

词条 衣夫人

§ 衣夫人

衣夫人 中文名称:衣夫人

首次登场:超人总动员 | The Incredibles | 2004



衣夫人(Edna Mode) ,全名莫衣娜,她是超能家族的老朋友,因为他们的超人专用服装都是她一手设计的!她非常有品味,设计的服装不光美观、新潮,而且能够配合每位超人特定的超能力和超人天衣无缝!衣夫人不光细心,而且热心,这也是超能先生信任她的原因!


超人总动员 | The Incredibles | 2004


衣夫人的英文配音 Brad Bird “先生”就是《超人总动员》的导演。

衣夫人的实验室密码是 6395742 。

衣夫人灵感来自 Edith Head ,她是一个电影服饰设计师,工作了50多年,参与了成百部电影。

衣夫人参加了超能先生和弹力女超人的婚礼,婚礼上的人是:前排从左到右 Gazerbeam(电光眼)、 Edna "E" Mode(衣夫人)和政府的代理人 Rick Dicker ,还有他们后排的 Dynaguy(爆破侠)、 Stratogale(飓风女侠,台译风暴女)、 Thunderhead(雷电侠,台译雷风侠)和 Metaman(变形侠,台译万能侠),后排的4位英雄加上Splashdown(水花侠)也出现在衣夫人“没有斗篷”的演说中:衣夫人了解超人的历史,超能先生本来想要一个有斗篷的新超人服,而衣夫人的讲解最后还是让超能先生放弃了这个念头。


人物配音:Brad Bird 、陈佩斯(大陆国配)、蔡康永(台湾国配)



【to Mr. Incredible】 My God, you've gotten fat.

【说超能先生】 老天爷啊,你可发福了。

What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.


This is a hobo suit, darling. You can't be seen in this. I won't allow it.

I never look back, darling, it distracts from the now.


Yes, words are useless, darling! Gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble! That is why I show you my work! That is why you are here!

Your boy's suit I designed to withstand tremendous friction without heating up or wearing out, a useful feature. Your daughter's suit was tricky, but I finally created a sturdy material that can disappear completely as she does. Your suit can stretch as far as you can without injuring yourself, and still retain its shape. Virtually indestructible, yet it breathes like Egyptian cotton.

What are you talking about? You are Eliasti-girl! My god! Pull yourself together! 'What will you do?' Is this a question? You will show him that you remember that he's Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who *you* are. You know where he is, go and cofront the problem. Fight. Win! And do call me when you get back, Darling. I enjoy our visits.

Edna: Men at Bob's age are unstable, prone to weakness.

Helen: What are you saying?

Edna: Do you know where he is?

Helen: Of course...

Edna: Do you *know* where he is?

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