

词条 李木森

§ 履历


§ 成就



§ 主要荣誉称号











§ 近三年来发表的主要论文

(1) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al,Diamond homo-epitaxial growth from iron carbide under HTHP,Chemical Physics Letters,363(2002)211-218 (SCI收录)

(2) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Cellular interface in diamond crystals from a Fe-Ni-C system at HTHP, Chemical Physics Letters,360(2002)167-174 (SCI收录)

(3) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Step bunching behavior on (111)surface of diamond single crystal. Chemical Physics Letters,357(2002)498-504 (SCI收录)

(4) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Analysis of nanometer inclusions in high pressure synthesized diamond single crystals, Chemical Physics Letters,355(2002)490-496 (SCI收录)

(5) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Nanosized crystalline foreign particles contained in cubic boron nitrid single crystals, Chemical Physics Letters,352(2002)363-368 (SCI收录)

(6) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al,Nanosized beta carbon nitride crystal through mechanochemical reaction, Chemical Physics Letters,369(2003)483-489 (SCI收录)

(7) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Atom force microscopy study on HTHP as grown diamond single crystals,Applied Physics A,73(2001)653-657 (SCI收录)

(8) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, A new study on the catalytic mechanism of Fe-based alloys in diamond formation by Mssbauer spectroscopy, Applied Physics A,73(2001)535-538 (SCI收录)

(9) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Novel technique for hetero-epitaxial diamond film growth on cubic boron nitride from iron carbide at HTHP, Applied Physics A,72(2001)487-490 (SCI收录)

(10) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Characterization of a growth front interface in a HPHT-grown diamond crystal by TEM, Applied Physics A,72(2001)373-375 (SCI收录)

(11) L.W.Yin,N.W.Wang,Z.D.zou,M.S.Li,et al, Formation and crystal structure of metallic inclusions in a HPHT as-grown diamond single crystal, Applied Physics A,71(2000)473-476 (SCI收录)

(12) L.W.Yin, Z.D.zou,M.S.Li,et al, Structural imperfections in synthetic diamond single crystals prepared by the HPHT method, Applied Physics A,71(2000)457-459 (SCI收录)

(13) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Planar defects and dislocations in HTHP as-grown diamond crystals, Diamond and Related Materials,11(2002)268-272 (SCI收录)

(14) L.W.Yin, Z.D.zou,M.S.Li,et al, Impurities identification in a synthetic diamond by TEM, Diamond and Related Materials,9(2000)2006-2009 (SCI收录)

(15) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Some aspects of diamond crystal grown at HTHP by TEM and SEM, Materials Letters,55(2002)397-402 (SCI收录)

(16) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al,Features of moir patterns in HPHT grown diamond single crystals, Materials Letters, 52(2002)187-191 (SCI收录)

(17) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, TEM study of some inclusions in synthetic diamond crystals, Materials Letters,48(2001)21-25 (SCI收录)

(18) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Diamond formation using Fe3C as a carbon source at HTHP, Journal of Crystal Growth, 234(2002)1-4 (SCI收录)

(19) L.W.Yin, Z.D.zou,M.S.Li,et al, Some inclusions and defects in a synthetic diamond single crystal, Journal of Crystal Growth,218(2000)455-458 (SCI收录)

(20) Yin Long-wei,Li Mu-sen,et al, Characterization of growth hillocks on the surface of high-pressure synthetic diamond, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol19,No11,(2002)1707-1710 (SCI收录)

(21) Yin Long-wei,Yuan-Quan,Li Mu-sen,et al, Twin diamond crystals grown at HTHP from the Fe-Ni-C system, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol19,No9(2002)1371-1373 (SCI收录)

(22) Yin Long-wei,Li Mu-sen,et al, Interface instability of diamond crystals at HTHP, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol19,No3 (2002)419-421 (SCI收录)

(23) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Observation of etch pits and defects in diamond single crystals prepared under HTHP ,Materials Science and Engineering A, 315(2001)108-112 (SCI收录)

(24) L.W.Yin,Z.D.zou,M.S.Li,et al,Characteristics of some inclusions contained in synthetic diamond single crystals, Materials Science and Engineering A,293(2000)107-111 (SCI收录)

(25) Longwei Yin,Musen Li ,et al, Dislocation mechanism of diamond crystal growth from Fe-Ni-C system at HTHP, Journal of Materials Science and Technology,Vol18,No1,(2002)66-68


(26) Longwei Yin Musen Li ,et al, Structural imperfections associated with supersaturated vacancies in an HPHT-grown diamond single crystal, Journal of Materials Science and Technology,Vol7,No5,(2001)553-555 (SCI收录)

(27) Xu Bin,Li Musen,et al, Microstructures of metallic film and diamond growth from Fe-Ni-C system, Chinese Science Bulletin,Vol47,No15,(2002)1258-1262 (SCI收录)

(28) 许斌,李木森等,金属包膜的结构与铁基触媒合成金刚石的生长,科学通报,第47卷,第9期,2002年,P669-673. (SCI收录)

(29) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Inclusions related to catalyst and medium for transmitting pressure in diamond single crystals grown at HTHP from the Fe-C system, Journal of Physics D.Appl.Phys.34(2001)L57-L60 (SCI收录)

(30) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Investigation on defects in HPHT-grown diamond single crystals, Journal of Materials Science, 36(2001)5585-5588 (SCI收录)

(31) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Frank dislocation loops related to vacancies in HPHT as-grown synthetic diamond single crystals, Scripta Materialia,45(2001)13-17 (SCI收录)

(32) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al, Defect formation in diamond single crystals grown from the Fe-Ni-C system at HTHP, Materials Research Bulletin,36(2001)2283-2288 (SCI收录)

(33) L.W.Yin,Z.D.zou,M.S.Li,et al,TEM investigation on Micro-inclusions and dislocations in a HPHT-grown diamond single crystal from Ni-C system, Crystal Research Technolo- gy,35(2000)1289-1294 (SCI收录)

(34) L.W.Yin,M.S.Li,et al,Direct microsopic observation of metallic impurities in synthetic diamonds produced from Fe-Ni-C system, Journal of Materials Science Letters, 19(2000)2001-2002 (SCI收录)

(35) 许斌,李木森等,人造金刚石金属包膜研究进展,人工晶体学报,31卷,1期,2002年,75-79

(36) 尹龙卫,李木森等,静压触媒法制备的人造金刚石中的晶体缺陷,人工晶体学报,30卷,1期,2001年,105-108

(37) 尹龙卫,李木森等,人造金刚石晶体生长的微观机制,人工晶体学报,29卷,4期,2000年,386-389

(38) 尹龙卫,邹增大,李木森等,人造金刚石晶体中微观杂质的TEM分析,人工晶体学报,29卷,4期,2000年,394-398

(39) 王勇,刘鹏,李木森等,新型碳源和触媒合成金刚石的研究,金刚石与磨料模具工程,2002,1(127),14-15.





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