

词条 writing seven

There is a word and a phrase in this passage puzzled me. They are not strange ones but have another meaning which I didn’t know yet. The first one is “relate”. I only know that it means “connect” and it is usually used with “to”. While here it means say or talk. Another one is “reside in”. I can guess its meaning to some extent but not accurately. From the dictionary, it can be equal to “belong to”.

I don’t like showing off or showoffs. As author’s example said, they are indulged in comparing. That’s really tired. They have to pay attention to everything happened around them at anytime, because their competitive nature couldn’t allow others better than them in any areas. At the same time, they need to understand [know]themselves completely. That is the basis to compare with people. As we know, almost all stars are like to compare with others, such as dress, the style of hair, jewelry, even the shoes. As if only by this way could they show the public their higher and specific taste?

However, I have no right to criticize their behaviors. After all, different people take different ideas. The showoffs may get the great happiness when they win the comparison with others.

I’m lazy, so a life with many different troubles and challenges not suit me. I like my life simple and ordinary. In my sight, this sort of life would make me happy and preserve a tranquil mind.





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