词条 | 《剑桥中级英语词汇(英语在用丛书)》 |
释义 | 剑桥中级英语词汇(英语在用丛书) 内容简介 本丛书是世界上最畅销的英语语法与词汇学习参考书,迄今读者记逾千万,被誉为“英语学习者的‘圣经’”。它专非英语国家英语学习者编写,在结构上,条理明晰,形式简约顺达;在内容上,解析重点与难点,透彻生动,同时反复练习,巩固成效。 “英语在用”丛书包括语法和词汇两个系列,每系列分3级,分别针对初、中、高级学习者,并配有练习册。既可作为自学用书,也可作为课堂用书。 本丛书的特点是: 教法新颖:以“在语境中学习语言”为原则,辅以大量生动的图表,摒弃死记硬背的陈旧方法。 内容实用:取材自真实的语料库,强调内容的实用性,使您真正达到学以致用。 结构简明:将语法和词汇项目分类解说,方便您挑选所需内容。 使用方便:采用解说与练习左右两页对照的形式。左页解释说明语法规则和词汇意义,右页通过练习固本单元所学用法,随学随练,让您能每迈一步都体会到进步的成就感。 技巧训练:介绍学习技巧,帮助您自己总结语法及词汇规律,养成良好的学习习惯。 参考答案:详尽全面,给您充分的信息。 目 录:清晰详细,说明每单元讲解的词汇和语法,便于快速寻找所需内容。 索 引:将书中讲解的所有重要词汇和语法点按字母顺序列出,并标注书中位置,方便查找。 附 录:丰富全面,提供多方面的参考资料。 语法附录包括:被动语态,引语,不规则动词,常见错误等。 词汇附录包括:音标表,常用习语,常见错误等。 剑桥中级英语词汇(英语在用丛书) 本书目录 Introduction Learning Examples 1 Learning and revising with this book 2 Keeping a vocalubary notebook 3 Using a dictionary 4 English language words unconutable noun,prefix,main stress 5 Problems with pronunciation rough,through,island,neccessary 6 Classroom language board pen,swap places,rub sth.out Word formation 7 Prefixes un-,in-,im-re- 8 Noun suffixes -tion,-ity,-ness,-ment 9 Adjective suffixes -ive,-y,-able,-ful,-less 10 Zero affixation to say/a stay,a look/to look 11 Compound nouns alarm clock,credit card,baby-sitter 12 Compound adjectives easy-going,good-looking,well-paid Phrase building 13 Collocation (word partness) a strong accent,miss the bus 14 Verb of adjective +preposition listen(to),keen(on),good(at) 15 Preposition+noun on holiday,by mistake,on TV 16 Phrasal verbs:form and meaning lie down,get over sth.,take off 17 Phrasal verbs:grammar and style put on ,get by ,make sth.up 18 Idioms and fixed expressions never mind ,take a short cut,what's up? 19 Make ,do,have,take make progress,do homework,have a rest 20 give,kep,break,catch,see keep a record,break the law,catch a bus 21 Get:uses and expression get a job,get married,get up 22 Go:uses and expression go deaf,go for a drink,have a go 23 Apologies,excuses and thanks sorry I'm late,I got held up,thanks a lot 24 Requests ,invitations and suggestions could you...?I'd love to ,how about...? 25 Opinions ,agreeing and disagreeing what do you think of ...?personally,according to 26 speific situations and special occasions hi,good luck,nice to meet you ,happy birthday Parts of speech(special problems) 27 Uncountable nouns and plural nouns information(U),trousers(pl) 28 Verbs+ing form or infinitive enjoy,can't stand,refuse 29 Verb patterns verb+object,verb+'that'clause 30 Adjective bib vs.huge,boring vs.bored 31 Prepositions:place on the table,nest to the church 32 Adverbs:frequency and degree hardly ever,quite,almost Connection and linking 33 Time and sequence when,while,after,first of all,finally 34 Addition and contrast in addition,although,in spite of 35 similarities,differences and conditions similar to ,compared with/to,unless 36 Reason,purpose and result as,so,because(of),as a result Topics Notioanl concepts Varieties of English |
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