

词条 writing4 for unit2

When I read Paragraph ten, I found there was a phrase “bother to do” that confused me. Usually, bother is explained as “to make the effort to do something or to take the trouble to do something”, but according to the meaning of the whole sentence here, it is not suitable. While I was thinking about this question, another student consulted the teacher. Then, I know what the meaning of this phrase is. It means you don’t pay attention to it or care about it at all. In other words, if you can not be bothered to do something, you are unwilling to make the effort that is needed to achieve it.

When another phrase “stand on one’s head” appeared, I stopped again. I know that the phrase “stand on one’s own feet” stands for independent, which means not taking help or money from other people. However, in this phrase, the head takes the place of feet. How to understand it? Maybe it is just this meaning that the head replaces the feet and the feet replace the head. The sequence is inverted. In my opinion, the author wants to express that the showoff will do the most absurd things to attract people’s attention. Here putting “go” in front of the phrase is an informal structure, which should be “go to stand to their head”.

In Paragraph eleven, there is a sentence “‘what’s the matter?’ I asked when I found him standing on the terrace, brooding darkly”. “Brooding darkly” is an adjunct structure, which is used to describe the expression on his face. It means low in spirit, sad and gloomy. In the next sentence, “all of a sudden” refers to suddenly. I suppose the purpose that he says “all of a sudden” is that he want[wants] to show off what he researches is useful and profound; whatever other people[people's] talk is superficial.





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