词条 | 临沂师范学院法学院 |
释义 | 临沂师范法学院设有政治系、法律系、公共事业管理系、社会工作系、思想政治理论课教学部等四系一部。建成省级精品课程一门,校级精品课程5门,校级创新精品课程2门。在研省级课题5项、市级课题24项、横向课题27项。近三年有国家优秀教学成果2项,省级优秀教学成果奖3项,省优秀社科成果奖6项,市厅级优秀社科成果奖18项。 简介设有公司法实习室、犯罪心理实验室、物证鉴定实验室、法律诊所、模拟法庭、健康人格发展研究室、法律援助中心、中国特色社会主义理论研究所;现有思想政治教育、法学、行政管理、公共事业管理、社会工作等五个本科专业。思想政治教育专业为校级重点专业,法学专业为校品牌专业、马克思主义中国化研究为校级重点学科。 现有全日制本科在校生2150余人;专任教师90人,其中教授、副教授33人,有博士、硕士学位的80人,硕士以上学位的教师占教师总数的88.9%,高级职称比例36.7%;山东省优秀教师1人,山东省高校教学名师提名奖1人,山东高校优秀共产党员2人,临沂市优秀青年知识分子2人,校级教学名师2人,校级中青年教学标兵1人,校级青年教学能手6人,中青年学科带头人2人。 英文简介IntroductionThere are 5 departments in law school of LYTU, The departments are: department of political science, department of law, department of public affairs management, department of social work, and ideological and political theory education department. We have set up several academic laboratories and institutes, such as company law laboratory, criminal psychology laboratory, exhibits identification laboratory, legal clinics, moot court, healthy personality development research,legal aid center, and institute of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Currently , we have 5 undergraduate majors including ideological and political education,law science, administrative management, public affairs management and social work. Among these majors, ideological and political education is a prime major of our university, law science is considered as a brand major of our university, and Chinese characteristics research in Marxism is one of the university key disciplines. We have established 1 excellent course in provincial level, 5 excellent courses and 2 innovative excellent courses in university level. What’s more ,some subjects, such as 5 provincial level subjects,24 municipal level subjects and 27 crosswise tasks are still under research. In recent 3 years ,we have got some teaching rewards, including 2 national excellent teaching awards,3 provincial excellent teaching awards, 6 provincial social science excellent achievement awards and 18 municipal level social science excellent achievement awards. There are 2150 full-time undergraduate students in law school, and we have 90 full time teachers, of whom 80 hold doctorate degrees or master’s degrees, these two groups accounted for about 88.9%. There are 33 professors and associate professors, or about 36% of the faculty. In recent years, 1 faculty member was rated as Provincial of Lin Yi sity. We also have 2 Excellent Teachers, 1 Yong to Middle-Aged Teaching Model, 6 Young Teaching Experts,2 Middle-Aged Academic Leaders, all of whom are considered as university level. |
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