词条 | 梁晓 |
释义 | 梁晓,女,一九七五年生,现任湖南TOP高级中学校长。原湖南农业大学国际学院副院长。1997年从湖南大学外语系本科毕业后保送攻读硕士研究生。1999年赴加拿大留学。2003年12月从加拿大卡尔加里大学获教育学博士学位后回国工作。在2005年中央电视台第六届“希望之星”英语风采大赛中获湖南赛区特等奖,全国总决赛第二名。 梁晓(宝宝)宝宝上百度啦!她是个90后,一出生就是个宝宝。我们通常都喜欢看她宝宝样!傻宝!没了! 个人履历梁晓,1975年生,湖南望城人,博士。湖南商学院外国语学院副教授,加拿大研究中心主任。2011年被聘为湖南农业大学人文社会科学学院硕士研究生导师。1997年从湖南大学外语系本科毕业后保送攻读硕士研究生。1999年赴加拿大留学。留学期间梁晓博士曾获美国国际女研究生世界奖学金、卡尔加里大学杰出研究生研究奖。2003年12月从加拿大卡尔加里大学获教育学博士学位后回国工作,曾任湖南农业大学国际学院副院长。 在2005年CCTV“希望之星”英语风采大赛中获湖南赛区特等奖,全国总决赛第二名。梁晓博士同时从事有关英语语言及比较教育方面的科研活动,承担本科生及研究生的课程教学,她执教的课程包括《比较教育学》、《法律英语》、《雅思考试培训》、《英语语法》、《国际商务英语》、《英语交际与礼仪》、《综合英语》《大学英语》、《英语演讲与口才》、《新托福进阶》等。还担任国内知名培训机构口语主讲教师,教学考评常年优秀。 梁晓博士擅长公众演讲,曾多次应邀进行关于英语学习、留学深造和人生奋斗方面的省内外宣讲。她担任多项英语赛事的评审专家,参与相关书籍的编写与录音。中央电视台、中国教育电视台、湖南卫视、湖南教育电视台、长沙电视台、潇湘晨报、湖南广播电视报等新闻媒体都以梁晓博士的教育理念为题作过专门报道。梁晓于2007年应中央电视台邀请当任“迎奥运”希望之星英语风采大赛全国总决赛现场评审。2008年获得加拿大政府外交部全额资助赴加进行学术交流。2009年任“希望之星”英语风采大赛湖南赛区总评委,全国总决赛选手现场指导,并应邀为中央电视台《希望英语》栏目拍摄专题宣传片在全国展播。连年担任CCTV杯全国大学生演讲比赛湖南省赛区指导老师。 个人资料姓名:梁晓 出生年份:1975年 星座:天蝎座 英文名:Stefanie 学校:湖南省望城县一中(高中)湖南大学(本科、研究生)加拿大卡尔加里大学(University of Calgary, Ph.D.博士) 湖南农业大学(国际学院副院长)(英语、高等教育学教师) 我的个性宣言: Work hard and work smart. Enjoy life. 我眼中的英语: One of the tools to bridge China with the rest of the world. 我最喜欢的一句话: Love to live and live to love. 我是什么时候开始学英语的: Junior high school. 我最喜欢的英语读物: China Daily. 我最喜欢的书: A lot. 个人作品我是这样学英语的Learning English is a long and accumulating process. Don’t trust that you could ever grasp this foreign language within one day or a short period of time. I started learning English in junior high school. At that time I lived in rural area of Changsha, where English was regarded as a rare thing. Fortunately, I had a wonderful beginning teacher, Ms. Ma. She has a nice voice and an excellent grasp of the foreign language. Also, my mother, who was an “intellectual youth” from the Cultural Revolution time, taught me to memorize and use the language. I believe these two factors contributed a lot to my great interest in English. Later on I became a representative for the course and exchanged ways of learning the language with fellow students on different occasions. Sometimes to present the ideas of how to learn and learn from others would increase your understanding of the whole process of learning. I became an English major at Hunan University. Carefully following the instructions of my Chinese and foreign teachers, I wrote down my thoughts everyday in English – diaries. Although the usage of the language at that time was far from perfect, I am still proud of myself being brave enough to make a try. My graduate area was linguistics and applied linguistics. Linguistics is quite boring. But from the two to three years of Master’s studies I realized that every language has certain rules and regulations. Knowing this could enhance our way of approaching and gaining the language. In 1999, I went to Canada through a joint academic program. I first studied for about one year as a visiting scholar. Then I successfully applied for a PhD program. This time I chose education as my major. In the four years when I was in Canada, my English was improved very quickly. The most important reason is that I was using the language every day: in class, at home, in shopping centers, on buses, in social activities. Therefore I believe an English environment that requires us to use the language is very crucial. In addition, one person’s personality counts. Being open and courageous, I attended many social events, met plenty of English-speaking people of different background, and of course, made some Canadian friends whom I could talk with in any time. Communication makes great sense here. I communicated with friends, fellow students and foreign teachers, just to exchange ideas in the target language. Making mistakes was quite common. This does not matter much. What matters is that you are brave enough to try and to learn from what you experienced. In China, we should try to create an English-learning environment instead of only focusing on “book English.” When I started learning the language I tried to memorize the vocabulary and imagine every sentence as a live picture. English for me has never been dull and I even regarded English, the subject, as a kind of entertainment out of the heavy workload when I was approaching College Entrance Examination. Today as a university administrator and teacher, I still keep learning and using the language every moment I can. Among my job responsibilities, I hire foreign teachers form abroad and am in charge of the foreign teachers affairs in my college. This brings a lot of opportunities for communication --- communication of language, culture and studies. I like my students and would always share with them my thoughts about learning. 同事的文章I first came to know Stephanie Xiao Liang as a fellow student in my home country; Canada. We were both enrolled in a University Teaching Certificate course at the University of Calgary, along with 25 other students, some of whom, like herself were also foreign students. As in any class, there are always those few who seem to stand out. Those who participant rather than observe, those who are not afraid to speak their mind and offer their point of view, those who contribute, Stephanie was one of those students. Generally speaking most of the foreign students were very shy and soft spoken, not so with Stephanie. She was an example, always encouraging the other Asian students to speak out regardless of their language barriers. Stephanie was an involved foreign student, volunteering her time to other students and fellow Chinese in Canada; that’s why I’m here today. Her dream to come back to China to make a change in the education system encouraged me to come here to meet the people she loved and wanted to help. Now I find myself in her shoes so to speak, a foreigner in her home country; China. As colleagues at the International College, in Changsha, Hunan, I see the way she encourages our students in their English language studies. Working to help them seek and fulfill their dream of going abroad and in turn, return to China bringing back new ideas to make changes like herself. As well she challenges herself by working towards a better future for the Chinese students and those who work with her by choosing not to speak Chinese when it would be so much easier for everyone if she did. She makes herself an example. In a society of people where losing face is often considered a weakness, Stephanie is living proof that hard work, doing your best, facing your fears and never turning back, will bring you your biggest rewards. Even losing face, should not be considered your greatest failure but your greatest lesson in life. Facing an English competition is no easy fate, even for a native speaker and when I see Stephanie rise to the challenge to face her fears, I am in awe of the strength she carries to show her students that anything is possible, as long as you try. There is a saying that goes: “If you are at ease with yourself in the world, the world will be at ease with you”. I can say for certain, that Stephanie is a person at ease with herself and for those of us who know and work with her, her ease helps us as foreign teachers feel at ease and believe that we too can make a change. Certainly in our conversations Stephanie expresses her doubts and fears of failure and the, “what ifs’” in life but who doesn’t. The only barriers that hold us back are the barriers we build for ourselves. As a friend and colleague Stephanie has supported, taught and encouraged not only myself but many of us here at the University. She is not only an example to students, and young teachers, she is an example to us so called Foreign Experts of English who if faced with the same challenge of learning a new language and making it our own , might not be as brave as she. In my books Stephanie; “ROCKS” ! (Foreign teacher from Canada: Ms. Lily E. Visser) 我最钟情的职业:Education. 比赛演讲稿The Foreign Teachers’ Experience in China Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, here goes my topic “The Foreign Teachers’ Experience in China.” Today in China, with more and more attention being paid to learning English, schools and universities are hiring more foreign teachers from all nationalities. These teachers come from afar to spend a part of their life in China. Usually they earn less than they did in their home countries. They are far away from home, families and friends. They often live in conditions much different than ever experienced before. Then, what are they coming for? “For the experience.” This is the answer of most foreign teachers. To experience the people, the culture, and education in China. Unlike traveling for pleasure, foreign teachers have more time to delve deeply into Chinese society and culture. They meet the real people of China like their students and colleagues. They enjoy more than just the visual sight. They experience the heartbeat of China. Instead of being a stranger, foreign teachers participate as a family member in many social activities both formal and informal. This way soon they see that “there is no right or wrong, we are only different culturally.” Most importantly, they experience education in China. Through teaching, foreign teachers realize that there are quite a few differences between Chinese education and foreign education systems. This combining of the two systems then becomes both a learning and teaching experience and a win-win situation for all concerned. Foreign teachers generally spend one, two, or more years experiencing China, a diverse country. When you look around, it is surprisingly pleasant to see more and more foreign teachers enjoying their life in China, while making contributions to our society. As John Keats so eloquently put it, “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.” So ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming foreign teachers to experience China, the great country! Thank you! 赛后感想日子一天一天过去,离第六届中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛似乎越来越远了,但这次比赛又仿佛发生在昨天,因为它是我的骄傲。 2005 年 3 月 25 日晚,到达北京首都机场已经十点多,辗转来到全国总决赛预选赛的赛场“优龙会议中心”已经是凌晨一点。当时心是疲惫的,因为放下才两个多月正嗷嗷待哺的女儿,独自来京追求自己的梦想。通过两天的比赛,在 3 月 27 日下午得知进入了决赛时,立即电话通知家人并让母亲带我的小女儿来京。于是这天晚上又到了首都机场。到达赛场又是凌晨一点左右。对母亲和女儿是心中无限感激和感动的。 接下来的培训、会议、观摩,直到 4 月 2 日大学组的正式比赛,内容丰富,感受很深。最后“全国第二名”的结果让我真正证实了自己的实力,同时未得到“第一”也印证了我的“名言”——“生活中有点遗憾是好事,这让你从中获得更多的启发。”整个参赛过程对于每一位参赛选手来说都是“塑造”和“展现”的过程。我想每个人都从中学到了不少。 大赛组委会的工作人员是非常尽职尽责的,大到在中央电视台演播厅彩排和比赛,小到电话打到宾馆房间通知用餐时间,无微不至,热心诚恳。这让我更意识到整个大赛从筹备到执行,从地方各赛区比赛到全国总决赛,从个人到团体,凝聚了无数人的汗水和智慧。我们湖南赛区组委会的辛勤工作就是很好的例子。 英语风采大赛比的不仅是英语能力,更是考察一个人的综合素质。因为比赛的诸多环节,没有十足的生活阅历和对世事的明鉴,以及丰富的想象力和缜密的思维是难以取得好成绩的。这样的赛事一定能在全国掀起学英语和用英语的高潮,起到很好的号召作用。 最后,我要感谢养育我的母亲和我养育的女儿,我们三代人共同参与了这次全国大赛,我们会永远以此为骄傲,当女儿米米长大后,我也会让她来参加“第 N 届”中央电视台希望之星英语风采大赛。 |
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