

词条 李春涯

姓 名:李春涯

职 称:副教授

单 位:中南民族大学化学与材料科学学院

学科专业: 分析化学

研究方向: 电分析化学


李春涯 ,男,汉族,出生于1972年1月。1996年毕业于华中师范大学化学教育专业,获理学学士学位。2000年考入武汉大学化学与分子科学学院攻读硕士学位,2002年硕-博连读攻读博士学位,2005年



1. Chunya Li, Changfa Wang, Chenghang Wang, Shengshui Hu Construction of a novel Molecularly imprinted sensor for the determination of O,O-dimethyl-(2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetoxyl) (3'-nitrophenyl)methinephosphonate, Analytical Chimica Acta, 2005, 545 (2): 122。(SCI)

2. Chunya Li, Changfa Wang, Bing Guan, Yangyang Zhang, Shengshui Hu, Electrochemical sensor for the determination of parathion based on p-tert-butylcalix[6]arene-1,4-crown-4 sol-gel film and its characterization by electrochemical methods, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemistry, 2005, 107 (1): 411. (SCI)

3. Chunya Li, Changfa Wang, Yong Ma, Shengshui Hu, A novel anperometric sensor and chromatographic detector for the determination of parathion, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2005, 381(5): 1049-1055. (SCI)

4. Chunya Li, Changfa Wang, Yong Ma, Shengshui Hu*, Voltammetric determination of trace amounts of fenitrothion on a novel nano-TiO2 polymer film electrode, Microchimca Acta, 2004, 148 (1-2): 27。(SCI)

5. Chunya Li, Anxin Hou, Changfa Wang, Electrochemical investigation of a Tm(III)-5,10,15,20-Tetrakis-(4-isopropylphenyl)-prophyrin complex modified glassy carbon electrode and its interaction with bovines serum albumin, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2003, 15: 271-276 (SCI)

6. Chunya Li, Changfa Wang, Changhang Wang, Shengshui Hu, Development of a parathion sensor based on molecularly imprinted nano-TiO2 self-assembled film electrode, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemistry, In press. (SCI)

7. Chunya Li, Yong Chen, Haijun Wang, Haibing Li, Changfa Wang, Electrocatalytic oxidation of H2O2 at a carbon paste electrode modified with a nickel(II)-5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,27-bis(diethycarbamoylmethoxy)calix[4]--arene complex and its application, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science, 2003, 8 (3A): 857-860. (EI)

8. Chenghang Wang, Chunya Li, Changfa Wang, Application of a single-wall carbon nano-tube modified electrode in dtermination of folic acid. Microchimca Acta, 2006,152 (3-4): 233-238. (SCI)

9. 王成行,李春涯,王长发,一种新的膦酸酯分子烙印电化学传感器,分析化学,2005,33(10):1473。(SCI源刊)

10.李春涯,侯安新, 鲍伟, 王长发,钇-四对甲氧基苯基卟啉([Y(TMOPP)(H2O)3]Cl)的伏安行为及其与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的研究,中国稀土学报,2004, 22: 266-270.





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