词条 | 虚空假面 |
释义 | § 虚空假面 英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction): 据说他曾经是人类的一员,只是他的过去已经被深沉的黑暗吞没,甚至他自己都已经无法回忆。我们只知道他曾被抛入空间的缝隙,在他回来的时候,他已经掌握了操纵时间的能力。他能够冻结敌人的时间,他也能通过短暂地回溯时间来躲避攻击。他可以将身边的时空结构撕裂,处于其中的----不论敌我----都无法动弹,当然除他以外。传言他可以瞬间对四周的任意一个敌人发动攻击,却没人真正看到他靠近…… They say he was once human, but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that he was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time. He can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. He can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that he can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move... 初始射程 (Base Range): 128 | 初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7 初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 300 | 初始防御 (Base Armor): 3.0 基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility | 初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 44 - 50 初始力量值 (Base Strength): 17 | 初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 21 | 初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15 力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.20 | 敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.65 | 智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.50 查看完整数据 § 时间漫游 (Time Walk) 【W】 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。 消耗120点的魔法,冷却时间12秒。 Quickly moves to a target location and slows the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path for 3 seconds. 一级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位10%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。 施法距离700。 二级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位20%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。 施法距离900。 三级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位30%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。 施法距离1100。 四级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位40%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。 施法距离1300。 Level 1 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 10% for 3 seconds. 700 cast range. Level 2 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 20% for 3 seconds. 900 cast range. Level 3 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 30% for 3 seconds. 1100 cast range. Level 4 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 40% for 3 seconds. 1300 cast range. § 回到过去 (Backtrack) 【R】 不论是受到物理或者魔法攻击,虚空假面都有一定的几率通过将时间向回移动一小段来闪避攻击。 Whenever damage is received, Faceless Void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and magical attacks. 一级 - 有10%的几率闪避一切攻击。 二级 - 有15%的几率闪避一切攻击。 三级 - 有20%的几率闪避一切攻击。 四级 - 有25%的几率闪避一切攻击。 Level 1 - 10% chance to Backtrack. Level 2 - 15% chance to Backtrack. Level 3 - 20% chance to Backtrack. Level 4 - 25% chance to Backtrack. § 时间锁定 (Time Lock) 【E】 在攻击中有一定几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的伤害。 Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and lock a unit in time for 1 second. 一级 - 在攻击中有10%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的40点的伤害。 二级 - 在攻击中有15%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的50点的伤害。 三级 - 在攻击杏?0%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的60点的伤害。 四级 - 在攻击中有25%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的70点的伤害。 Level 1 - Gives a 10% chance that an attack will do 40 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second. Level 2 - Gives a 15% chance that an attack will do 50 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second. Level 3 - Gives a 20% chance that an attack will do 60 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second. Level 4 - Gives a 25% chance that an attack will do 70 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second. § 时间结界 (Chronosphere) 【C】 虚空假面撕裂时空创造的结界,使其中不论敌我任何单位甚至是防御塔都处于静止。他自己却可以凭借和这个结界的神秘联系而行动自如。 施法时间1秒,冷却时间180秒。 无视魔法免疫 Faceless Void creates a rip in spacetime causing all units in that area to become trapped for its duration. Faceless Void has a mysterious connection with spacetime that causes him to be unaffected by the sphere. Casting range increases per level. 1 second casting time. 一级 - 使结界内的时间停止,持续3秒。 施法时间1秒,施法距离500。 消耗175点的魔法。 二级 - 使结界内的时间停止,持续4.5秒。 施法时间1秒,施法距离600。 消耗200点的魔法。 三级 - 使结界内的时间停止,持续6秒。 施法时间1秒,施法距离700。 消耗225点的魔法。 Level 1 - Stops the progress of time for all units the area. Lasts 3 seconds with 500 Casting range. 1 second casting time. Level 2 - Stops the progress of time for all units the area. Lasts 4.5 seconds with 600 Casting range. 1 second casting time. Level 3 - Stops the progress of time for all units the area. Lasts 6 seconds with 700 Casting range. 1 second casting time. |
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