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释义 | 中文译名:萨拉里昂博格斯、史雅华波格丝、 席亚拉波姬丝、希尔拉博格丝 生日: 1982年5月20日 身高:5呎5寸(约165-166cm) 体重:约120磅(约54.43kg) 出生地 : 美国,科罗拉多州丹佛市 学历 : 毕业於密利克大学戏剧学系 职业: 音乐剧演员 百度网友昵称:美人鱼、鲛人、人鱼小姐、人妻鱼、鱼姐、吞拿鱼 伴侣: Tam Mutu 经典剧目:《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid) 饰演Ariel 《真爱不死》(Love Never Dies)饰演Christine Daae 《歌剧魅影——拉斯维加斯特别版》( Phantom——The Las Vegas Spectacular) 饰演Christine Daae 《歌剧魅影25周年纪念音乐会》饰演Christine Daae Sierra Boggess在1982年5月20日於科罗拉多州丹佛市出生和长大,和两位姊妹(Summer Boggess和 Allegra Boggess)一样曾经是儿童圣诗歌咏团的团员,毕业於密利克大学戏剧学系。 职业生涯:Sierra在2004年毕业後最初在《悲惨世界》美国巡回演出时当Cosette的替补演员,之後很快便接获《公主》(Princesses) 中Binky和Ram Dass的角色,接著担演《梦断城西》(West Side Story)(饰演Maria)、《彭赞斯的海盗》(The Pirates of Penzance)(饰演Mabel)、《生命的旋律》(Sweet Charity)(饰演Charity) 和《男朋友》(The Boy Friend)(饰演Polly) 等主要角色。 Sierra的事业初期的最大突破是在拉斯维加斯演了《歌剧魅影》。Sierra在安德鲁·洛伊德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)的《歌剧魅影——拉斯维加斯特别版》的面试中唱了剧中唱段'Think of Me'就被立即被Hal Prince和安德鲁·洛伊德·韦伯相中,并卿点其成为《歌剧魅影——拉斯维加斯特别版》中的女主角Christine的首演。当时还是寂寂无闻的Sierra和当时已经是明星的魅影扮演者Brent Barret合作,和另一位魅影扮演者Anthony Crivello和另一位Christine扮演者Elizabeth Loyacano轮流在拉斯维加斯演出。《歌剧魅影》於2006年6月在拉斯维加斯首演後Sierra迅即人气急升,其在美国的知名度亦因此大增。 Sierra的事业的另一大突破是改编自Disney动话的音乐剧《小美人鱼》。Sierra在2007年5月於百老汇音乐剧《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid)中出演主角Ariel,她所塑造的小美人鱼Ariel备受赞赏,令她在百老汇确立自己的地位,自此以後她经常在电视演出和接受访问及登上报章杂志的封面人物,更获得多个奖项提名,其中包括由全美各大媒体组成的「剧评人奖」(Drama Desk Award)多个奖项提名,最终更赢得 2008年Broadway Audience Awards「最佳突破女演员」奖。Sierra在《小美人鱼》的最後一场演出在2009年5月31日。 Sierra早於2008年已获安德鲁·洛伊德·韦伯选上担任《歌剧魅影》续集《真爱不死》女主角,是第一位在现场版《魅影:真爱不死》中扮演Christine的演员。她和饰演男主角魅影的Ramin Karimloo合作一起出演续集的主角,於3月9日至2011年3月5日在伦敦西区演出,虽然此剧剧情的不合理和舞台布景的简陋程度令这剧备受批评,但两位主角之间契合无比的火花和精湛的演出获得了不少赞赏获,并令两人分别获提名2011劳伦斯奥利佛奖最佳音乐剧男主角和女主角提名。而她因《真爱不死》的关系认识了当时为Ramin Karimloo的魅影替补演员,也就是她现在的未婚夫Tam Mutu,之前因忙於舞台事业而缺乏恋爱经验的Sierra就这样在异国找到爱情,一段异地恋情因此展开。 2011年6月14日至9月4日,Sierra在由曼哈顿剧院俱乐部(MTC)推出的复排剧《大师讲习班》(Master Class)中出演Sharon Graham一角,和在剧中饰演著名歌剧女高音玛利亚-卡拉斯(Maria Callas)一角的托尼奖、艾美奖双料得主泰恩-戴丽(Tyne Daly)有对手戏。由於在此剧中她需要唱一些歌剧作品的选段,没有受过任何歌剧训练的她为此看了大量Maria Callas的作品。 2010年11月,Sierra受安德鲁·洛伊德·韦伯的邀请,於2011年10月1日-2日《歌剧魅影》25周年的三场纪念演出中再次饰演Christine,是次演出是她和在该演出中饰演Phantom的Ramin Karimloo自《真爱不死》後再次作,而这次纪念演出的彩排时间只有两星期,包括两天的穿著戏服在台上排练。由於拉斯维加斯的版《歌剧魅影》中的部分段落有所删减,因此这次纪念演出是Sierra首次在《歌剧魅影》中完整演唱出'Whishing You Were Somehow Here Again'和'Past the Point of No Return'这两首剧中Christine的著名唱段。 2011年1月初,Sierra正式确认已和男朋友Tam Mutu订婚,而且会在2012年内完婚。 奖顶与提名Drama Desk Awards 2008: Outstanding Actress in a Musical: The Little Mermaid提名 Drama League Awards2008: Distinguished Performance Award: The Little Mermaid 提名 Broadway Audience Awards2008: Favorite Leading Actress in a Broadway Musical: The Little Mermaid提名 2008: Favorite Female Breakthrough Performance: The Little Mermaid胜出 BroadwayWorld UK Awards2010: Best Leading Actress in a Musical: Love Never Dies提名 Whatsonstage Theatregoers Choice Awards2011: Best Actress in a Musical: Love Never Dies提名 Laurence Olivier Awards2011: Best Actress in a Musical: Love Never Dies提名 Sierra采访So are you enjoying London? Yes! I love it, I really do. It's kind of like it was a dream to live here when I was in school. In 2002 I came here to study abroad and I fell in love with London, and I thought one day I'm going to live here. One day I'm going to be in the West End. And now here I am! When were you approached to do this part? October 2008. That was the first workshop I was a part of. I had auditioned for Andrew a couple of weeks before that. I was still doing The Little Mermaid on Broadway at the time, and Disney was nice enough to let me out for a couple of weeks to do that. So I flew over here and did that! The Little Mermaid must have been amazing to do. Oh yes! Ariel was always my favourite Disney princess, and she still is, but to actually get to originate her on Broadway and be her was just so exciting. I love everything that she stands for and you can reach such a lot of people's lives being a Disney princess because for some people she means the world to them. It's crazy and amazing and inspiring that people are so passionate about a fictional story character, but I got to meet a lot of amazing people. I loved playing her. And you played Christine in the original Phantom in Vegas, is that right? Yes. Andrew and Hal were opening a brand new production and were opening the original company of that, and that's when I first met Andrew. That was also a dream come true because I'd always wanted to play Christine. In school, I obviously studied dance, but so I really wanted to study pointe so that I could go on pointe, because I knew one day I wanted to play Christine, so I worked really hard and I mastered it so that one day I could do it. People always ask me, give me some advice, how do you get to be where you are? It's not by accident, it's a lot of hard work. If you want to play Christine, then work on opera and dance. Do everything that you possibly can for you to get the part. When I got Little Mermaid, I knew that I had to be on Heelys, so I got a pair of Heelys before I ever auditioned, so that I could practise on them, so that when I went in the audition it wouldn't be the first time. It was interesting because when I went to the callback, there was five girls it was down to for Ariel, and not one of them had ever put on a pair of Heelys before it for me. I thought, this is interesting, because I just thought it was normal for me to do that. Why wouldn't you go out and do everything you possibly could in order to be prepared for an audition? I didn't think whoa, I've got this, but I wasn't nervous, because I practised. Wearing Heelys on stage and must have been terrifying! Yes! I was learning from the kids who played Flounder. They were kids, they were 10 years old, and I learnt most about Heelys from watching them, because kids have a different centre of gravity than we do and they also have less fear, they're not worried that they're going to fall over and crack their head. So I would watch them. I was an ice skater for 10 years when I was little so I know the feeling of gliding and keeping your upper body activated, though I never skated and sang at the same time! In Mermaid I had to come out and skate backwards and sing and make it look effortless! You have such palpable chemistry with your co-starRamin Karimloo. Can you tell me a little bit about your collaboration onstage with him in this PHANTOM versus LOVE NEVER DIES? He and I met in 2008 to create our parts for LOVE NEVER DIES and we had instant chemistry everyone saw it; it was just one of those things. It was just one of those things. To get back now and do these roles with each other is a dream come true for both of us and to get to really come full-circle is really, really special for us. We are great friends, so that makes it even greater. It’s such a dream to have respect for each other in this business - and, we both do so, it’s wonderful. We work together really well. We haven’t seen each other since March and when we started blocking “Music Of The Night” we were just right back in it like we never left. So, it’s definitely a dream situation. 关于昵称的由来由於Sierra是百老汇音乐剧《小美人鱼》女主角Ariel的首演,因此有了美人鱼这个昵称,後来引申到鲛人、人鱼小姐、鱼姐、鱼妹妹、鱼、儒艮小姐、食人鱼这些昵称。由於现在她已快为人妻,因此又有网友称她为人妻鱼。而其好友Ramin Karimloo和Hadley Fraster (两人分别为《歌剧魅影》25周年纪念演出的两为主要男角Phantom和Raoul的扮演者)在网上的昵称分别为拉面和肉排,为了把他们三人凑成一组,於是又有网友给Sierra发明了鱼肉,三文鱼,吞拿鱼等和鱼类的食物有关的昵称,但她最为人熟知的昵称依然是美人鱼。 |
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