

词条 showing off---8th

Showing off

As the author's view, he thinks the narcissistic showoffs don't bother to compete because they don't

even notice there's anyone there to compete with. But I don't agree with him. In my opinion, narcissistic

showoffs all like to compete with somebody who is inferior to them. Because they want comfirm that they outshine the other(others) competiters(competitors), (and) then they have arrived(achieved) the common goal as a narcissistic showoff. Of course, they don't like to compete with somebody who (are)beyond them. I think it's a common phenomena (phenomenon) for all narcissistic showoffs.

From the second sentence , “the narcissistic showoffs sometimes quote Homer in Greek” confuses me. Why they don't quote Homer in English or Chinese, Of course they just to show off that they are familiar with Greek but the(delete) others around almost haven't pick up Greek. Obverisly,(obviously) they want to show off thire (their) Greek to the others with compete(competing).

Dear kevin陈,

It's good for you write so frequently in English. And I believe it's good practice. Just keep writing and you will surely make progress.

However, I have to say that when writing in English, more attention will have to be paid to the verbs, for example, we will say "he thinkS","confuseS me" and we don't say "arrived the common goal ",-- I suppose you intended to say "ACHIEVE the common goal ". Also, be careful with your spelling, as in "Obverisly, they want to show off thire ..."




As the author's view, he think [thinks] the narcissistic showoffs don't bother to compete because they don't

even notice there's anyone there to compete with. But I don't agree with him. In my opinion, narcissistic

showoffs all like to compete with somebody who is inferior to them. Because they want comfirm [confirm] that they outshine the other [others] competitors [competitors], [and] then they have arrived [achieved] the common goal as a narcissistic showoff. Of course, they don't like to compete with somebody who [are] beyond them. I think it's a common phenomena [phenomenon] for all narcissistic showoffs

From the second sentence, “the narcissistic showoffs sometimes quote Homer in Greek” confuse [confused] me. Why they don't quote Homer in English or Chinese, Of course they just [to删掉] show off that they are familiar with Greek but [the删掉] others around almost haven't pick [picked] up Greek. Obverisly,[obviously] they want to show off thire [their] Greek to the others with compete [ to compete with others]





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