

词条 食人鬼魔法师

§ 食人鬼魔法师

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):


Champion of the Stoneblade ogres, Aggron is both one of the strongest and smartest Sentinel heroes. His specialty being casting his spells multiple times, his damaging and supporting spells are unusually powerful. Supporting the Sentinel to defend his own land, he is a valued support hero for the Sentinel.

初始射程 (Base Range): 100   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7

初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 295   |   初始防御 (Base Armor): 3.0

基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 46 - 52

初始力量值 (Base Strength): 22   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 14   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 17

力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.75   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.55   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.90


§ 火焰爆轰 (Fire Blast) 【F】



Blasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire. Deals intense damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds.

一级 - 发出火焰轰炸一个目标,造成75点的伤害并晕眩1.5秒。


二级 - 发出火焰轰炸一个目标,造成125点的伤害并晕眩1.5秒。


三级 - 发出火焰轰炸一个目标,造成175点的伤害并晕眩1.5秒。


四级 - 发出火焰轰炸一个目标,造成275点的伤害并晕眩1.5秒。


Level 1 - Blasts a target enemy unit with fire, dealing 75 damage and stunning the target.

Lasts 1.5 seconds.

Level 2 - Blasts a target enemy unit with fire, dealing 125 damage and stunning the target.

Lasts 1.5 seconds.

Level 3 - Blasts a target enemy unit with fire, dealing 175 damage and stunning the target.

Lasts 1.5 seconds.

Level 4 - Blasts a target enemy unit with fire, dealing 275 damage and stunning the target.

Lasts 1.5 seconds.

§ 引燃 (Ignite) 【G】




Drenches a target/an area in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is under immense pain, causing it to take damage and move slower.

Lasts 7.5 seconds.

一级 - 引燃一个目标(四周150/四周300/四周450)的敌方单位,造成10点/秒的伤害,同时降低10%的移动速度。


二级 - 引燃一个目标(四周150/四周300/四周450)的敌方单位,造成20点/秒的伤害,同时降低15%的移动速度。


三级 - 引燃一个目标(四周150/四周300/四周450)的敌方单位,造成30点/秒的伤害,同时降低20%的移动速度。


四级 - 引燃一个目标(四周150/四周300/四周450)的敌方单位,造成40点/秒的伤害,同时降低25%的移动速度。


Level 1 - Ignites a target/an area, causing it to take 10 damage a second for 7.5 seconds. In addition, target is slowed by 10%.

Level 2 - Ignites a target/an area, causing it to take 20 damage a second for 7.5 seconds. In addition, target is slowed by 15%.

Level 3 - Ignites a target/an area, causing it to take 30 damage a second for 7.5 seconds. In addition, target is slowed by 20%.

Level 4 - Ignites a target/an area, causing it to take 40 damage a second for 7.5 seconds. In addition, target is slowed by 25%.

嗜血术 (Bloodlust) 【B】



Incites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed.

Lasts 30 seconds.

一级 - 提升一个友方单位20%的攻击速度和6%的移动速度。


二级 - 提升一个友方单位30%的攻击速度和9%的移动速度。


三级 - 提升一个友方单位40%的攻击速度和12%的移动速度。


四级 - 提升一个友方单位50%的攻击速度和15%的移动速度。


Level 1 - Increases a friendly unit's attack rate by 20% and movement speed by 6%.

Lasts 30 seconds.

Level 2 - Increases a friendly unit's attack rate by 30% and movement speed by 9%.

Lasts 30 seconds.

Level 3 - Increases a friendly unit's attack rate by 40% and movement speed by 12%.

Lasts 30 seconds.

Level 4 - Increases a friendly unit's attack rate by 50% and movement speed by 15%.

Lasts 30 seconds.

§ 多重施法 (Multi Cast) 【C】


火焰爆轰 - 每级降低3秒的冷却时间,消耗更多的魔法。

嗜血术 - 每级降低5秒的冷却时间。

引燃 - 每次扩大150的作用范围。

Enables the Ogre Magi to rapidly cast his spells, giving them greater potency. Gives a chance to cast a spell multiple times in one cast.

Fire Blast - reduces cooldown by 3 seconds per level

Bloodlust - reduces cooldown by 5 seconds per level

Ignite - Increases area of effect by 150 per level.

一级 - 火焰爆轰和嗜血术的冷却时间降低至12秒和15秒。引燃将影响150范围内的敌方单位。有20%的几率施展两次法术。有Aghanim的神杖时,有30%的几率施展三次法术。

二级 - 火焰爆轰和嗜血术的冷却时间降低至9秒和10秒。引燃将影响300范围内的敌方单位。有20%的几率施展三次法术。有Aghanim的神杖时,有30%的几率施展四次法术。

三级 - 火焰爆轰和嗜血术的冷却时间降低至6秒和5秒。引燃将影响450范围内的敌方单位。有20%的几率施展四次法术。有Aghanim的神杖时,有30%的几率施展五次法术。

Level 1 - The Ogre Magi is able to cast Firebolt and Bloodlust more rapidly. Ignite deals damage over an area. 20% chance to cast twice. 30% chance to cast three times with scepter.

Level 2 - The Ogre Magi is able to cast Firebolt and Bloodlust more rapidly. Ignite deals damage over an area. 20% chance to cast three times. 30% chance to cast four times with scepter.

Level 3 - The Ogre Magi is able to cast Firebolt and Bloodlust more rapidly. Ignite deals damage over an area. 20% chance to cast four times. 30% chance to cast five times with scepter.





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