

词条 writing 17

Today I read paragraph(Paragraph)1-8 of the article “cheating: Alive and flourishing”.

First I read paragraph(Paragraph) one. I (加have ) never seen the phrase “get a handle”, so it is interesting to me. Then I want to understand it. Put(putting) the phrase in the sentence, I think the phrase maybe means “know or understand”. But I am not sure. In the dictionary I know it meaning “gain understanding or control of something”. Then in the paragraph I meet a new word---frustrating. I don't know its meaning. The author said “cheating is as frustrating as surveying American eating patterns”. Form this sentence we can know it is a derogatory term, and it let author unhappy at the least. I know the understanding isn't complete, so I turn to seek help with (加the) dictionary. With the dictionary I know it(its) meaning “to make (someone) feel annoyed or discourages because of difficulties or problems which they are unable to deal with (加”).

In the paragraph(Paragraph) three, I see one sentence “one that shatters the myths about who cheat and why”. In the sentence we can know “one” refers to “a different picture”. But the word “myths” in the sentence confused me. Here myths are complex number(numbers). I think in the sentence “myths” refers to students never cheat in school. So the author should use its odd number. And in the paragraph I think one sentence is very interesting. It is “the habits that take root in elementary school, bud in high school and flower in college”. Here the habits refer to cheat, so the author use(uses) the sentence is want(wants) to satirize the bad habit(habits). But I think the sentence is very beautiful, so I should remember it.

In paragraph(Paragraph) four, the psychologists say that the roots of the problem must be deal with in the home. I don't agree the opinion; (.)I think the problem should deal(be dealt) with in the home and school. Become(becoming) a students(students) have half of time in the school. And school education is very important for a student. Cheating is a moral problem, so should home and school both(both homes and schools should) help the students.

In paragraph(Paragraph) five, the new word (加 “)abdicating (加 ”) confused me. Here the word responsibility(“responsibility”) is follow(follows) it. So we can know it is(its) meaning shirk or escape(“shirk or escape”). In paragraph(Paragraph)7 I don't know why the most gifted students are the worst offenders. Maybe they can't accept fail(failure) in(in去了) one or two times. The afraid fail(They are afraid of being worse) than others.

In the paragraph(Paragraph)8, the author said(says) one universities-Illinois issues(to issue) a pamphlet for its faculty. They use this way to stop the student(students’) cheating. I think it is a good idea if you haven't anther(another) better idea.





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