词条 | 罗伯·劳 |
释义 | 罗伯·劳(Rob Lowe,1964年3月17 日-- )美国影视演员。年少成名,扮演的美国青年形象为人所称道。然而其后戏路未见突破,更曾身陷性丑闻,步入中年后个性收敛,在影视剧中仍时有表现。 中文名:罗伯·劳 外文名:Rob Lowe 别名:原名:Robert Hepler Lowe 出生地:美国弗吉尼亚洲 出生日期:1964年3月17日 身高:180厘米 星座:双鱼座 妻子:Sheryl Berkoff(1991.7.22) 人物生平1964年3月17日生于弗吉尼亚州。父母离异后随母亲前往洛杉矶居住,1979年开始参加美国广播公司的电视剧集演出,曾以电视剧集《时间事件》荣获艾美奖。罗伯·劳很小就开始当模特,十几岁就开始了表演生涯。80年代,他是“新鼠党(又称乳臭派)”的一员,这是一群无畏,有影响力的年轻男女演员组织,安德鲁·麦卡锡,戴咪·摩尔,查理·辛等都位列其中。1982年涉足影坛,出演银幕处女作《小教父》。之后曾入加利福尼亚大学电影系进修。由于其长相俊美,一出道便受到各方瞩目。其扮演的八十年代美国青年形象最为人所称道。然而可能限于外型,其戏路一直未见突破,仅有《七个毕业生》、《昨夜情深》及《少女离家时》令人印象较深,近年的作品多以独立制片为主。2000年被美国的《人物》杂志评为全球最漂亮的50位人物之一。 银幕下的罗布·各在好莱坞早已花名远播。1988年因和16岁少女上床并拍下录影带而引发的性丑闻。对其演艺事业亦造成了极大的影响。1991年7月与Sheryl Berkoff结婚后,放浪个性已收敛许多,目前育有两子。 作品年表演员: This Side of the Truth (2009) (post-production) 兄弟姐妹 Brothers & Sisters(2006) .... Robert McCallister 亡灵召唤2 Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming (2007) .... Ted Cogan Family Guy .... Stanford Cordray 完美的一天 A Perfect Day (2006) .... Rob Harlan Dr. Vegas .... Dr. Billy Grant The Christmas Blessing (2005) .... Robert Layton Thank You for Smoking (2005) .... Jeff Megall Beach Girls (2005) TV mini-series .... Jack Kilvert Perfect Strangers (2004) .... Lloyd Rockwell 午夜行凶 'Salem's Lot (2004) .... Ben Mears The Lyon's Den(2003) .... Jack Turner 吉米尼·格里克的啦啦坞 Jiminy Glick in La La Wood (2004).....Himself 我要飞上天 View from the Top (2003) .... Co-Pilot Steve Bench 王牌大贱谍3 Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) .... Middle Number Two 圣诞舞鞋 The Christmas Shoes (2002) .... Robert Layton Framed (2002) .... Mike Santini Jane Doe (2001) .... David Doe 叛狱大逃亡 Proximity (2001) .... William Conroy Under Pressure (2000) .... John Spencer 特别之队The Specials (2000) .... The Weevil/Tony 核弹快车 Atomic Train (1999) .... John Seger Winding Roads (1999) .... Partygoer 白宫风云The West Wing (1999).... Sam Seaborn 王牌大贱谍2 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) .... Young Number Two Dead Silent (1999) .... Kevin Finney 疯狂六 Crazy Six (1998) .... Billie Outrage (1998) .... Tom Casey One Hell of a Guy (1998) .... Nick 俄国经典童话动画选集 Stories from My Childhood Hostile Intent (1997) .... Cleary 超时空接触 Contact (1997) .... Richard Rank Living in Peril (1997) .... Walter Woods 王牌大贱谍 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997).... Decapitated Henchman's Friend For Hire (1997) .... Mitch Lawrence On Dangerous Ground (1996) .... Sean Dillon CIA惊世大行动 Mulholland Falls (1996) .... Hoodlum Fox Hunt (1996) .... Edison Pettibone 一级谋杀 First Degree (1996) .... Det. Rick Mallory 乌龙兄弟 Tommy Boy (1995) .... Paul Barish Midnight Man (1995) (TV) .... Sean Dillon The Stand (1994) TV mini-series .... Nick Andros Frank & Jesse (1994) .... Jesse James Suddenly, Last Summer (1993).... Doctor Cukrowicz Fox Hunt (1993) .... Edison Pettibone 反斗智多星Wayne's World (1992) .... Benjamin Kane The Dark Backward (1991) .... Dirk Delta The Finest Hour (1991) .... Lawrence Hammer Saturday Night Live (1990).... Host 都市狂情Bad Influence (1990) .... Alex 魔鞋 If the Shoe Fits (1990) .... Francesco Salvitore Illegally Yours (1988) .... Richard Dice 化装舞会 Masquerade (1988) .... Tim Whalen Square Dance (1987) .... Rory 昨夜情深 About Last Night... (1986) .... Danny Martin 血性小子Youngblood (1986) .... Dean Youngblood 圣艾尔摩之火 St. Elmo's Fire (1985) .... Billy Hicks Go-Go's: Prime Time (1985) (V) .... Hunk at the dance ("Turn to You") 新汉普夏饭店 The Hotel New Hampshire (1984) .... John Berry 牛金之恋Oxford Blues (1984) .... Nick De Angelo 高才生 Class (1983) .... Franklin 'Skip' Burroughs IV 局外人 The Outsiders (1983) .... Sodapop Curtis Thursday's Child (1983) .... Sam Alden ABC Afterschool Specials (1980).... Charles Elderberry A New Kind of Family (1979) .... Tony Flanagan 制作: Dr. Vegas(2004) The Lyon's Den (2003) Frank & Jesse (1994) 编剧: Desert's Edge (1997) 导演: Desert's Edge (1997) 获奖履历2001 金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series - Drama(提名)---白宫风云(1999) 艾美奖 Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series(提名)---白宫风云(1999) TV Guide Awards Supporting Actor of the Year in a Drama Series(提名)---白宫风云(1999)2000 金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series - Drama(提名)---白宫风云(1999) 1988 金球奖(Golden Globe) 最佳男配角(提名)---少女离家(1987) 1986金酸梅奖 最差男配角---七个毕业生(1985) 1984 金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV(提名)---Thursday's Child(1983) 金球奖(Golden Globe) Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV(提名)---叫我第一名 |
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