

词条 申大忠

申大忠 - 人物


性 别 男

出生年月 1963.2

职 称 教授

申大忠 - 简历

1979.09~1983.07 成都地质学院二系岩矿分析专业学习 学士

1983.08~1988.08 山东矿业学院地质系任助教

1988.09~1991.03 湖南大学分析化学专业学习   硕士

1991.03~1994.05 湖南大学分析化学专业学习   博士

1994.06~2003.10 山东大学化学院任教


香港城市大学生物及化学系   博士后

2003.10至今 山东师范大学化学院任教


分析化学 高等仪器分析 化学计量学   化学传感器 纳米分析化学





申大忠 - 项目



1. 压电传感器应用于超薄有序分子膜特性研究 国家自然科学基金 1996~1998

2. 非石英晶体类的压电传感检测研究 国家自然科学基金 2002-2005

3. 压电光谱电化学的理论与应用研究 山东大学跨世纪人才基金   1996~1998

4. Mechanistic studies of drug-DNA, protein-DNA, and ligand-receptor interactions 香港裘氏基金 1998~1999

5. 新型免疫压电化学传感器研究 国家教委资助优秀年青教师基金    1997~1998

6. 基于自组装技术的压电生物传感器研究 山东省自然科学基金    2000-2003

7. 硅酸镧镓晶体微天平生物传感分析   化学及生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室开放基金 2002~2004


1. 生物芯片中探针固定化方法研究与基片产品开发 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金 2003~2005

2. 半导体纳米粒子标记免疫蛋白质芯片研究      归国留学人员基金 2002~2005

申大忠 - 科研成果




D. Z. Shen, M.H. Huang, L.M. Chow and M.Yang, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 2001, 77, 664—670. Kinetic profile of the adsorption and conformational change of lysozyme on self-assembled monolayers as revealed by quartz crystal resonator

D.Z. Shen, X. Wu, X.Y. Liu, Q.Kang, S.H. Chen, Microchemical J.1999, 63, 322¾332. Piezoelectric sensor In situ monitoring adsorption of fibrinogen and surfactant onto a self-assembled monolayer of alkanethiols

D.Z. Shen, Q.J. Xie, Q. Kang , Y.H. Xue, Microchimca Acta, 1998,128, 229¾ 233. Gravimetric monitoring of adsorption behavior of tetrakis-(methylprdiniumyl)porphyrin onto quartz crystal surface using an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor.

D.Z. Shen, S.M. Peng , Q. Kang ,Y.H. Xue, Fresenius J. Anal. Chem.,1998, 361, 424 ¾428. Adsorption studies of dodecylamine at the quartz interface using an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor.

D.Z. Shen, Y.H. Xue, Q.Kang, Q.J. Xie, L.X. Chen, Microchemical J.1998, 60, 1¾7. In situ monitoring adsorption of lysozyme onto quartz using an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor

D.Z. Shen, Q. Kang, Y.H. Xue, L.Z. Wang, Sensors & Actuators B ,1998, 50, 253¾258. Maximum separation-distance for a separated-electrode piezoelectric sensor. Application to the determination of the cationic surfactant adsorbed on a quartz surface.

D.Z. Shen, Q. Kang, Z.C. Liu , L.Z. Wang , Anal. Chim. Acta,1997,340, 55¾60. An oscillation condition for a series piezoelectric sensor and its application in determination of activity of urease in plant seeds.

D.Z.Shen, Q.Kang, C.S.Ma, L.Z.Wang, X.L.Zhang,J. Electroanal. Chem.,1997,428,105 ¾111. Oscillation frequency characteristic of an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor and application to the determination of the adsorption surfactant on a quartz surface.

D.Z. Shen, Q. Kang , X.L. Zhang , L.Z. Wang, C.S. Ma, Anal. Commun.,1997, 34, 97¾99. Determination of surfactant adsorbed on a quartz surface by an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor.

D.Z. Shen, Q. Kang, X.Y. Wang, Microchimca Acta, 1997, 126, 267¾270. Piezoelectric enzyme sensor with improved temperature characteristics for determining urea.

D.Z. Shen, Q. Kang, J.T. Hu, Anal. Lett., 1996, 29, 911¾919. Investigation of the detection limit of a series piezoelectric sensor and use in detection of the water content of the edible oils.

D.Z. Shen, M.S. Hang , L.H. Nie , S.Z. Yao, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1994, 371,117¾125. A unified equivalent circuit model for piezoelectric sensors.

D.Z. Shen, L.H. Nie, S.Z. Yao, J. Electroanal. Chem.,1994, 367,31¾40. Computation of the equivalent circuit parameters of a series piezoelectric crystal and a piezoelectric crystal with separated-electrode in electrolyte solution.

D.Z. Shen, Y.J. Xu, L.H. Nie, S.Z. Yao, Talanta, 1994,41, 1993¾1998.An impedance analyzer method to simulate the oscillating characteristic of a series piezoelectric sensor in oscillator with zero or non-zero phases.

D.Z. Shen, L.H. Nie, S.Z. Yao, J. Electroanal. Chem.,1993,360,71¾87. Computation of the equivalent circuit parameters of a series piezoelectric crystal and a piezoelectric crystal with separated-electrode in non electrolyte solution.

D.Z. Shen, W.H. Zhu , L.H. Nie, S.Z. Yao, Anal. Chim. Acta,1993,276,87¾97. Behavior of a series piezoelectric sensor in electrolyte solution: Part I. Theory.

D.Z. Shen, Z.Y. Li , L.H. Nie, S.Z. Yao, Anal. Chim. Acta,1993, 280,209¾216. Behavior of series piezoelectric sensor in electrolyte solution: Part II. Application in titrimetry.

D.Z. Shen, S. Lin , Q. Kang, L.H. Nie, S.Z. Yao, Analyst,1993,118,1143¾1147. Frequency characteristic of an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor in contact with a liquid.

D.Z. Shen, Q. Kang , J.T. Hu, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 1996, 14, 235¾243. Influence of oscillator phase on oscillating frequency of an electrode-separated piezoelectric sensor.

D.Z. Shen, W.H. Zhu , L.H. Nie, S.Z. Yao, Chinese Journal of Chemistry ,1994,12,58¾65. Frequency characteristic of piezoelectric sensor and application to determination of water in organic solvents.





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