

词条 Honesty 1-8
释义 Honesty 1-8

From paragraph 1 to 8, it’s a little longer than before. I felt [it] is a strain. Because the [delete] cheating is one of the best interesting items in my view. I understand the article’s mean [meaning] actually. I also have some problems about words and sentences. “and you get the same kind of contrasts” (In paragraph 2). Why don’t used “kinds of “? What different about [is the difference between]“kind of” and “kinds of “? “The inconsistency drives children crazy “(In paragraph 6). What mean [is the meaning] about the word “crazy”? It’s so surprised. “and will do anything they must to attain it” (In paragraph 7). I don’t find this sentence has negative word, why [the] author used “anything”? I think “everything” is ok. About the sentences problem, [?] I don’t know what mean about “and of a problem that is more likely to get worse than to get better.” (In paragraph 3) Thank you for Deng sir to explain these questions.

Ok, let’s talk about the main subject --- cheating. The author told us school. Teacher and students have different opinions about cheating. The education in the family is very important to the child’s opinion. Cheating is very rift ness popular in the college. I sum up three facts.

For the first facet, in my opinion, the parents give the tuition to the school and want the teacher to teach their child become excellence.[excellent] And the teacher wants to teach these children become excellence because the school will give a big bonus to them. And the child wants to have a good achievement to quittance their [his or her] parents. If they don’t pass the exam, they are [will] afraid [of] the disappointment from their presents. So they’re cheating. I think cheating is a contradiction about teacher, students, school and parents.

For the second facet, I agree with the author’s slant. I always hear one sentence that “The parents is the first teacher to their child” from childhood. The parents are very importance for their child from childhood. Every parent wants their child become a famous, super excellence star, but some parents don’t know they will affect the child’s life. Give the child a nicer environment; I think the child is likely to a super excellence star. But if you don’t give, they’re always an out success person.

For the last facet, I admitted cheating is very rife ness popular in college. In my opinion, the reason is all round. It’s a disparate environment in the college. It’s very loose. The teacher doesn’t like the teacher in high school. [?] They don’t supervise you to study. At peacetime the student will play more time. And the student wants to win the degree, so they will cheat at [in] the exam.

All in all, cheating is a complex thing.





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