

词条 杨修伦

§ 个人基本资料

杨修伦 讲师 信息光学研究所

男, 汉族, 工学博士, 现为山东大学信息科学与工程学院光学系(Department of Optics, School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University) 讲师. 1976年生, 1999年本科毕业于山东大学光电子系, 保送研究生, 2004年博士毕业于山东大学信息科学与工程学院. 2004年7月-8月于澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University)做访问学者, 2004年9月-2005年9月于德国波恩大学(Universitaet Bonn)和斯图加特大学(Universitaet Stuttgart)做博士后. 主要研究方向为光学信息处理、高速光电器件光子晶体的制备及特性研究等. 在国外发表SCI论文三十余篇, 为Optics Communications, Applied Optics, Optics Express 等学术期刊审稿人.曾获2004年山东省高校科研成果一等奖(第二位).

§ 发表的论文

1. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, Y. R. Wang, and Q. Liu, “Interference of four umbrellalike beams by a diffractive beam splitter for fabrication of two-dimensional square and trigonal lattices,” Opt. Lett. 28, 453-455 (2003).

2. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, and Q. Liu, “Theoretical bandgap modeling of two-dimensional triangular photonic crystals formed by interference technique of three-noncoplanar beams,” Optics Express. 11, 1050-1055 (2003).

3. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, Y. R. Wang, and Q. Liu, “Interference technique by three equal-intensity umbrellalike beams with a diffractive beam splitter for fabrication of two-dimensional trigonal and square lattices,” Opt. Commun. 218, 325-332 (2003).

4. X. L. Yang and L. Z. Cai, “Wave design of the interference of three noncoplanar beams for microfiber fabrication,” Opt. Commun. 208, 293-297 (2002).

5. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, “Wave design and polarization optimization in the interference of four noncoplanar beams for making three-dimensional periodical microstructures,” J. Mod. Opt. 50, 1445-1453 (2003).

6. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, and Q. Liu, “Polarization optimization in the interference of four umbrellalike symmetric beams for making three-dimensional periodic microstructures,” Appl. Opt. 41 (32), 6894 – 6900 (2002).

7. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, and H. K. Liu, “Theoretical bandgap modeling of two-dimensional square photonic crystals fabricated by interference technique of three noncoplanar beams,” JOSA-B (Accepted for publication).

8. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, and Q. Liu, “Photonic band gaps of two-dimensional trigonal photonic crystals fabricated by four umbrellalike beam interference technique,” CLEO/Pacific Rim, Taipei, Dec.15-19, 2003.

9. X. L. Yang, L. Z. Cai, and A. J. Wei, “Application of digital image processing technology in measuring the ratio of charge to mass of electron,” Journal of Optoelectronics & Laser 13 (5), 501-504 (2002).

10. L. Z. Cai, X. L. Yang, and Y. R. Wang, “Formation of a microfiber bundle by interference of three noncoplanar beams,” Opt. Lett. 26, 1858-1860 (2001).

11. L. Z. Cai and X. L. Yang, “Collins formulae in both space and frequency domains for ABCD optical systems with small deformations,” J. Mod. Opt. 48 (8), 1389-1396 (2001).

12. L. Z. Cai and X. L. Yang, “What kind of Bravais lattices can be made by the interference of four umbrellalike beams?,” Opt. Commun. 224, 243-246 (2003).

13. L. Z. Cai, X. L. Yang, and Y. R. Wang, “All fourteen Bravais lattices can be formed by interference of four noncoplanar beams,” Opt. Lett. 27, 900-902 (2002).

14. L. Z. Cai, X. L. Yang, and Y. R. Wang, “Formation of three-dimensional periodical microstructures by interference of four noncoplanar beams,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 19 (11), 2238-2244 (2002).

15. L. Z. Cai and X. L. Yang, “Observation of fractional Fourier transforms of continuously variable orders with a scale invariant input,” Opt. Commun. 201(6),319-323 (2002). 16. L. Z. Cai and X. L. Yang, and Y. R. Wang, “Interference of three noncoplanar beams: patterns, contrast and polarization optimization,” J. Mod. Opt. 49, 1663-1672 (2002).

17. L. Z. Cai and X. L. Yang, “Interference of circularly polarized light: contrast and application in fabrication of three-dimensional periodic microstructures,” Optics & Laser Technology 34(8), 671-674 (2002).

18. L. Z. Cai, X. L. Yang, and Q. Liu, “General representation of interference contrast formed by arbitrarily polarized waves and its application in fabrication of three-dimensional periodic microstructures,” (Accepted by Opt. Laser Tech.).

19. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, and X. L. Yang, “Phase-shift extraction and wave-front reconstruction in phase-shifting interferometry with arbitrary phase steps,” Opt. Lett. 19, 1808-1810 (2003).

20. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, and X. L. Yang, “Generalized phase-shifting interferometry with arbitrary unknown phase steps for diffraction objects,” Opt. Lett. 29, 183-185 (2004).

21. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, X. L. Yang, and Y. R. Wang, “Sensitivity adjustable contouring by digital holography and a virtual reference wavefront,” Opt. Commun. 221, 49-54 (2003).

22. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, and X. L. Yang, “A simple method of contrast enhancement and extremum extraction for interference fringes,” Optics & Laser Technology 34(8), 671-674 (2002).

23. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, and X. L. Yang, “Simultaneous digital correction of amplitude and phase errors of retrieved wave-front in phase-shifting interferometry with arbitrary phase shift errors,” Opt. Commn.233 (1-3), 21-26 (2004).

24. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, Y. R. Wang, and X. L. Yang, “Photorefractive shearing interferometer,” Optics ans Lasers in Engineering 41 (3), 529-535 (2004).

25. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, and X. L. Yang, “Effects of measurement errors on both the amplitude and phase reconstruction in phase shifting interferometry,” J. Mod. Opt. (Accepted for publication).

26. L. Z. Cai, M. Z. He, Q. Liu, and X. L. Yang, “Digital image encryption and watermarking by phase-shifting interferometry,” Appl. Opt. 43, (to be published in May, 2004).

27. L. Z. Cai, Q. Liu, and X. L. Yang, “Reply to comment on “Phase-shift extraction and wave-front reconstruction in phase-shifting interferometry with arbitrary phase steps”,” Opt. Lett. 29, (to be published in 2004).

28. A. J. Wei, X. L. Yang, and J. Lian, “Study on the image processing of atomic spectra,” J. Shandong University 35 (4), 432-436 (2000).





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