worlds of Robert F. Young 1965 A Glass of Stars 1968 Starfinder 1980 Memories of the Future (eBook collection) 2001 Short Fiction(短片科幻故事) 登载的杂志 发表时间 Abyss of Tartarus If Oct. 1971 Added Inducement Fantasy & Science Fiction Mar. 1957 Beneath the Painted Ocean Fantasy & Science Fiction Mar. 1980 Boy Meets Dyevitza Amazing Oct. 1962 Chrome Pastures If Apr. 1956 Clay Suburb Amazing Nov. 1975 The Construction Company Fantasy & Science Fiction Jul. 1980 The Courts of Jamshyd Infinity Science Fiction Sep. 1957 The Dandelion Girl(蒲公英女孩)The Saturday Evening Post Apr. 1961 Doll-Friend Amazing Jul. 1959 A Drink of Darkness Fantastic Jul. 1962 Emily and the Bards Sublime Fantasy & Science Fiction Jul. 1956 Enter Ciely Fantasy & Science Fiction Jun. 1977 Flotsam Starfinder 1980 Flying Pan Fantasy & Science Fiction Nov. 1956 The Fugitives A Glass of Stars 1968 The Garden in the Forest Astounding Sep. 1953 Ghosts Worlds of If Jan./Feb. 1973 The Girl Who Made Time Stop The Saturday Evening Post Apr. 22, 1961 Goddess in Granite Fantasy & Science Fiction Sep. 1957 The Grown-Up People's Feet Fantastic Universe Jun. 1955 The Haute Bourgeoisie Fantasy & Science Fiction Jan. 1980 Hopsoil Fantasy & Science Fiction Jan. 1961 In the Crypt Starfinder 1980 Jetsam Starfinder 1980 Jungle Doctor Startling Stories Fall 1955 L'Arc De Jeanne Fantasy & Science Fiction Jan. 1966 Little Dog Gone Worlds of Tomorrow Feb. 1964 Little Red Schoolhouse Galaxy Mar. 1956 The Man in the Moon Cavalier Feb. 1969 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory Amazing Jul. 1963 Neither Do They Reap A Glass of Stars 1968 Nikita Eisenhower Jones Fantasy & Science Fiction Aug. 1960 The Ogress(由 William F. Nolan 编辑 ) The Future is Now 1970 On the River Fantastic Jan. 1965 One Love Have I If Apr. 1955 The Other Kids Fantastic Universe Mar. 1956 A Pattern for Penelope If Oct. 1954 Peeping Tommy Galaxy Aug. 1965 Perchance to Dream Fantastic Feb. 1975 Production Problem Fantasy & Science Fiction Jun. 1959 Project Hi-Rise Fantasy & Science Fiction Nov. 1978 Promised Planet If Dec. 1955 The Pyramid Project Amazing Jun. 1964 Robot Son Fantastic Universe Sep. 1959 Romance in a Twenty-first Century Used-Car Lot Fantasy & Science Fiction Nov. 1960 The Rose Starfinder 1980 Santa Clause Fantasy & Science Fiction Jan. 1959 Star Mother Amazing Jan. 1959 The Stars Are Calling Mr. Keats Amazing Jun. 1959 Thirty Days Had September Fantasy & Science Fiction Oct. 1957 To Fell a Tree Fantasy & Science Fiction Jul. 1959 Victim of the Year Fantastic Aug. 1962 When Time Was New If Dec. 1964 Wish Upon a Star Fantastic Universe Dec. 1956 Written in the Stars Venture Sep. 1957 The Years Galaxy Sep. 1972 Your Ghost Will Walk… Fantasy & Science Fiction Jul. 1957 Yours, —Guy(由 Charles L. Grant 编辑) Shadows 4 1981 |
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