词条 | 李晓涛 |
释义 | 李晓涛,男,华东师范大学教授、博导。研究方向是蛋白质代谢与肿瘤发生发展的机制;蛋白质降解的药物调控。现在学科组: 生物化学与分子生物学。 经历1989 重庆医科大学, M.D 1989-1992 重庆医科大学附属第一医院,住院医师,主治医师。 1992-1995 美国德克萨斯大学生物医学研究院 Research Fellowship 1995-2001 美国UT M.D. Anderson癌症中心Graduate Research Assistant。 2001 美国德克萨斯大学生物医学研究院, M.D. Anderson癌症中心Ph.D. 2001-2005 美国Baylor医学院, Postdoctoral Associate。 2005-2006 美国Baylor医学院, Instructor. 2006-2007.8月 美国Baylor医学院, Assistant Professor. 2007.8月 至今 华东师范大学,教授(目前已全职回华东师范大学工作) 研究内容我们最近在REGγ(一种蛋白酶体激活因子)介导的非泛素依赖的蛋白酶体(proteasome)降解通路的研究中首次发现并证实了REGγ蛋白复合体的第一个生物学靶位点。该发现突破了REGγ仅具有降解短肽链模型底物的禁区,并提出了REGγ可以直接降解细胞内完整生物蛋白的新理论(Cell Jan., 2006)。我们的最新研究(Mol.Cell June, 2007)进一步发现了REGγ-蛋白酶体的多种靶蛋白,而这些蛋白质对细胞周期/肿瘤发生发展的调控起着重要的作用。这些研究结果都进一步揭示了REGγ(一种蛋白酶体激活因子)介导的降解通路的生物学意义。 我们今后的重点研究方向包括:REGγ与蛋白质降解原理及调控的基础理论研究;REGγ与恶性肿瘤发生发展机制的研究;REGγ的病理生理学;REGγ相关的抗癌药物探索;脊椎动物中REGγ的生物学作用。 科研项目: 主持并参与了多项美国NIH研究项目。 目前参与上海市科委"细胞信号转导网络研究技术"研发公共服务平台。 目前主持的科研项目受教育部“985”人才基金的资助。 科研成果: 1. Li X, Larbi Amazit, Weiweng Long, David M. Lonard, John J. Monaco and O’Malley B.W. Proteolytic turnover of p21 by the REGgamma-proteasome pathway. (2007) (Mol. Cell, 26, 831-842) 2. Li X., Lonard D., Jung S.Y., Malovannaya A., Feng Q., Qin J., Tsai S. Y., Tsai M-J., and O’Malley B.W. The SRC-3/AIB1 coactivator is degraded in an ubiquitin- and ATP-independent manner by the REGg-proteasome (2006) Cell. 124, 381-392. 3. Verma S., Ismail A., Gao X., Fu G., Li X., O’Malley B. W., Nawaz Z. Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UBCH7 act as a coactivator for steroid hormone receptors. (2004) Mol. Cell. Biol. 24, 8716-26. 4. Li X. Lonard D. M. and O’Malley B. W. A Contemporary Understanding of Progesterone Receptor Function (Review). (2004) Mechanisms of Aging and Development. 125, 669-78. 5. Auboeuf D., Dowhan D.H., Li X., Larkin K., Ko L., Berget S.M., O''''Malley B.W. CoAA, a Nuclear Receptor Coactivator Protein at the Interface of Transcriptional Coactivation and RNA Splicing. (2004). Mol. Cell. Biol. 24, 442-53. 6. Li X. and O''''Malley B.W. Unfolding the action of progesterone receptors (minireview). (2003). J. Biol. Chem. 10, 39261-4. 7. Li X., Wong J., Tsai S.Y., Tsai M.J., and O''''Malley B.W. (2003). Progesterone and glucocorticoid receptors recruit distinct coactivator complexes and promote distinct patterns of local chromatin modification. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23, 3763-73. 8. Li X., Bhattacharya C., Maity S., Dayal S, and Klein W.H. (2002). Ectoderm Gene Activation in Sea Urchin Embryos Mediated by CCAAT Binding Factor CBF. Differentiation. 70, 109-19 9. Angerer L.M., Oleksyn D. W., Levine A.M., Li X., Klein W.H. and Angerer R. (2001). Sea urchin goosecoid function links fate specification along the animal-vegetal and oral-aboral embryonic axes. Development. 128, 4393-404 10. Yuh C., *Li X., Davidson E.H., and Klein W.H. (2001). Correct Expression of Spec2a in the Sea Urchin Embryo Requires Both Otx and Other cis-Regulatory Elements. Dev. Biol. 232, 424-438 11. Huang L., *Li X., El-Hodiri H.M., Dayal S., Athula H.W., and Klein W.H. (2000). Involvement of Tcf/Lef in Establishing Cell Types along the Animal-Vegetal Axis of Sea Urchins. Dev. Genes Evol. 210, 73-81. 12. Li X., Athula HW and Klein WH. (1999). Requirement of SpOtx in Cell Fate Decisions in the Sea Urchin Embryo and Possible Roles as a Mediator of b-Catenin Signaling. Dev. Biol. 212, 425-439 13. Klein W.H. and Li X. (1998). Function and Evolution of Otx Proteins. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 258, 22-34 14. Li X., Chuang C.K., Mao C.A., Angerer L.M., and Klein WH. (1997). Two Otx proteins generated from alternative splicing of multiple transcripts of a single gene in Strongylocentrotus purppuratus. Dev. Biol. 187, 253-266 15. Chuang C.K., Athula H.W., Mao C.A., Li X. and Klein W.H. (1996). Transient Appearance of S. purpuratus Otx in Micromere Nuclei: Cytoplasmic Retention of SpOtx Mediated Through an a-Actinin SH3 Domain. Dev. Genetics 19, 231-239 16. Li X., Weinstock G.M. and Murray B.E. (1995). Generation of Auxotrophic mutants of Enterococcus faecalis. J. Bacteriol. 177, 6866-6873 获奖情况1.Research Achievement Award, Genes and Development Program, UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 2001. 2.Ruth L.Kirschstein National Research Service Award, NIH 2003 3.Award for Scientific Presentations in the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in North America-Texas Annual Symposium, 2003-2005 4.The Endocrine Society Award, 87th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, San Diego, 2005 |
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