

词条 刘宏亚




1965.9 - 1970.3 清华大学冶金系(现为材料系),学生;

1970.3 - 1978.9 邯郸钢铁厂, 郑州电力修配厂,工人, 技术员;

1978.10 - 1982.2 中科院物理研究所硕士研究生, 获理学硕士学位;

1982.3 - 1984.8 中科院高能物理研究所博士研究生, 获理学博士学位;

1984.12 - 1990.9 郑州大学物理系,副教授;

1990.9 - 1991.12 美国密苏理大学(Univ. of Missouri-Columbia)物理系,访问学者;

1992.1 - 1992.12 加拿大滑铁芦大学(Univ. of Waterloo)物理系,博士后;

1993.1 - 1995.12 美国密苏理大学(Univ. of Missouri-Columbia)物理系,访问教授;

1996.1 - 1998.3 加拿大滑铁芦大学(Univ. of Waterloo)物理系,Research Associate;

1998.5 - 大连理工大学物理系, 教授, 博士导师.




“Chinese Physics Letters”特约评审。




(1)“高维引力理论中的宇宙学常数研究”, (2000.1-2002.12, 经费7.5万元);

(2)“宇宙大反弹模型研究”,(2003.1-2005.12, 经费22万元);;

(3)“宇宙大反弹模型进一步研究”, (2006.1-2008.12, 经费29万元);。


参加科技部973项目"基于弱力测量平台的引力及相关物理规律研究", 在子项目"亚毫米范围牛顿反平方定律的检验"中作为合同单位负责人负责理论研究部分, (2004.1-2008.12, 经费30万元);.


(1)额外维与膜世界(Brane World)模型研究;

(2)宇宙模型, 暗物质, 暗能量,黑洞,及其它相对论天体模型研究;




[62] Feng Luo, Hongya Liu, “Exploring Extra Dimensions in Spectroscopy Experiments”,

[61] Feng Luo, Hongya Liu, “Using Muonic Hydrogen in Optical Spectroscopy Experiment to Detect Extra Dimensions”, To appear in IJTP .

[60] Lixin Xu, Hongya Liu and Yongli Ping, “Reconstruction of Five-Dimensional Bounce Cosmological Models from Deceleration Factor”

Int. J. Theor. Phys. 45 (4) (2006) 847-850.

[59] Chengwu Zhang, Hongya Liu, Lixin Xu, Paul Wesson, "Universe Evolution in a 5D Ricci-flat Cosmology", Mod. Phys. Lett. A 21 (2006) 571-579.

[58] Lixin Xu, Hongya Liu, Chengwu Zhang, "Reconstruction of 5D Cosmological Models from the Equation of State of Dark Energy", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 15 (2006) 215-224.

[57] Lixin Xu, Hongya Liu, Baorong Chang, "Correspondence Between 5D Ricci-Flat Cosmological Models and Quintessence Dark Energy Models", Mod. Phys. Lett. A 20 (2005) 3105-3114.

[56] Lixin Xu, Hongya Liu, "Scaling Dark Energy in a Five-Dimensional Bouncing Cosmological Model", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 14 (2005) 1947-1957.

[55] Hongya Liu, Huanying Liu, Baorong Chang, Lixin Xu, "Induced Phantom and 5D Attractor Solution in Space-Time-Matter Theory", Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 20, No. 26 (2005) pp.1973-1981.

[54] Feng Luo, Hongya Liu, "Brane Formation and Cosmological Constraint on the Number of Extra Dimensions", Int. J. Ther. Phys., Vol 44, No 9 (2005) 1441-1450.

[53] Lixin Xu, Hongya Liu, "Three Components Evolution in a Simple Big Bounce Cosmological Model", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, Vol. 14, No. 5 (2005) 883-891.

[52] Baorong Chang, Hongya Liu, Huanying Liu, Lixin Xu, "Five-Dimensional Cosmological Scaling Solution", Mod. Phys. Lett. A 20 (2005) 923-928.

[51] Beili Wang, Hongya Liu and Lixin Xu, "Accelerating Universe in a Big Bounce Model", Mod. Phys. Lett. A 19 (2004) 449-456.

[50] Lixin Xu, Hongya Liu and Beili Wang, "Big Bounce Singularity of a Simple 5D Cosmological Model", Chin. Phys. Lett. 20 (2003) 995-998.

[49] Hongya Liu, "Exact Global Solutions of Brane Universes and Big Bounce", Phys. Lett. B 560 (2003) 149-154

[48] P.S. Wesson, S.S. Seahra and Hongya Liu, "A Formal Approach to Machian General Relativity", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D11 (2002) 1347-1354

[47] Hongya Liu and Qiuyang Zhang, "Time-Dependent Solution for a Star Immersed in a Background Radiation", J. Math. Phys. 43 (2002) 4904-4908.

[46] Hongya Liu and Guowen Peng, "Instability of the Randall-Sundrum Model and Exact Bulk Solutions", Gen. Rel. Grav. 34 (2002) 1579-1588.

[45] Guowen Peng, Hongya Liu and Qiuyang Zhang, "Quantum Effects of an Extra Compact Dimension on the Wave Function of the Universe", Int. J. Theor. Phys. 41 (2002) 1127-1133.

[44] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “Universe Models With a Variable Cosmological “Constant” and a “Big Bounce””, Astrophys. J. 562 (2001) 1-6.

[43] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “Radiating Sources in Higher-Dimensional Gravity” J. Math. Phys. 42 (2001) 4963-4970.

[42] Paul Wesson and Hongya Liu, “The Cosmological Constant Problem and Kaluza-Klein Theory”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D10 (2001) 905-912.

[41] P. S. Wesson, Hongya Liu and S. S. Seahra, “The Big Bang as a Higher-Dimensional Shock Wave”, Astron. Astrophys. 358 (2000) 425-427

[40] Hongya Liu and Bahram Mashhoon, “Spacetime Measurements in Kaluza-Klein Gravity”, Phys. Lett. A 272 (2000) 26-31.

[39] Hongya Liu and J. M. Overduin, “Solar System Tests of Higher-Dimensional Gravity”, Astrophys. J. 538 (2000) 386-394.

[38] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “On the Klein-Gordon Equation in Higher Dimensions: Are Particle Masses Variable?” Gen. Rel. Grav. 32 (2000) 583-592.

[37] A. G. Agnese, A. P. Billyard, H. Liu and P. S. Wesson, “Possible Wormhole Solutions in (4+1) Gravity”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 31 (1999) 527-535.

[36] W. N. Sajko, P. S. Wesson and Hongya Liu, “Waves and Particles in Kaluza-Klein Theory”, J. Math. Phys. 40 (1999) 2364-2380.

[35] P. S. Wesson, B. Mashhoon, H. Liu, and W. N. Sajko, “Fifth Force from Fifth Dimension”, Phys. Lett. B 456 (1999) 34-37.

[34] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “A Class of Kaluza-Klein Solutions Curved in 4D and Flat in 5D”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 30 (1998) 509-514.

[33] B. Mashhoon, P. S. Wesson and Hongya Liu, “Dynamics in Kaluza-Klein Gravity and a Fifth Force”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 30 (1998) 555-572.

[32] W. N. Sajko, P. S. Wesson and Hongya Liu, “Gauge Conditions in Modern Kaluza-Klein Theory”, J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998) 2193-2200.

[31] Paul Wesson and Hongya Liu, “Shell-Like Solutions in Kaluza-Klein Theory”, Phys. Lett. B 432 (1998) 266-270.

[30] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “Kaluza-Klein-Gordon Field Theory”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 7 (1998) 737-747.

[29] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “Particle Masses in Kaluza-Klein-Gordon Theory and the Reality of Extra Dimensions”, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 13 (1998) 2689-2694.

[28] P. Wesson, B. Mashhoon and Hongya Liu, “The (Im)possibility of Detecting a Fifth Dimension”, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 12 (1997) 2309-2316.

[27] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “The Physical Properties of Charged 5D Black Holes”, Class. Quant. Grav. 14 (1997) 1651-1663.

[26] Paul Wesson and Hongya Liu, “Mass and Charge from Higher-Dimensional Geometry”, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 36 (1997) 1865-1879.

[25] Hongya Liu and Bahram Mashhoon, “On the Spectrum of Oscillations of a Schwarzschild Black Hole”, Class. Quant. Grav. 13 (1996) 233-251.

[24] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “The Motion of a Spinning Object in the Higher-Dimensional Spacetime”, Class. Quant. Grav. 13 (1996) 2311-2318.

[23] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “A Class of Kaluza-Klein Soliton Solutions”, Phys. Lett. B 381 (1996) 420-422.

[22] P. S. Wesson, J. Ponce de Leon, H. Liu, B. Mashhoon, D. Kalligas, C. W. F. Everitt, A. Billyard, P. Lim and J. Overduin, “A Theory of Space, Time and Matter”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 11 (1996) 3247-3255.

[21] Paul Wesson and Hongya Liu, “Full Covariant Cosmology and its Astrophysical Implications”, Astrophys. J. 440 (1995) 1-4.

[20] Hongya Liu, “Asymptotic Behaviour of Quasi-Normal Modes of Schwarzschild Black Holes”, Class. Quant. Grav. 12 (1995) 543-552.

[19] Hongya Liu and Bahram Mashhoon, “A Machian Interpretation of the Cosmological Constant”, Ann. Physik., 4 (1995) 565-582.

[18] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “Cosmological Solutions and their Effective Properties of Matter in Kaluza-Klein Theory”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 3 (1994) 627-637.

[17] Bahram Mashhoon, Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “Particle Masses and the Cosmological Constant in Kaluza-Klein Theory”, Phys. Lett. B 331 (1994) 305-312.

[16] Paul Wesson, Hongya Liu and Paul Lim, “Time-Dependent Kaluza-Klein Solitons and their Effective Properties of Matter”, Phys. Lett. B 298 (1993) 69-72.

[15] Hongya Liu, Paul Wesson and J. Ponce de Leon, “Time-Dependent Kaluza-Klein Soliton Solutions”, J. Math. Phys. 34 (1993) 4070-4079.

[14] Paul Wesson, J. Ponce de Leon, Paul Lim and Hongya Liu, “Physical Properties of Matter Derived from Geometry of Kaluza-Klein Theory”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 2 (1993) 163-170.

[13] Hongya Liu and Paul Wesson, “Exact Solutions of General Relativity Derived from 5-D ‘Black-Hole’ Solutions of Kaluza-Klein Theory”, J. Math. Phys. 33 (1992) 3888-3891.

[12] Hongya Liu, “Five-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Black Holes Coupled to Massive Scalar Particles”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 23 (1991) 759-765.

[11] Hongya Liu, “Spherically Symmetric Density Perturbation in Relativistic Cosmology”, J. Math. Phys. 32 (1991) 2279-2282.

[10] 刘宏亚,“平面引力波空时中 Dirac方程的平面波解”, 中国科学 A辑,5 (1991)511-516.

[9] Hongya Liu, “Plane-Wave Solutions in Higher-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Theory”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 22 (1990) 1003-1007.

[8] Hongya Liu, “Initial Value Formulation for the Spherically Symmetric Dust Solution”, J. Math. Phys. 31 (1990) 2459-2461.

[7] Hongya Liu, “Relativistic Theory of Spherically Symmetric Perturbation in Dust Universe”, J. Math. Phys. 31 (1990) 2462-2465.

[6] Huarong Wang and Hongya Liu, “Exact Plane-Wave Solutions in Higher-Dimensional Space-Time”, Phys. Lett. A 136 (1989) 461-464.

[5] Hongya Liu and Wanzhong Shi, “Plane-Wave Solutions in Five-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Theory”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 20 (1988) 407-411.

[4] Hongya Liu, “Cosmological Models in Globally Geodesic Coordinates. I. Metric”, J. Math. Phys. 28 (1987) 1920-1923.

[3] Hongya Liu, “Cosmological Models in Globally Geodesic Coordinates. II. Near-Field Approximation”, J. Math. Phys. 28 (1987) 1924-1927.

[2] 刘宏亚,“谐和条件下 Einstein-Maxwell 方程的平面波严格解”,中国科学 A辑,11 (1986)1164-1169.

[1] 刘宏亚,周培源,“谐和条件下的平面引力波严格解”, 中国科学 A辑,3 (1985)264-272.





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