词条 | Rilo Kiley |
释义 | Rilo Kiley 成立于1998年,来自美国洛杉矶的乐队Rilo Kiley发表的每张专辑都大受Indie粉丝的欢迎和喜爱。女主唱 Jenny Lewis的声线是吸引乐迷的主要因素,反战歌曲《It's A Hit》中Jenny Lewis的天才演唱技巧得到了完美体现,前一秒钟她像一个温柔的小女人,后一秒钟她却摇身一变为硬朗的女强人,然而这样的转变却没有任何雕琢的痕迹,甚至于让你觉得那是再自然不过的事情,这种爆发力就是 Jenny Lewis的特点,不是每个个人都具备,也不是想学就学得来的。 乐队简介/\\/\\民谣味道.柔弱而坚韧的独立声线/\\/\\ ::::RiLO KilEY::::::::RiLO KilEY::::::::RiLO KilEY::::::::RiLO KilEY:::: \\/\\/做的很好玩儿.内容很丰富的叶子\\/\\/ 来自u.s的l.a的rilo kiley, 是由1女3男 女主唱Jenny Lewis、吉他手 Blake Sennett、贝斯Pierre De Reeder 、鼓手 Jason Boesel组成的indie rock band,准确些应该还 包括indie pop和country folk,听起来,rilo kiley的声音非一 般的清新,但个别的作品中,还是带有那么一点的硬朗,曲 风上面,rilo kiley主要还是以nylon guitar为主,因此很多 作品中,都总有些country folk的味道,再配合上柔弱 而坚韧的声线,整体感觉上,rilo kiley的作品中 我们不难去感受一种积极向上的氛围, 一些令人兴奋的曲调.... /\\/\\民谣味道.柔弱而坚韧的独立声线/\\/\\ ::::RiLO KilEY::::::::RiLO KilEY::::::::RiLO KilEY::::::::RiLO KilEY:::: \\/\\/做的很好玩儿.内容很丰富的叶子\\/\\/ ·乐队名字的由来· 四个年轻人将自己的乐队名为Rilo Kiley,这个名字常常会让人误以为是个独唱歌手,其实它来源于一个相当悲伤的真实故事:Ben Rilo和Stephen Kiley曾是一所中学里的一对同性恋人,后来被学校开除,在两人最后一次缠绵过后,他们选择在家乡附近的铁轨上卧轨而死。乐队成员为了纪念这两个男孩,便取了他们的姓氏作为自己的乐队名称。 乐队Q&AQ. How did they get their name? A. There are a few theories on this, but not really a definitive answer. Pierre and Jason both insist that "Rilo Kiley" has no real meaning, but most fans suspect it does and they just wanna keep it secret. Some say they just picked it randomly and liked the way it sounded. Some say it's a switch-a-roo on the common Irish name Kyle O'Riley. Dave Rock once claimed during a radio interview that Rilo Kiley was the name of a pair of siamese twins from the early 20th century.. and that they picked it as the name due to something about the bandmembers being so close and never being separated (ironically, he left the band not long after!). Another theory is it was the name of a Scottish architect. Some say it's named after an imaginary pet dragon Blake had as a child. Okay, I made that last one up. An article in Performer Magazine (2001) said this.. [T]he band got their name from a the tragic tale of two exiled, gay, high school football players, Ben Rilo and Stephen Kiley, who committed suicide in 1909 on the railroad tracks just outside of their mid-western town after making love for the last time. As a tribute to the two young men the band members adopted the name Rilo Kiley, which is also the name of the crossing where the two young men met their end. Huh? Seriously? Who knows. That's a sad story. Here's a another little story, this from Rilo fan, Eric.. At the Westwood in-store show we asked [what the name meant]. Jenny actually. She started to say how it was about some dream Blake had had once, he was packing up equipment on the other side of the stage, overheard, and yelled over not to listen to her, that she was just messing with our heads. So she said, she'd wanted to name them after her parent's band in the 70's "Love's Way", but that we'd have to ask Blake about Rilo Kiley. So we marched over to him a little later, and he claimed it was after some innovative architect he'd gotten into at the time. I like the dream story better myself. And Lauren adds, "I think jenny often makes up stories when people ask her about where the name Rilo Kiley came from. I asked her at a show about a year ago, and she told me that they got it from a Jethro Tull song!" Rilo Kiley怎样发音? Rilo的发音规则类似于“high-low”,Kiley则类似“smiley”. Q. How do you pronounce Rilo Kiley's name? A. Long I's... rilo like "high-low", and kiley like "smiley". 音乐作品热门歌曲01 it's a hit 02 august 03 portions for foxes 04 i never 05 under the blacklight 06 dreamworld 07 dejalo 08 with arms outstretched 09 close call 10 more adventurous 11 15 12 give a little love专辑专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情 The Moneymaker (UK 7" single) 2007-01-01 专辑曲目(2)01 The Moneymaker 02 Big Break Under The Blacklight 2007-01-01 英语 唱片公司:Warner Bros专辑曲目(11)01 Silver Lining 02 Close Call 03 The Moneymaker 04 Breakin' Up 05 Under the Blacklight 06 Dreamworld 07 Dejalo 08 15 09 Smoke Detector 10 The Angels Hung Around 11 Give a Little Love The Moneymaker 2007-01-01 唱片公司:Warner专辑曲目(2)01 The Moneymaker 02 Draggin' Around Breakin' Up 2007-01-01 英语 专辑曲目(2)01 Breakin' Up 02 Breakin' Up (Hot Chip Remix) It's A Hit 2005-01-01 英语 唱片公司:Warner专辑曲目(2)01 It's A Hit 02 Patiently more adventurous 2004-08-17 唱片公司:Brute/Beaute专辑曲目(11)01 it s a hit 02 Does He Love You 03 portions for foxes 04 Ripchord 05 I Never 06 The Absence of God 07 Accidntel Deth 08 More Adventurous 09 Love and War 10 A Man/Me/Then Jim 11 It Just Is Live At Fingerprints 2004-01-01 英语 专辑类型:EP唱片公司:Brute/Beaute专辑曲目(6)01 More Adventurous 02 A Man/Me/Then Jim 03 Somebody Else's Clothes 04 Ripchord 05 The Good That Won't Come Out 06 Does He Love You Portions For Foxes (CD2) 2004-01-01 唱片公司:Brute/Beaute专辑曲目(3)01 Portions For Foxes 02 American Wife 03 Portions For Foxes (video) Portions For Foxes(CD1) 2004-01-01 英语 唱片公司:Brute/Beaute专辑曲目(2)01 Portions For Foxes 02 A Town Called Luckey The Execution of All Things 2002-01-01 唱片公司:UK single专辑曲目(3)01 The Execution of All Things 02 Emotional (Until Crickets Guide You Back) 03 After Hours (The Velvet Underground) The Execution of All Things 2002-01-01 唱片公司:Saddle Creek专辑曲目(11)01 The Good That Won't Come Out 02 Paint's Peeling 03 The Execution of All Things 04 So Long 05 Capturing Moods 06 A Better Son/Daughter 07 Hail to Whatever You Found in the Sunlight That Surrounds You 08 My Slumbering Heart 09 Three Hopeful Thoughts 10 With Arms Outstretched 11 Spectacular Views Science vs. Romance 2002-01-01 唱片公司:Falsetto Records专辑曲目(2)01 Science vs. Romance 02 About The Moon The Initial Friend EP 2001-01-01 唱片公司:Rilo Records专辑曲目(8)01 Frug 02 Papillon 03 Always 04 85 05 Sword 06 Asshole 07 Gravity 08 Troubadours Take Offs And Landings 2001-01-01 唱片公司:Barsuk Records专辑曲目(15)01 Go Ahead 02 Science vs. Romance 03 Wires and Waves 04 Pictures of Success 05 August 06 Bulletproof 07 Plane Crash in C 08 Variations on a Theme (Science vs. Romance) 09 Small Figures in a Vast Expanse 10 Don't Deconstruct 11 Always 12 We'll Never Sleep (God Knows We'll Try) 13 Rest of my Life 14 Variations on a Theme (Plane Crash in C) 15 hidden track: Salute MY Shorts! / Spectacular Views Rilo Kiley 2nd pressing 2000-01-01 唱片公司:Rilo Records专辑曲目(10)01 Frug 02 Papillon 03 Always 04 85 05 Glendora 06 Teenage Love Song 07 Sword 08 Asshole 09 Gravity 10 hidden track: Troubadours + The Annoying Noise of Death Rilo Kiley 1st pressing 1999-01-01 专辑曲目(9)01 Frug 02 85 03 Glendora 04 Papillon 05 Teenage Love Song 06 Asshole 07 Sword 08 Steve 09 hidden track: ("Rained The Day") |
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