

词条 梁朋


北京大学生物系学士,美国伊利诺斯大学生物化学博士,美国哈佛大学医学院Dana-Farber癌症研究所博士后,美国Vanderbilt大学终身教授。是基因差异显示技术和蛋白质三聚体化技术的发明人、白介素24(IL-24)及受体的发现者、p53靶基因 Killin,NDRG1,CYFIP2和TIS11D 的发现者,拥有10项已授权的美国专利。1997年获北美华人生物学家年会(SCBA)颁发的“科技发明大奖”, 1998年获德国分子生物学和生物化学协会颁发的“分子分析大奖”,2009年中组部“千人计划”入选者。



终身教授 (Associate professor)

GenHunter公司 (美国) 创始人及董事长








1978.7-1982.8北京大学生物系 学士

1983 CUSBEA中美交换计划 留美学生

1984.1-1990.1 美国伊利诺斯大学生物化学 博士

1991.4-1995.8 美国哈佛大学医学院 Dana-Farber癌症研究所 博士后

1995.9-1999.7美国Vanderbilt(范德堡)大学助理教授(Assistant Professsor)

1999.8-2010.12.31 美国Vanderbilt(范德堡)大学终身教授 (Associate Professor)

1992.10-至今 GenHunter公司 (美国) 创始人及董事长

2007.6-至今 四川三叶草生物制药公司 创始人及董事长

2007.12-至今 国家生命科学与技术人才培养基地(四川三叶草生物制药有限公司与四川大学生命科学学院共建)主任

2007.9-2010.7 四川大学 客座教授

2007.9-2010.7 四川大学生命科学学院兼职教授

2008.5-至今 成都市第四届科技顾问团 顾问

2010.8-至今 四川大学 教授







(2) 四川省科技支撑计划项目:《重组人肿瘤坏死因子相关凋亡诱导配体(TRAIL)三聚体融合蛋白(SCB-313)的研究》




(1) Miao He and Peng Liang: IL-24 Transgenic Mice: In Vivo Evidence of Overlapping Functions for IL-20, IL-22, and IL-24 in the Epidermis

J. Immunol. 2010, Feb 15;184(4):1793-8

(2) S. Zhou, J.D. Meade,

S. Nathashon, B. Shester, J. Walden, Z. Guo, J.Z. Liang, J. G. Liang and

P. Liang.: Genome-Wide Analysis of mRNA Expression by Florescent Differential Display. The Handbook of Plant Functional Genomics. p165-186. 2008. Wiley-Blackwell publisher.

(3) Cho, Y-J and Liang, P.: Killin is a p53-regulated nuclear inhibitor of DNA synthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105 (14), 5396-5401 (2008).

(4) Jackson, R., Cho YJ., Stein, S. and Liang, P.: CYFIP2 is a p53 target gene. Cell Cycle. 2007 Jan;6(1):95-103.

(5) Liang, P. Meade, J. and Pardee, A.B: "A protocol for differential display of mRNA expression using either fluorescent or radioactive labeling" - Nature Protocols. 2007, Mar 15, 2:457 - 470.

(6) Liang, P. : MAQC papers over the cracks. Nature Biotechnology. 2007 Jan; 25(1): 27-8.

(7) Jackson, R., Cho YJ., and Liang, P.: TIS11D is a Candidate Pro-Apoptotic p53 Target Gene. Cell Cycle. 2006 Dec;5(24):2889-2893.

(8) Liang P.: From differential display to DNA microarrays-a personal account. J Cell Physiol. 2006 Dec;209(3):653-8.

(9) Tan Z, Wang M, Liang P.: Identification by Differential Display of IL-24 Autocrine Loop Activated by Ras Oncogenes.

Methods Mol Biol. 2005;317:207-18.

(10)Meade JD, Cho YJ, Fisher JS, Walden JC, Guo Z, Liang P.: Automation of fluorescent differential display with digital readout. Methods Mol Biol. 2005;317:23-58.

(11)Cho YJ, Stein S, Jackson RS, Liang P.: Saturation Screening for p53 Target Genes by Digital Fluorescent Differential Display. Methods Mol Biol. 2005;317:179-92.

(12) Yang S, Liang P.: Global analysis of gene expression by differential display: a mathematical model. Methods Mol Biol. 2005;317:3-22.

(13)Thomas EK, Nakamura M, Wienke D, Isacke CM, Pozzi A, Liang P.: Endo180 binds to the C-terminal region of alpha 1(I) collagen. (2005). J Biol Chem. 280(24):22596-605.

(14)Wang M, Liang P. Interleukin-24 and its receptors. (2005). Immunology. 114(2):166-70.

(15) Yang, S. and Liang P.: Global analysis of gene expression by differential display, a mathematical model. (2004).Mol Biotechnol. 3:197-208.

(16) Wang, M., Tan,Z., Thomas, E.K. and Liang,P.: Conservation of the genomic structure and receptor-mediated signaling between human and rat IL-24. (2004). Genes & Immunity.


(17)Stein,S., Thomas, E.K., Herzog, B., Westfall, M. D., Rocheleau, J.V., Jackson, R., Wang, M. and Liang, P.: NDRG1 is necessary for p53-dependent apoptosis. (2004). J. Biol. Chem., 279(47):48930-40

(18)Peng Liang & Arthur B. Pardee.: Analysing differential gene expression in cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer(2003) 3:869-876.

(19)Stein S, Cho, Y. Jackson R.S. and Liang P.: Identification of p53 target genes by fluorescent differential display. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002 Aug;59(8):1274-9.

(20)Stein S, Liang P.: Differential display analysis of gene expression in mammals: a p53 story. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002 Aug;59(8):1274-9.

(21)Stein J, Liang P.: Differential display technology: a general guide. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2002 Aug;59(8):1235-40. Review.

(22)Liang P.: SAGE Genie: A suite with panoramic view of gene expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. (2002)


(23)Liang P.:

A decade of differential display.Biotechniques. (2002) 33:338-346.

(24) Cho, Y., Prezioso, V. R. And Liang, P.: Systematic analysis of intrisince factors affecting differential display. Biotechniques

(2002), 32:1-4.

(25) Wang, M.,Tan,Z., Zhang, R.,Kotenko, S. V. and Liang, P.: Interleukin-24 (Mob-5/ Mda-7) Signals through Two Heterodimeric Receptors, IL-22R1/IL-20R2 and IL-20R1/IL-20R2. (2002) J. Biol. Chem.


(26) Cho, Y., Meade, J., Walden, J., Guo, Z. and Liang, P.: Multi-color Fluorescent Differential Display. Biotechniques (2001), 30:562-572.

(27) Jo, H., Cho, Y., Zhang, H. and Liang P.: Differential display analysis of altered gene expression by ras oncogene. (2001) Methods in Enzymol. (Academic Press), 332: 233-244.

(28)Liang, P.: Gene Discovery Using Differential Display. Genetic Engineering News. (2000) 20:37.

(29) Cho, Y. and Liang, P.: Differential display for detecting potential gene candidates.

Molecular Genetics of Mental Disorders, Edited by Briley and Sulser. Martin Dunitz Publishers, London, UK., (2000). In press.

(30) Zhang, R., Tan, Z. and Liang, P.: Identification of a novel ligand-receptor pair

constitutively activated by ras oncogene. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275:24436-24443.

(31) Jo, H., Zhang, R., Zhang, H. McKinsey, T. A. Ballard, D.W. and Liang, P.: NF-kB is required for H-Ras oncogene induced abnormal cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. (2000), Oncogene 19:841-849.

(32) Liang, P. and Pardee, A. B.: Differential Display, a general Protocol. Mol. Biotechnology.

(1998), 10:261-267.

(33) Jo, Hakryul, Zhang, H., Zhang, R. and Liang, P.: Cloning oncogenic Ras regulated genes by differential display. Methods

----- A Companion to Methods in Enzymology,

Academic Press, (1998), Academic Press,16:365-375.

(34) Liang, P.: Factors Ensuring successful use of differential display. Methods ----- A Companion to Methods in Enzymology, Academic Press, (1998), Academic Press, 16:361-364.

(35) Sheng, H., Williams, C. S., Shao, J., Liang, P., DuBois, R. N. and Beauchamp, R. D.: Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 by activated Ha-ras oncogene in Rat-1 fibroblasts and the role of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273: 22120-22127.

(36) Zhang, R., Averboukh, L., Zhu, W., Zhang, H., Jo, H., Dempsey, P.J., Coffey, R., A. B. Pardee and Liang, P.: Identification of rCop-1, a New Member of CCN Gene Family, as a Negative Regulator for Cell Transformation. (1998), Mol. Cell. Biol., 18:6131-6141.

(37) Hu, J., You, S., Li, W., Wang, D., Nagpal, M. L., Mi, Y., Liang, P. and Lin, Tu.: Expression and regulation of Interferon-g-inducible protein 10 gene in Rat Leydig Cells. (1998) Endocrinology 139:3637-3645.

(38) Liang, P., Wang, F., Zhu, W., O'Connell, R. P., and Averboukh, L.: Identification of novel diagnostic markers by differential display. (1998) Methods in Molecular Medicine. Humana Press, p3-13.

(39) Grady, T., Liang, P., Ernst, S.A. and Logsdon, C. D.: Chemokine gene expression in rat pancreatic acinar cells is an early event associated with acute pancreatitis. (1997) Gastroenterology 113:1966-1975.

(40) Liang, P. and Pardee, A.B.: Differential display: A general protocol. Methods in Molecular Biology. (1997) Vol. 85, p3-12. Humana Press.

(41) Zhang, R., Zhang, H., Zhu, W., Coffey, R., A. B. Pardee and Liang, P.: Mob-1, a ras target gene, is over expressed in colorectal cancer. (1997) Oncogene 14:1607-1610.

(42) Averboukh, L., Liang, P., Kantoff, P. W. and Pardee, A.B.: Regulation of S100P expression by androgen. (1996) Prostate, 29:350-355.

(43) Zhu, W. and Liang, P.: Detection and isolation of differentially expressed genes by differential display. (1996) Methods in Molecular Biology, 68:211-220, Boultwood, J. ed. Humana Press

(44) Liang, P.: Analysis of messenger RNA by differential display. (1996) A laboratory guide to RNA, 223-236. Krieg, P.A. ed., Wiley-Liss.

(45) Wang, F-L., Wang, Y., Wong, W-K., Liu, Y., Addivinola, F. J., Liang, P., Chen, L-B., Kantoff, P. W. and Pardee, A.B.: Two differentially expressed genes in normal human prostate tissue and in carcinoma. (1996) Cancer Res. 56:3634-3637.

(46) Zhang, H., Zhang, R. and Liang, P.: Differential screening of gene expression difference enriched by differential display. (1996)Nucleic Acids Res. , 24:2454-2456.

(47) Hu, E., Liang, P. and Spiegelman, B. M.: AdipoQ is a novel adipose-specific gene dysregulated in obesity. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271:10697-10703.

(48) Liang, P., Averboukh, L., Zhu, W., Wang, F., Haley, T. and Pardee, A. B.: Molecular characterization of Murine thymidylate kinase gene. (1995) Cell Growth & Differentiation 6:1333-1338.

(49) Trentmann, S.M., van der Knaap, E., Kende, H., Liang, P. and Pardee A.B.: Alternatives to 35S as a Label for the differential display of eukaryotic messenger RNA. (1995) Science267: 1186-1187.

(50) Rohrwild, M., Alpan, R.S., Liang, P. and Pardee, A.B.: Inosine-containing primers for mRNA differential display. (1995) Trend in Genet., 11:300.

(51) Liang, P. and Pardee, AB.: Recent Advances in Differential Display. (1995) Current Opinion in Immunol. 7:274-280.

(52) Liang, P., Bauer, D., Averboukh, L., Warthoe, P. Rohrwild, M., Muller, H., Strauss, M. and Pardee, A.B.: Analysis of altered gene expression by differential display. (1995) in Oncogene Techniques, Methods in Enzymol. (Academic Press), 254:304-321.

(53)Liang, P., Zhu, W., Zhang, X., Guo, Z., O’Connell, R., Averboukh, L. Wang, F. and Pardee, A. B.: Differential display using one-base anchored oligo-dT primer. (1994)Nucleic Acids Res., 22:5763-5764.

(54) Liang, P. and Pardee, A.B., : Differ, ential display of mRNA by PCR. (1994) in Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (Wiley Interscience), Unit 15.8.

(55) Liang, P., Averboukh, L. and Pardee, A. B.: Method of differential display. (1994) in Methods in Molecular Genetics (Academic Press), Vol. 5, pp3-16.

(56) Liang, P., Averboukh, L., Zhu, W. and Pardee, A. B.: Ras activation of novel genes: Mob-1 as a model. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. , 91:12515-12519.

(57) Barry M. B., Meador, B., Builerback, T., Liang, P., Glaser, M. and Philips, G. N., Jr.: The closed conformation of a highly flexible protein: the structure of E. coli adenylate kinase with bound AMP and AMPPNP. (1994) Proteins 19:183-198.

(58) Russell, M. E., Utans, U., Wallace, A. F., Liang, P., Karnovsky, M. J., Wyner, L. R., Yamshita, Y. and Chi, T.: Upregulation of Gal/GalNAc macrophage lectin in chronically rejecting rat cardiac allografts with arteriosclerosis. (1994) J. Clin. Invest., 94:722-730.

(59) Utans, U., Liang, P., Wyner, L. R., Karnovsky, M. J. and Russell, M. E.: Chronic cardiac rejection: Identification of five upregulated genes in transplanted hearts by differential mRNA display. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 91:6463-6467.

(60) Sager, R., Anisowicz, A., Neveu, M., Liang, P. and Sotiropoulou, G.: Identification by differential display of alpha 6 integrin as a candidate tumor suppressor gene. (1993) FASEB J. 7:964-970.

(61) Liang, P., Averboukh, L. and Pardee, A. B.: Distribution and cloning of eukayotic mRNAs by means of differential display: refinements and optimization.(1993) Nucleic Acids Res. 21:3269-3275.

(62) Liang, P. Averboukh, L., Keyomarsi, K., Sager, R. and Pardee, A.B.: Differential display and cloning of mRNAs from human breast cancer vs. mammary epithelial cells. (1992) Cancer Research 52:6966-6968.

(63) Liang, P. and Pardee, A. B.: Differential display of eukaryotic mRNA by means of the polymerase chain reaction. (1992)



(64) Liang, P., Phillips Jr., G. N. and Glaser, M.: Assignment of nucleotide binding sites and the mechanism of substrate inhibition of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase. (1991) Proteins 9:28-36.

(65) Liang, P. and Glaser, M.: Efficient cloning of a mutant adenylate-kinase-encoding gene from Escherichia coli. (1990)



(66) Althoff, S., Zambrowicx, B., Liang, P., Glaser, M. and Phillips Jr., G. N.: Crystalization and preliminary X-ray analysis of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase. (1988) J. Mol. Biol. 199:665-666.

(67) Liang, P. and Glaser, M.: Rapid recovery and Identification of a temperature- sensitive adenylate kinase gene from Escherichia coli. (1988) J. Cell Biol. 107:306a.


(1)Liang, P.

and Pardee, A.B.: 《Differential display Methods and Protocols》. Methods in Molecular Biology,Vol. 85, Humana Press. 1979

(2)Liang, P.: 《Current progress in differential display methods and applications》. Methods-- A Companion to Methods in Enzymology, Academic Press, Vol. 16. 1998

(3)Liang, P.

Meade, JD and Pardee, A.B.:《Differential Display Methods and Protocols》.2nd Edition.

Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 317, Humana Press. 2005.


1997 获一年一度的北美华人生物学家年会颁发的“科技发明大奖”

1998 获二年一度的德国分子生物学和生物化学协会颁发的“分子分析大奖”

2009 中组部2009年第一批“千人计划”入选者

2009 四川省第一批“百人计划”入选者

2009 国务院侨办“重点华侨华人创业团队”获得者

2009 国务院侨办颁布的第二届百名华侨华人专业人士“杰出创业奖”


(A)基因差异显示 (Differential Display) 技术发明(四项美国专利)

1993-11-16,Arthur Pardee,Liang Peng;Identifying, isolating and cloning messenger RNAs;USA;5, 262, 311

1997-2-4,Liang Peng,Arthur Pardee;Methods of differential display of exposed mRNA by RT/PCR;USA;5, 599, 672

1997-9-9,Arthur Pardee,Liang Peng;Methods of Comparing Levels or Amount of mRNAs;USA;5, 665,547

1999-8-12,Arthur Pardee,Liang Peng;System for Comparing level or amounts of mRNA;USA;5,965,409


2007-9-11,Liang Peng;Methods and Compositions For Producing Secreted Trimeric Receptor Analogs And Biologically Active Fusion Proteins;USA;7,268,116

2010-2-23,Liang Peng;Methods and Compositions For Producing Secreted Trimeric Receptor Analogs And Biologically Active Fusion Proteins;USA;7,666,837

2010-4-6,Liang Peng;Methods for Blocking TNF-alpha Activity in Mammals with Trimeric Soluble TNF Receptors;USA;7,691,815

(C)白介素24(IL-24)和白介素24受体(IL-24 receptors)发现(二项美国专利)

2005-6-7,Liang Peng;Human Mob-5 (IL-24) receptors and uses thereof;USA;6,902,930

2007-8-2,Liang Peng;Human Mob-5 (IL-24) receptors and uses thereof;USA;7,276,237

(D)p53靶基因Killin 发现(一项美国专利)

2009-8-8,Liang Peng, Yongjig Cho;Tumor suppressor Killin;USA;7,576,191





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