

词条 Honest 9-17

Honest 9-17

For the most part, from paragraph 9 to paragraph17, I can read it all, but it [I] has some troubles about long sentences. It’s too hard to can’t [delete] understand the sentence’s meaning.

In paragraph 9, this sentence--- by term-paper companies- or by other students- as their own. What the [add does the]  mean about “as their own.”? Who is [whose] own?

In paragraph 11, “it’s too tempting, too common and too much a part of human nature.” Tempting and common are all adj, why is not the adjective behind the last “too”?

What [add does the] mean about the word “grammar school”? (In paragraph 12) I look up [add in the] dictionary; the mean [meaning] is “a school in

Britain especially in the past, for children over the age of 11 who are considered to be of high, ability.” Grammar school haven’t even high school

I don’t know the mean [meaning] about the first sentence in paragraph 13. It’s too long. “I give open-book problems without unique solutions.”(In paragraph 14) Enrique’s mean [meaning] is “the only one of its type” but the solution is plural, and why? “… two people coming up with the same approach” (In paragraph 14) why’s [why does] the “come” used [use] “-ing”?

The author told four respects get by the paragraphs. First of all, teachers despite the precautions with cheating, but students cheat just the same [as usual]. Secondary, many people about parents, even the most outspoken opponents of cheating think cheating’s a part of human nature. Next, [add an] open-book exam is more popular. And [add at the] last the behavior’s different about cut down on academic dishonesty. Parents’ function is important.

About the first point, in my opinion, students have a goal that joins [add in] the exam. The goal is pass [passing] the exam or win [winning] a good achievement. If teachers despite the precautions, they will invent a new cheating method. Da Yu --- a famous person that harness flood. He found harness flood can’t always prevent, and dredge was more effective than it. I think students like the flood, and I hope all the teachers like Da Yu. If the teacher can dredge the students, it’s not a dream about cut [cutting] down on academic dishonesty.

About the second point, I don’t agree [add to] it. “Everyone’s a pure person when he’s born.” As it said, the later stage education’s very important. So cheating isn’t a part of human nature.

About the tried point, I approve [add the] open-book exam. Teacher give [gives] open-book problems can fresh. It can’t find answer [answers] directly from the book. The ability will more increase.

From the forth point, in my opinion, cut [cutting] down on academic dishonesty can’t only changes [change] in teaching methods and in exams to success. The parents’ behavior to child is very important to cut [cutting] down the cheating. Give [to give] a good environment to child and told the cheating is bad from [for] child hood. These things only parents can do.

All in all, cut [cutting] down the cheating’s way is give [giving] study’s confidence to child [children] and a good environment to child [children].





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