

词条 杰克·鲍尔

§ 人物简介

杰克·鲍尔 杰克·鲍尔(Jack Bauer)

性别         男性

曾任职位     洛杉玑反恐局临时探员






所属         反恐局 国防部

现状         被中国拘留【生存】

家族 Kim Bauer (女儿)

Phillip Bauer(父)

配偶 Teri Bauer (亡)

演员         基夫·萨塞兰(Kiefer Sutherland)

出现季数         1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

§ 概述

杰克·鲍尔(Jack Bauer)是美国电视系列剧《24》中的主角。他由基夫·萨塞兰(Kiefer Sutherland)扮演,是剧中唯一一个每季每集都出现的角色。




完成学业後杰克成为一名洛杉矶特警队成员,而且参加了三角洲部队。很显然,杰克在加入反恐局前还是中央情报局的外勤组探员。 在CTU期间,他是「海神行动」的总指挥,还是洛杉矶酒店袭击时的行动队长。不久後,他揭发了三名反恐局探员的受贿行为,包括他的恩师克里斯多夫·韩德森。杰克得到了「叛徒」的名声,在反恐局里很不受欢迎。



杰克坚信一个信条——「目的证明手段」:他似乎显得为达到目的「不择手段」。 一个例子是在第二季中,他在乔治·梅森(George Mason,时任CTU主管)面前射杀了一名证人。当梅森表达了对其极端行爲的惊谔时,杰克回到: 「那是像你这样的人的问题,乔治。你想事事有个结果,但你从不把自己的手弄脏。」

杰克精于审讯。他常用来对付受审的恐怖分子的手法包括极度的肉体,精神上的折磨。有时他也会以其家人的性命相威胁。 相应的,杰克自己在面对严刑拷问时表现得「宁死不屈」。如第二季里,恐怖分子Ronnie Stark动用了刀扎,电击,「炮烙」 ,注射等多种手法以期杰克招供。在严酷的审讯过程中杰克数次休克,甚至一度临床上「死亡」,不过终又被恐怖分子救活。Ronnie Stark的观点是:「谁都会招的,杰克,包括你」,他还说:「别想那麽容易死掉」。但就在杰克回復意识几分钟後,他成功制服看守重获自由。

杰克爲了更大的利益常常选择不惜使自己或他身边的人面临生命危险。比如,一次恐怖分子以释放病毒来要挟杰克处决其上司Regional Director Ryan Chappelle。在抓捕行动失败的情况下杰克不得不扣动扳机。另一次,杰克闯入洛杉矶中国领事馆劫走掌握恐怖袭击关键情报的中国科学家Lee Jong,在行动中Lee中弹生命垂危。回到CTU後杰克得知仅有的医生正在抢救Paul Raines(他是杰克的女友Audrey Raines分居中的丈夫)。 Raines此前因救杰克而中弹。令 Audrey难以接受的是,鲍尔拔枪命令医生救治Lee,而Raines在心跳停止後死亡。

对於这样的行爲杰克几乎不会流露出情感上的痛苦,直到危机解除之时。这很大程度上是因爲杰克不得不压制他的情感以完成眼下的任务。偶然地他也会表现出脆弱的一面,就像在第三季最後,在经歷了整整一天的恐怖和惨剧後,他感情崩溃,涙流满面。也许正是这脆弱的一面才是杰克这个角色的画龙点睛之处, 它提醒观衆,杰克其实也是人,他也有著正常人的七情六慾。



During season one, Bauer's wife Teri and his daughter Kim were kidnapped by Victor Drazen, a man Bauer thought he had killed in a covert mission called Operation Nightfall in Kosovo two years earlier。 Erroneously believing that Kim was murdered by Drazen, Jack killed Drazen and his associates。 Bauer's colleague/former love interest Nina Myers (who turned out to be a traitor) killed Teri Bauer before being arrested。 Jack was so distraught over Teri's death that he resigned and joined the inactive roster。

A subtle storyline throughout season one was the tale of Jack Bauer busting three of his men for taking bribes。 One of them, Seth Campbell, committed suicide just before the events of day one took place。 The second, Teddy Hanlin, had his own 'blowback' on Jack Bauer to avenge his partner's death around the 4:00 PM hour。 The third man was never mentioned until the fifth season where it was revealed that Jack blew the whistle on his own mentor, Christopher Henderson。 This plotline was essential in the beginning to demonstrate how Jack was reluctant (and in the end incapable) to uncover a conspiracy in CTU after he blew the whistle on his own men。 It was also an interesting point of view to bring to light Jack Bauer's point of compromise, where, according to Jack, one compromises until one doesn't know any better, because "that's how you think it's done。" (24: 1。1)


18个月後,杰克被President Palmer 召回岗位,以帮助CTU阻止一个名叫第二浪潮的恐怖组织对洛杉矶进行的核弹威胁。 After the incidents depicted in Season 2, Jack was appointed Director of Field Operations by new CTU Los Angeles Special Agent in Charge Tony Almeida。


Six months later, Jack led a raid on a ship in the LA harbor containing a deadly cargo of Ricin toxin。 He then learned about an assassination attempt on the Vice President with info from undercover CTU: Washington D。C。 agent Chase Edmunds and prevents the assassination with the Vice President being in critical condition from a vehicular explosion after the firefight。 After the assassination attempt, he follows leads and eventually discovers the apparent mastermind, Peter Madsen。 Kim during this time gets kidnapped by Madsen in the aftermath of an attack on CTU。

As Madsen, Sin-Chung, and Kim escape with undercover CTU Operative Chase Edmunds, Jack was blackmailed to download the decryption software for Madsen。 While Jack was on the run from local authorities, he desperately looks for leads to find and save Kim by going to Madsen's wife, Donna。 Donna barely had any useful information due to her drug addiction, but directed Jack to her dealer, a Mexican drug dealer named Del Torro。 Bauer raids Del Torro's ruined hotel building and was given the necessary information to find Kim。 Before being kidnapped, Kim placed a tracking unit on herself, and Jack followed up on the tracker, only to find out that CTU's computers were malfunctioning from Madsen's EMP。 Jack eventually gets the final location at an abandoned water facility in Burbank。 Jack infiltrates the base, saves Kim, and meets Chase for the first time。 He tells him to look for a hard drive and stay undercover。 He then discovers a plot to detonate bombs and cause an earthquake。 After brief tension, Tony and Jack go into the field to the two construction sites that are possible targets for the detonation。 After disarming one of the bombs and failing to disarm a second hidden bomb, Jack attempts to return to CTU only to be called by Kate Warner, who needed help because of the earthquake。 Jack attempts to meet up with Kate, only to see her get held captive by Madsen。 An SUV driven by Chase picks up Madsen and Kate。 Jack pursues Madsen to a building while being suppressed by Chase。 Jack confronts Chase, with Chase saying that he couldn't save Kate without blowing his cover。 Jack told Chase that he did the right thing。 Chase sends a false radio transmission to Madsen saying that he killed Jack。 Madsen directs Chase to an abandoned train station used as a base for the terrorists。 Chase drove off to the new address, which was an old train yard。 Jack hid himself while Chase showed Madsen Bauer's dogtags。 Jack and Chase infiltrate one of the buildings in order to recover the CTU hard-drive。 Jack stayed inside an elevator to stay hidden from the guards while Chase stalked one of Sin-Chung's hackers and killed him to take his key-card。 Chase covertly hands Jack the key-card and heads over to the security room to disable the cameras。 Upon completing his task, Jack moves in to recover the hard-drive。 Unfortunately, the removal of the hard-drive triggered the alarms。 Jack and Chase were forced to blast their way out。

Jack gives the hard-drive to Chase and tells him to bring it back to CTU Chase attempts to head to a vehicle while Jack tries to find Kate。 Jack eventually found Kate, but had to blow her off in order to save Chase from a sniper。 Jack kills the sniper and provides cover-fire for Chase。 Chase eventually enters a car and heads on a long drive back to CTU Jack heads back to Kate's cell only to find her missing and sees Madsen driving out of the base with Kate。 While Jack heads back to CTU, Chase gets ambushed by Sin-Chung and is in a heavy firefight。 After the firefight, Chase recovers a message on Sin-Chung's cell phone to send a driver over to the desert to pick up some important cargo。 Chase heads back to CTU。

As Chase arrives, he is confronted by an irritated Chappelle knowing that Chase went rogue。 Jack intervenes telling Chappelle that Chase knows how Madsen's side works and that his efforts to return the CTU have to count for something。 Chappelle reluctantly complies but tells Jack that he wants Chase on a plane back to D。C。 after the ordeal is over。 Chase thanks Jack, and was told by his mentor that he's a good agent。 Chase goes undercover again posing as the requested truck driver。

Max, a previous villain behind Season 2's and The Game's events, also came into play, and Bauer had to stop him from stealing nuclear weapons from an abandoned military bunker called Fort Lesker。 Chase covertly calls Jack on his cell phone in order to have C。T。U。 track him。 Jack trails the truck to Fort Lesker and eventually sneaks on board in the cargo portion of the truck。 Chase covertly hands Jack a radio。 While Jack enters a locker room, he sees Madsen's men beating up one of the guards working at Fort Lesker。 The guard refuses to divulge information, and gets shot in the chest by one of the thugs。 Jack kills both of them, and gets information from the guard: the order of locking down the base。 As Chase enters one of the loading areas, he gets an order by Jack to head to the main control room to lock down the base even if it meant that Chase had to blow his cover。 After Chase locks down the base, he is cornered and tells Jack to leave him。 Jack blasts his way through dozens of guards to regroup with Chase

Jack and Chase blast their way out of Fort Lesker and evacuate in a helicopter。 The two land in the L。A。 docks。 Jack and Chase sweep the docks to find the cargo shipments and Madsen, with Jack eventually gives the order for Chase to stay with the tactical teams while Jack looks for Madsen。 Jack confronts Madsen asking where Kate is。 Madsen shoots Jack in the stomach, and Jack chases Madsen。 Jack kills Madsen as he escapes on a speedboat。 After Jack kills Madsen, he is pinned down by Madsen's remaining henchmen。 A CTU chopper comes by with Chase shooting the gunmen。 It also turned out that Kate was on the yacht as well。 Before boarding the ship, Chase obliterates the defending guards with a mounted machine gun。 The recently cleared deck allowed Jack to abseil to the ship while Chase covers Jack from any possible gunmen。 Jack blasts his way through any surviving gunmen and eventually gets in a stand-off with Max。 Jack succeeds in shooting Max three times, at the expense of taking a second gunshot to the chest。 Everything was over for now, with a deteriorating Jack losing consciousness。 Chase helps Jack to the helicopter telling Tony that they need to get Jack to a hospital。


Two and a half years later (Season 3), Jack returned from an undercover sting operation of Ramon Salazar, a Mexican drug lord。 While the operation was a success and resulted in the arrest of Salazar, it came at a heavy price。 Bauer ended up with a heroin addiction in order to maintain his cover with the Salazars, and attempted to fight it by going "cold turkey"。 Ramon's brother, Hector, insisted to keep Bauer alive to buy the Cordila virus and resell them to underground organizations worldwide for a one billion dollar profit。 Eventually Bauer won the trust of Ramon Salazar but learned that another buyer was in play, headed by Nina Myers。 The sale of the virus went bad, but Nina Myers was taken into custody and was eventually executed by Bauer after he deemed her useless。 He then learned that the man behind the distribution of the virus and the attacks was Stephen Saunders, one of Jack's former team members presumed dead from Operation: Nightfall in Kosovo。 Eventually Jack reformed partnership with Chase Edmunds and together they captured Saunders and retrieved the vials of virus。 On their last retrival, Jack is forced to make a decision to cut the hand of Chase to gain the final virus device。 After leaving the hospital following Chase's decision, Jack takes a moment in his parked SUV。 For the last remaining minutes, Jack cries。 He takes time to reflect on all that has happened this day, possibly even all that has happened through seasons 1 and 2。 With a call from CTU on further Saunders matter, Jack drives off, leaving the impression that he is ready to continue his intricate occupation。


Three months later, Jack was fired by Erin Driscoll due to his heroin addiction acquired prior to Season 3。 He found employment with the Department of Defense。 Bauer became involved in a serious relationship with the daughter of the Secretary of Defense, Audrey Raines。 However, after Jack was called back to CTU in Season 4 to help them stop a terrorist mastermind named Habib Marwan, Audrey witnessed Jack's「黑暗面」 and decided she could not be with him, due to his ruthlessness and brutality。 As of early Season 5, remarks by Audrey suggest that she may be willing to resume the relationship。


At the conclusion of Day Four, Jack Bauer was scheduled to be handed over to the Chinese authorities due to his involvement in a secret raid on the Los Angeles Chinese Consulate that resulted in the friendly fire death of the Chinese Consul。 Presidential Adviser Walt Cummings ordered Secret Service Agent Dale Spaulding to kill Bauer once he was in custody in order to prevent the Chinese from extracting any harmful information from Bauer。 Mike Novick, chief of staff to President Charles Logan, overheard the conversation and informed his friend, former President David Palmer。 Palmer called Bauer and urged him to flee CTU。

Bauer, along with Tony Almeida, Michelle Dessler, and Chloe O'Brian, planned an escape in which Bauer faked his own death to avoid being taken into custody。 Once Secret Service Agent Spaulding and CTU personnel left the scene, Bauer was administered epinephrine and revived (to date, this is the second time Bauer has been brought back from clinical death)。 Almeida and Dessler smuggled Bauer out of CTU and dropped him off on a secluded road。 He thanked them for all that they had done for him, then called President Palmer, thanking him as well for the advanced warning。 Palmer acknowledges the country's enormous debt to Jack Bauer, him having saved it many times: 「这可能是我们最後一次谈话了……杰克,你要知道,在你放下电话後,从全部意义上来说,杰克·鲍尔已经死了。」杰克回答说,「我明白,长官……总统先生,(能为您效力)是莫大的荣幸。」杰克收缐,向远处走去。


Through the Season 5 prequel on the Season 4 DVD Set, it is revealed that twelve months after staging his own death, Jack met up with Chloe in Chicago, Illinois, where he is informed that not even Jack's daughter Kim learned the truth about his death。 Furthermore, the files of Jack's whereabouts have somehow been released before Chloe had the chance to erase everything。 After meeting with Chloe, Jack was pursued by an unknown assailant, wanting him dead。 Though Jack managed to escape from harm, he is seen by another unknown motorcyclist。


As Season 5 begins, Bauer has taken the identity of Frank Flynn, struggling for work at an oil yard in California。 As news hits that President David Palmer has been assassinated, Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler are also targeted at their home, resulting in Michelle's death and critically injuring Tony。 Completing the circle of those who know Jack is alive, Chloe O'Brian is also targeted, but gets away。 Chloe calls Jack for assistance as she evades the assassins。

Returning to Los Angeles to assist her, Jack briefly interrogates Palmer's wounded assassin, who reveals that Jack is to be set up for Palmer's death。 Jack then kills him in retribution for killing Palmer (having previously promised to take him to a hospital if he talked)。 After regaining the trust of CTU management by assisting in the rescue of hostages at a terrorist controlled airport, Jack returns to fTU for the first time since his "death," cleared of Palmer's murder by CTU District Director Lynn McGill, who affirms Jack's request to remain on the team until the current crisis is over。

Soon after his arrival at CTU, Jack encounters former lover Audrey Raines, on-site as a liaison from the Defense Department。 He is soon forced to reconsider whether he still has feelings for Audrey after 18 months away, and six months of bonding with the woman who rents a room for Frank Flynn。 He decides that he is still in love with Audrey。

Jack is lured to Tony Almeida's bedside by a hired killer who gained access to CTU through Spenser Wolff, a subordinate and love interest of Chloe O'Brian。 Wolff is thought to be yet another mole in CTU, but then reveals he was recruited by White House Chief of Staff Walt Cummings and used as a patsy to get rid of Jack。 Jack kills the hitman with a pair of surgical scissors。

After trying to meet presidential advisor and David Palmer loyalist Mike Novick to warn him about Cummings, Jack and Mike are arrested and detained with no charges。 Jack appeals to the sense of duty in Aaron Pierce, the President's security chief who has served in the same capacity for Palmer, and gains access to the President, where he informs him of Cummings' actions, and threatens Cumming's life until he cracks and gives up what he knows about the terrorist plot。 It appeared that Cummings is not a traitor in the truest sense, in that he hatched this plot to ensure oil futures for the U。S。, but his ruthlessness and willingness to kill anyone who gets in the way of his plot disgusts President Logan who orders the Secret Service to remove Cummings from his sight。 Cummings then kills himself。 It is during this exchange that Jack earns Logan's respect and admiration, though he does promise the President to serve him until the current crisis is over, and then return to his life of shadowy anonymity。 His promise to disappear again casts a pall over his possible future plans to reunite with Audrey Raines。

After an undercover operation to find the Sentox nerve gas canisters, Logan was forced to allow the terrorists to release the gas in the shopping mall to keep Jack's cover。 However, Jack intentionally told them the wrong code and almost prevented the release (only 20 were killed, not hundreds)。 Under the President's pressure, Lynn McGill forced CTU to arrest Jack for what he did。 Jack escaped to attend a meeting with James Nathanson, Walt Cummings' partner in the theft of the gas。 When Nathanson is shot, Jack gets a thumb drive that leads him to the manufacturer of the nerve gas, Omicron International where Christopher Henderson works。 Henderson is a former CTU agent that Jack busted for taking bribes before Season 1。 Henderson attempted to have Jack killed by locking him inside a bunker with a bomb in Omicron。 Jack, who managed to survive the attack, was able to capture Henderson while in his home。

After coming back from CTU, Jack is reunited with his daughter Kim。 Jack attempts to explain to Kim that the reason he faked his own death was to protect her and how much it hurt him not being able to see her again without risk, but Kim felt upset that her dad could not trust her and that believing that Jack had died had a severe effect on Kim's life。

After the terrorists released the Sentox nerve gas inside of the CTU building, Jack risked his life to try to reprogram the ventilation system so that it can flush out the nerve gas by holding his breath while moving through the contaminated area。 Once Lynn McGill was able to reprogram the ventilation system and the Sentox was neutralised, Jack made another attempt to try and reconnect with Kim。 Kim, however, did not want to see her dad again because every time she was around him something bad happened。 Jack respects her decision and ironically now has to go on living life without possibly seeing her again。

During a phone call with Tony Almeida, Jack pleads with him not to kill Henderson until they get the information they need。 Tony ignores Jack and in the process knockes out Agent Rick Burke, the man who was torturing Henderson, and prepares a lethal dose of hyoscine-pentothal only for it to backfire on him when Henderson awakens from his coma。 Jack holds Tony in his arms as he breaks down when he sees his best friend die right in front of his eyes。

Jack was leading a field operation in an attempt to capture Collette Stenger, an associate of Vladimir Bierko, but along the way Jack and CTU encountered an agent from the German Federal Intelligence Service, Theo Stoller。 He also wanted Collette Stenger, but to bring down terrorist cells across Europe。 Jack was able to strike a deal though with Stoller by providing him with the WET list in exchange for the whereabouts of Stenger, thereby infuriating Karen Hayes at 国土安全部。 Jack and CTU were successful in capturing Stenger but the thumb drive Theo Stoller had on the WET list had been programmed by Jack to self-destruct。 Once given immunity, Stenger soon divulged information of where Bierko's safe house is and Jack was shocked to find out that the data Stenger sold to Bierko on the building schematic was sold to her by Audrey Raines。

However, after interrogating Audrey, Jack could clearly see that Audrey was not affiliated with the plot against the United States。 Jack and Chloe strived to find a link between Colette Stenger and Christopher Henderson。 They soon found the connection, proving Audrey's innocence, and finding out that the terrorists were planning to attack a natural gas plant。

Later, Jack attempted to blow up the natural gas plant in order to denature the nerve gas that was depleted from its canisters。 As the plant was blowing up, he attempted to pursue Bierko。 At the very end of that episode (9 p。m。-10 p。m。), Jack managed to detain Bierko while he was off-balance due to the initial explosions of the main gas tanks, but was unable to bring him into custody before the remainder of the plants main gas tanks exploded。 Instead, he bundled himself and Bierko into the back of a stolen police car, as the tanks exploded, covering the car with fiery debris。 Both Jack and Bierko survived the blast, and all the remaining nerve gas was destroyed。

By 11:00 p。m。 on day 5, Jack is horrified to learn that the true mastermind of the Sentox Nerve Gas Conspiracy is none other than President Logan himself, and he must now simply try to stay alive in the face of Logan and Henderson's upcoming assault against him and anyone else that knows the truth。

Jack then robs a bank containing audio evidence proving Logan is behind the Nerve Gas Conspiracy。 An arrest warrant is issued by Logan, desperate to cover his tracks。 By 12 :00 a。m。, Jack is facing extreme danger from both Henderson's mercenaries and government units, both of whom are currently pursuing him。 Homeland security is currently pursuing him as a 'Code-3' suspect, per Logan's orders, pulling their resources off the search for Henderson。

Soon after, Jack arrives at Van Nuys Airport to meet Audrey who has arranged for her father, Secretary of Defense James Heller, to present the incriminating evidence to Logan with the intent on bringing him down。 Heller has Jack and Audrey held at the hangar, stating the evidence will destroy the American Presidency。 He says a quiet resignation from Logan is the only course of action。 After Heller leaves, Jack frees himself and Audrey, and manages to retrieve the recording from Heller's men。 However, Henderson, under Logan's command, arrives via helicopter with his men。 A firefight ensues outside and Henderson flees into the hangar。 Jack pursues him and finds to his horror that Henderson has taken Audrey hostage。 He has cut her brachial artery and says she will bleed to death in a matter of minutes。 Jack complies with Henderson's demand for the evidence to spare Audrey's life, and Henderson hastily flees the airport while Jack tends to Audrey's wound。

Jack captures Henderson shortly afterwards only to discover he has already passed the audio tape to a confederate。 Henderson then reveals that if Jack does not release him, his men will kill Heller, whom they have been following by helicopter。 Jack contacts Heller who confirms that a sniper in the helicopter has him within his scope。 Jack is prepared to release Henderson but Heller refuses to be a pawn and drives his car off a cliff and into a lake。 Jack knocks Henderson unconscious, cuffs him to a pipe, and goes after the tape。 Chloe tracks the tape to a plane leaving from Van Nuys Airport。 Jack sneaks into the baggage storage area on the plane undetected。

Jack makes his way into the passenger seating area and knocks out the air marshal with an elbow to the head。 Informed by Chloe that only one passenger on the plane has connections with Henderson, Jack leads him into the baggage hold only to find out that he is not the man they are looking for。 The air marshal wakes up and informs the pilot that he had been attacked and had his gun stolen。 The pilot starts to depressurize the baggage hold with Jack and the passenger locked in it。 Jack opens a compartment in the baggage hold which allows him to control the ailerons of the plane。 He threatens to crash the plane。 The pilot and air marshal let Jack out and he explains what he is doing there。 Jack starts a search of all the passengers, but doesn't really have time to finish before the pilot lands。 Luckily, Chloe finds out that it is the co-pilot who has the recording。 The co-pilot knocks out the pilot with a flashlight, but not before he opens the door and Jack flies in to help。 Jack gets the recording, but meanwhile Graham has arranged for the plane to give off a CVI signal, alerting the armed forces that the plane has been hijacked with the likely intent to attack a target in the Los Angeles area。 Under the pretense of the CVI signal, Logan ordered the plane shot down by an F18。 However, when Jack was able to level the plane off by the vacant highway, Logan was forced to abort the attack with no credible reason existing anymore to fire upon the plane。 Once safely landed, Jack hides out until Curtis picks him up。 They are able to slip past the U。S。 Marines circulating the area and escape。 Back at CTU, Jack gives the recording to Chloe with the order to prepare it for the U。S。 Attorney General。 Jack then reunites with Audrey, and shares a tender moment with her, believing that the crisis is finally past。

Unfortunately, things go awry for Jack quickly。 The digital recording is destroyed by Miles。 Even worse, Bierko escapes and Jack's attention quickly shifts to recapturing him。 With no other available leads, Jack is forced to broker a deal with Henderson。 With his aid, Jack discovers that Bierko plans to use the last remaining nerve gas canister to takeover an armed submarine。

After retaking the submarine, eliminating Bierko, and executing Christopher Henderson, Jack proceeds to kidnap President Logan with the help of Mike Novick and Aaron Pierce。 Jack attempts to get Logan to confess, but does not succeed; Jack finds that he cannot proceed with killing the president, whereupon Secret Service arrives on scene and takes him into custody。 Unbeknownst to Logan, Jack inserted a micro-transmitter into his pen, ensuring that a later confession to Martha Logan would be picked-up by Chloe at CTU。 With the president in custody, the day appears to be at a close。

However, Jack is soon accosted and abducted by Chinese mercenaries on the pretext of answering a phone call from his daughter。 At the end of Day 5, Bauer (badly beaten) is in custody aboard a Chinese freighter named Shanghai heading for an undisclosed location。 The Chinese plans for Bauer are unknown, but as his abductor Cheng Zhi opined when Jack asked for a quick death: "You are far too valuable to kill。" It is possible that the Chinese will torture Jack in order that he give up valuable information about United States national security and/or use the threat of doing so in order to extort some kind of major concessions from the United States government in exchange for his return。 The last image of the whereabouts of Jack Bauer is a chinese freighter ship, slowly moving out to sea。


* 在杰克·鲍尔参军或者进入反恐局之前,他是女记者Jessica Abrams的朋友,还是一名摩托车手和划浪者。

* 在第一季之前,(很可能在他参加三角洲部队期间),杰克被招募去参加美国一支僱佣军「珊瑚蛇」,但他拒绝了招募。

* 杰克从未在严刑拷打下屈服,即使像在第二季中被拷打得接近死亡。在那时,拷问人Ronnie Stark甚至说「谁都会招的,杰克,包括你」 讽刺的是,尽管他在临床上已经「死亡」,但他仍然成功逃脱并且没有洩露任何重要信息。

* 杰克在临床上已「死」了两次,一次在第二季(见上),还有一次是在第四季结局时用来掩饰他的生还。* 曾用名: Jack Roush (第一季之前和第二季)、 Frank Flynn (第五季开头)

* 杰克在第一季杀了10人,第二季30人,第三季14人,第四季44人,第五季38人。总共杀了136人。


鲍尔家庭:         杰克·鲍尔 | 泰瑞·鲍尔 | 金·鲍尔

反恐局成员:         东尼·艾美达 | 里察·华尔斯 | 洁米·法洛 | 乔治·梅森 | 瑞恩·查佩尔 | 米雪儿·黛丝勒 | 克洛依·欧布莱恩 | 蔡斯·爱德蒙斯 | 盖柯·奥塔加 | 爱莲·德利斯各 | 艾格·史帝勒 | 克堤斯·曼宁 | 比尔·布坎南 | 林恩·麦克吉尔 | 凯伦·海斯 | 麦尔斯·帕帕辛

白宫:         大卫·帕默总统 | 雪莉·帕默 | 凯斯·帕默 | 妮可·帕默 | 艾伦·皮尔斯 | 麦克·诺维克 | 林妮·蕾丝治 | 罗杰·斯坦顿 | 吉·普莱斯戈副总统 | 伟恩·帕默总统 | 约翰·基勒总统 | 查尔斯·洛根总统 | 玛莎·洛根 | 沃特·康敏斯 | 伊芙莲·马丁 | 浩尔·加德纳副总统

国防部:         詹姆斯·海勒 | 奥黛莉·瑞恩斯

反派:         蔓迪 | 艾拉·盖恩 | 安德理·特雷森 | 亚利斯·特雷森 | 维多·特雷森 | 妮娜·梅尔 | 玛莉·华纳 | 塞耶·阿里 | 彼得·金士利 | 麦斯 | 贺德·沙拉萨 | 罗曼·沙拉萨 | 米高·阿马多 | 斯堤芬·桑切斯 | 纳维·艾拉兹 | 哈比·马旺 | 弗拉基米尔·比尔科 | 克里斯多夫·韩德森 | 格雷厄

其他:         凯特·华纳 | 佔士·南德森 | 郑志





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