词条 | Sense of shame scolded |
释义 | 简介Sense of shame scolded 知耻骂,诟骂诟 概述知耻骂,诟骂(1)诟(gòu) (2)(形声。从言,后声。本义:耻辱) 同本义 [disgrace;shame] 诟,謑诟耻也。――《说文》 常以儒相诟病。――《礼记·儒行》 余不忍其诟。――《左传·昭公二十年》 诟,耻辱也。――《玉篇》 诟莫大于宫刑。――司马迁《报任安书》 公以晋诟语之。――《左传》 (3)又如:诟耻(耻辱);诟丑(耻辱) 出处诟(1) 诟(gòu) 诟,骂也。――《玉篇》 曹人诟之,不行。――《左传·哀公八年》 投龟诟天而呼。――《左传·昭公十三年》 重丘人闭门而诟之。――《左传·襄公十七年。注:“骂也。” 予自度不得脱,则直前诟虏帅失信。――宋·文天祥《指南录后序》 (2) 又如:诟怒(怒骂);诟叱(责骂呵叱);诟悖(辱骂、悖逆);诟谩(辱骂,谩骂);诟谇谣诼(辱骂斥责,造谣中伤) 诟病(gòubìng) [take to task;criticize severely] 指出他人过失而加非议、辱骂 常以儒相诟病。――《礼记·儒行》 古人以俭为美德,今人乃以俭相诟病,嘻,异哉!――宋·司马光《训俭示康》 诟厉(gòul)ì [reprobate] 讥评,辱骂 予本非文人画士,甘受诟厉,辟病梅之馆以贮之。――清·龚自珍《病梅馆记》 诟詈(gòulì) [revile] 辱骂 使朕能出御便殿,岂受此人诟詈耶?――《明史·海瑞传》 诟骂(gòumà) [curse;abuse;berate] 辱骂 当众诟骂,予人难堪 诟 (诟) gòu ㄍㄡˋ (1) 耻辱:“~莫大于宫刑”。 (2) 辱骂:~骂。~病(指责,辱骂)~谇(辱骂指斥)。~厉。~詈。~辱。 (1) Sense of shame Gòu (2) (Pictophonetic. From the statement, after the voice. The original meaning: the shame), in collaboration with the original meaning of [disgrace; shame] Sense of shame, shame謑sense of shame also. - "Said the text" Often criticized Confucianism phase. - "The Book of Rites Joinet line" Bear more than their sense of shame. - "Zuozhuan昭公two decades" Sense of shame, stigma also. - "Yu-articles" 宫刑greater sense of shame. - Sima Qian, "reported任安book" Public language of the sense of shame to Shinzo. - "Zuozhuan" (3) Another example: sense of shame shame (shame); ugly sense of shame (shame) Sense of shame (1) Sense of shame Gòu Sense of shame, also scolded. - "Yu-articles" Cao people's sense of shame, no. - "Zuozhuan哀公eight years" Voted turtle respiratory abuse days. - "Thirteen years昭公Zuozhuan" Heavy Hill behind the door of the sense of shame. - "Zuozhuan襄公seventeen years. Note: The "insult also." Since the degree shall not be separated from the straight before the sense of shame SHUAI Krupp promises. - Song Wen Tianxiang "guide was recorded after the sequence" (2) Another example: anger abuse (ridicule); abuse scold (呵叱scold); abuse Paradox (abusive,悖逆); abuse neglect (abuse, verbal abuse); abuse rumor complain abuse (verbal reprimands, slander) Criticized Gòubìng [take to task; criticize severely] pointed out that the fault increases criticism of others, abusive Often criticized Confucianism phase. - "The Book of Rites Joinet line" For the virtues of the ancients to thrifty, frugal people today are based on phase criticized giggle, vary Weizai! - Song-ma Kuang, "said Paul Kang-jian" Sense of shame Li Gòulì [Reprobate]讥评, abusive To the non-literati paintings disabilities, severe muscle in order to abuse, the provision of disease-mei to storage of the Museum. - Qing Gong "disease-Mei Museum in mind" Scold sense of shame Gòulì [Revile] abuse I can make out the Royal便殿, people are not affected by this curse ye sense of shame? - "History of the Ming Chuan Hai" Sense of shame scolded Gòumà [Curse; abuse; berate] abuse Public abuse, verbal abuse, and to be embarrassed Sense of shame (Abuse) Gòu ㄍ ㄡ (1) Shame: "~宫刑greater." (2) Abusive: ~ scolded. ~ Disease (accuse, abuse). ~ Abuse (abuse denounce). ~ Li. ~ Curse. ~ Shame. |
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