

词条 吕金泉

吕金泉 吕金泉 教授,原籍景德镇。1964年出生于江西上饶市。1987年考取景德镇陶瓷学院美术系硕士研究生,1990年毕业并获硕士学位。现为景德镇陶瓷学院设计学院书记、硕士生导师;江西省美协会员、景德镇高岭陶艺协会会员、景德镇陶艺设计家协会秘书长、东南大学博士。1993年被列入《景德镇陶瓷美术百家》。

留校任教十几年来,致力于陶瓷艺术创作和理论研究。发表论文十多篇、陶艺作品几十幅。作品曾收录于《景德镇陶瓷艺术》《中国艺术收藏年鉴》(1994)、《中国现代美术全集》《中国当代陶艺》、《景德镇当代陶瓷艺术作品集》《瓷苑新葩》《景德镇陶瓷全集》,以及《中国工艺美术馆陶瓷艺术珍品集》尊大型画册。作品曾获全国第七届陶瓷艺术展评会银奖,第四、第五届景德镇国际陶瓷节银奖,江西省第四屈工艺美术大奖赛金奖等。作品《小憩》97年入选《中国当代陶艺展》赴世界巡回展,并由文化部永久收藏;《清风》99一 年被征集为中国工艺美术珍品,并由中国工艺美术馆收藏;《故乡的回忆》2000年入选第五届亚洲工艺美展(日本)。江西电视台、景德镇电视台曾进行了专题报道。《紫玉金砂》16期、31期分别以《艺与技的完美结合-清秀雅致的吕金泉陶瓷艺术》和《开陶艺之花结陶艺之果》为题进行了专题介绍。

Lv Jinquan, born in Feb. 1964. Shangrao City, Jiangxi province. graduated from Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute in 1990 and obtained a Master's Degree. Now he is a professor of Art Design School in Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute.

The works of the story of Flowers was awarded the gold prize in the Fourth Jiangxi Arts and Crafts Competition in 2002.

The works of Disappearing Trace was awarded the silver prize in the Seventh National Ceramic Art Exhibition and Appraisal in 2002.

The works of the Memory of Spring was awarded the silver prize in the Second National Ceramic Art Exhibition in 2003.

The works of Stream was selected into the First National Ceramic Art Tour Exhibition in 1997.

The works of Standing was selected into the Sixth Asian Arts and Crafts Exhibition in 2002.

The works of Cool Breeze was collected by the China Arts and Crafts Gallery in 1999.

The works of Natural Scenery was collected by the Chinese Museum of History in 2002.





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