

词条 情报学专业词汇

Lesson 2

automatic extraction indexing 自动抽此标引;

assignment indexing  赋词标引;

human indexing   人工标引;

representation of subject matter 对文献主题的描述;

controlled vocabulary 受控词表;

textual expression 文本表述词;

machine-readable form 机器可读模式;

compare with 匹配;

stoplist 停用词表;

nonsubstantive  word 非实义词;

discriminator 鉴别词;

inverted file 倒排文档;

absolute frequency 绝对词频;

relative frequency approach 相对词频方法;

zero in on 瞄准;

syntactic criteria 句法规则;

acceptable term 有效词;

machine-aided indexing 机器辅助索引;

recall level 查全率;

recall performance 查全性;

precision 查准率;

precision ceiling 最高查准率;

precision coefficient 查准率;

comparable to 相同的;

descriptor 叙词;

co-occurrence value 同现值;

a good bet for…最恰当;

manual indexing 手工标引;

semantic vocabulary 语义词汇表;

concept heading 概念标题;

underassignment 欠量赋词;

overassignment 过量赋词;

back file 备份文档;

early version of the system 早期版本;

weighted approach 加权法;

straightforward = simple;

signal 标识;

semantic vocabulary 语义词汇表;

general concern 普遍关注;

printed index 书本式索引;

online display 联机显示;

Lesson 5

repository of data= data warehouse 数据仓库

exponential growth 指数级增长;

unwritten assumption 不成文假设;

informational ,navigational, transactional

dynamic page 动态网页;

web mining 网络挖掘;

structured data 结构化数据;

soft computing 软计算;

fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑;

genetic algorithms 遗传算法;

neural networks 神经网络;

multimedia data 多媒体数据;

semantic data 语义数据;

generic data 普通数据;

dynamic data 动态数据;

query language 查询语言;

query by example for images or query by humming for audio

news postings 新闻发布;

efficiency/ expressiveness tradeoffs 兼顾效率和可表达性;

certification schemes 认证方案;

temporal dimension 时间范围;

poll 轮流询问;

compressed file 压缩文件;

bandwidth 带宽;

centralized server 中央服务器;

probability 概率;

reach a point 达到水准;

costly 成本很高的;

justifiable 合理的;

cutoff point 截止界;

clue word 提示词;

descriptor 描述词;叙词;

thesaurus 叙词表;

Bayesian networks 贝叶斯网络;

The WWW consortium

rough sets 粗集;

pervaded with 充满着;

practical setting 实际环境;

search engine spam: 搜索引擎垃圾

adversarial IR: 对抗性信息检索

context information: 背景信息

Lesson 4

…at least the same degree as you would your physical facilities 至少与现实生活中的一样便利;

out-of-stock 缺货

server load balancing 服务器加载平衡;

caching 高速缓存;

pros and cons  优劣势;

quality indicators 质量指标;

as opposed to 与……相比;

throughput 信息吞吐量;

broken links 断链;

broken pages 错页;

as minor as: 轻则

as major as:重则

levels of directories:路径名

link-checking sofiware package:链接检测软件包

the source code:源代码

streaming media:流媒体


broken link detectors:断链检测工具

visual inspection:可视化检查

pin down:约束、控制


trim down :削减

traffic pattern: 消息的传递模式

load times:加载次数

has nothing to do with: 与……无关


browsing behavior agent:浏览行为代理



model: 建模



high-end: 高端

traffic analysis:信息流量分析


server clusters: 服务器群

log files: 日志文件

file-type view: 文件类型视图

link-type view: 链接类型视图

the interactive graphical Web chart: 交互性的图形网络图

suffice ti to say that: 只要……就够了

single-user: 单用户版本

external links:外部链接

dynamic pages: 动态网页

redirected links: 重新分布的链接

configurable options: 可配置的选项

time-out: 超时的,超时间的

wild card characters: 通配符

configurable options: 可配置的选项





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