

词条 凌连生


凌连生(Ling Liansheng), 男, 1972 年12月生,

湖北郧西人, 博士, 副教授, 博士生导师


1991.9-1995.7:湖北师范学院化学系, 获学士学位。

1995.9-2000.7:武汉大学化学系(硕博连读)获博士学位。导师: 曾云鹗教授

2000.7-2002.12:中国科学院化学研究所博士后。 导师: 白春礼院士

2003.1-2004.7:德国马普高分子研究所(MPIP-Mainz,Germany) 博士后。 导师:Prof. Dr. Hans-Juergen Butt










2001: 获中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖励基金奖励


发表论文30篇,SCI收录论文23篇, 被他人SCI引用100多次。

1. Ling,L.S., Butt,H. J., Berger, R., The rupture force between the third strand and double strand within a triplex DNA. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (Article). 2004, 126, 13992-13997.

2.Ling,L.S., Jiang, Y. X., Wang, C., Fang, X. H., Wan, L. J., He, Z. K., Bai, C. L., Chen, D. M., Delaying Photobleaching and Recovering Luminescence of a Molecular Light Switch in DNA Analysis. Analytical Biochemistry, 2004, 329, 334-336.

3.凌连生, 汪俊,方晓红,陈东敏,白春礼, 三螺旋脱氧核糖核酸的研究进展 (评述). 分析化学, 2004 32, 1252-1255.

4. Yang,G. Z., Ling,L.S., Wan,L.J., Fang,X.H., Bai,C.L., Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscope Imaging of Self-Assembed Monolayer of Double-Stranded DNA on Au(111). Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2004, 4(6), 561-564.

5.Li,B. S., Kang,S. Z., Cheuk,K. L., Wan, L.J., Ling,L.S. Bai,C.L., Tang,B. Z., Self-assembling of Helical Poly(Phenylacetylene) Carrying L-Valine Pendants in Solution, on Mica Substrate, and on Water Surface,Langmuir, 2004, 20, 7598-7603.

6. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Chen, F., Zhang, H. S., Zeng, Y. E., Study on triplex DNA by use of molecular "Light Switch" complex of Ru(phen)2(dppx)2+.Chinese Chemical Letters. 2003, 14 (3), 300-303.

7. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Chen, F., Zeng, Y. E., Single-mismatch detection using nucleic acid molecular "'light switch"'. TALANTA, 2003, 59 (2), 269-275.

8. Ling, L.S., Fang, X.H., Wang, C., Wan, L.J., Bai, C.L., Chen, D.M., Direct observation of the DNA multimolecular condensation with fluorescence microscopy, Chemistry Letters, 2003, 32 (1), 80-81.

9. Jiang, Y.X., Zhu, C.F., Ling, L.S., Wan, L. J., Fang, X. H., Bai, C. L., Specific Aptamer - Protein Interaction Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 2003, 75, 2112-2116.

10. Li, B. S., Cheuk, L. K. L., Ling,L.S., Chen, J. W., Xiao, X. D., Bai, C. L., Tang, B. Z., Synthesis and Hirarchical structures of amphilic polyphonylacetylenes carrying L-valine pendents. Macromolecules, 2003, 36, 77-85.

11.王志刚,万立骏,周纯青,王琛,凌连生,白春礼,β-淀粉样蛋白在石墨表面吸附及凝聚结构的STM和AFM研究, 科学通报,2002,47(12),908-911.

12. 朱传凤,商广义,凌连生,殷淑霞,王琛,有机功能高分子薄膜中分子识别研究初探,Chemical Journal on Internet, 2002,14 (2),1-5.

13. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Song, G. W., Zeng, Y., Wang, C., Bai, C. L., Chen, X. D., Shen, P. High sensitive determination of DNA by use of molecular"Light Switch" complex of Ru(phen)2(dppx)2+ Anal. Chim. Acta. 2001, 436(2), 207-214.

14.Yang, J. L., Lin, H. Z., He, Q. G., Ling,L.S., Zhu, C. F., Bai, F. L. Composition of hyperbranched conjugated polymers with nanosized cadium sulfide particles, Langmuir, 2001, 17(19), 5978-5983.

15. 凌连生,何治柯,曾云鹗, 核酸荧光探针的研究进展 (评述),分析化学, 2001, 29 (6), 721-724.


17. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Song, G. W.,et al. A novel method for determination of DNA by use of molecular "Light Switch" complex of Ru(bipy)2(dppx)2+ . ANAL CHIM ACTA, 2000, 403 (1-2), 209-217.

18. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Song, G. W., et al. Determination of DNA by use of the molecular"Light Switch"complex of Ru(bipy)2(dppz)2+.MIKROCHIM ACTA 2000, 134 (1-2), 57-62.

19.凌连生,何治柯,吴凤武,罗庆尧,曾云鹗,核酸分子 "光开关" 的研究进展 (评述). 高等学校化学学报, 2000, 21 (4), 527-531.

20. Li, X.Y., Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., et al. Development of a Chemiluminescence method for the simultaneous determination of pyruvic and tartaric acids in human serum based upon their reaction with cerium(IV) in the presence of rutheniumtrispyridine. Microchemical Journal. 2000, 64 (1), 9-13.

21. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Song, G. W., et al. Spectral studies on the interaction of Ru(phen)2(dppx)2+(phen=1,10-phenanthroline, dppx=7,8–dimethyl -dipyridophenazine) and DNA. SPECTROSCOPY LETT,1999, 32 (6), 931-939.

22. Ling,L.S., Song, G. W., He, Z. K., et al. A novel method to determine DNA by use of molecular "Light Switch" complex of Ru(phen)2(dppz)2+. Microchemical Journal. 1999, 63 (3), 356-364.

23. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Zeng, Y. E., Spectral studies on the interaction of DNA and Ru(bipy)2(dppx)2+. SPECTROCHIM ACTA A. 1999, 55 (6), 1297-1302.

24. Ling,L.S., He, Z. K., Zhang, P. Y., Zeng, Y. E., Spectra study the interaction between Ru(phen)2(dppz)2+ and DNA, Wuhan University J Natural Sci.,1999,4,482-488.

25. He, Z. K., Wu, F. W., Meng, H., Ling,L.S., et al. Chemiluminescence determination of thiorea using tris(2,2’-bipyridyl) ruthenium (II)-KMnO4 system. Analytical Sciences. 1999, 15 (4), 381-383.

26.吕少仿,宋功武,凌连生,何治柯,曾云鹗, Ru(bipy)2(PIP)(Ⅱ)与DNA相互作用的荧光光谱研究及其分析应用,分析科学学报,1999,15(4),39

27. 何治柯, 凌连生, 蔡汝秀,曾云鹗, Ru(2,2’-bipyridine)32+-α-羟基酸-Ce(IV) 化学发光发应机理研究,化学学报,1998, 56 (5), 472-477.

28.凌连生, 何治柯,蔡汝秀, Ru(bipy)32+-Ce(IV)-丙酮酸体系测定血清中的丙酮酸, 高等学校化学学报,1997,18(12),1963-1965.

29. 徐斌,徐贤英,凌连生,袁敏, 安替比林基重氮氨基-2,4-二硝基苯间接分光光度法测定痕量氰化物, 分析化学,1997,25(4),495-495.

30.徐斌,凌连生,徐贤英, 安替比林基重氮氨基-2,4-二硝基苯与银的显色反应及其应用, 分析科学学报,1997,13,60-62.





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